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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. The course description was updated, effective fall 2014 for exams May 2015. I cannot find any end date in the course description document https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-comparative-government-and-politics-course-description.pdf
  2. I want to use Kesselman next year. I've been watching used prices for the brand new 2015 edition.
  3. Melissa, how exciting you you! And what a good example you'll be for your girls :)
  4. Whenever she wants to! I think girls are way too unfamiliar with their bodies-----for example, the mysterious "down there". I just don't understand. That being said, dd15 has tried and isn't comfortable yet. Dd20 was probably 16 or so. Both girls began menstuating at 13.25-13.75. I have been using tampons exclusively since I was 20.
  5. I forgot how sore I feel after physical therapy. Between that and the work I did with the trainer yesterday, I hardly slept last night (my fitbit sleep log is a mess of 'awake' and 'restless' lines). Bleh. Dh cuddled me back to sleep when my alarm went off his morning :) No gym for me this am! I think I'll just work on being active in the yard, garden, and house today.
  6. Thanks. Mom died in 2009. It's especially hard because ds is graduating from college in a few weeks----she missed his high school graduation.
  7. I love sunny mornings :) --exercise: ????????, stretch shoulder 3x --school w dd: math, APHG (go over FRQs written yesterday, take full-length practice test) --daily things --Friday-specific tasks --gardening: water, weed --clean deck w soapy water to remove haze of pollen --hang laundry outside :D --read outside :D :D :D
  8. My kids only know gamers with tvs :lol: They want to split the price of the TV? That won't work because then who gets it permanently? The person who wants an item buys the item (soft furnishings are different). I hope dd and the friend have a good year. It's going to be quite the adjustment for the friend to share a room :grouphug:
  9. Dd was in that situation last year after her freshman year. She started applying and interviewing in March and wasn't hired until late July! She was soooooo frustrated.
  10. Here's some info http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-capstone/ap-seminar-course-overview.pdf
  11. Not the ACT, but we used the form w notary in lieu of a photo id when youngest dd took the SAT in 7th grade. I worried unnecessarily;)
  12. For those interested, NPR's Morning Edition had a piece on the Alt Schools this am http://www.npr.org/2015/05/07/404859293/altschool-promises-to-reimagine-education-for-the-2030s
  13. And the new AP seminar https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_seminar.pdf
  14. Anyone for Chinese? The FRQs https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_chinese_language.pdf The audio prompts http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/exam/exam_information/228164.html
  15. And BC https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_calculus_bc.pdf
  16. Calc AB :D https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_calculus_ab.pdf
  17. These are the same links tweeted by the College Board this week (I'm such a geek--I read them all :lol:)
  18. So far, so good :) My day: --walk to/from gym for training session --school w dd: math, APHG test review --daily things --Thursday-specific tasks --gardening: weeding --check payment info for our cruise --call dr about Rx that drugstore didn't receive --stand over dd until she writes the thank-you note for her camp scholarship --put dinner in crockpot --go to physical therapy at 5:15 --dh Chinese class 5:15-6:45 --dd ballet class 5:30-7:00 --someone get ds at the airport at 10:30 I also talked with my sister about the AP test next week (dnephew was in the small group I had for Human Geography w dd) and summer plans. We will be lizard sitting for a bit in June :lol: For the next hour I will work on one of the AP syllabi I'm writing for next school year :)
  19. I can understand showing a film the actual day before an exam like that, because then it's too late for any real learning to occur. But on a Thursday for an exam Tues/Wed? That's when kids should ask their last questions for topics they don't understand. Or they should play a Jeopardy-like game (or Family Feud or whatever).
  20. Join us over in the high school section :) http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/forum/5-high-school-and-self-education-board/
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