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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Today I will go for a walk (just 3-4 miles) and clean up storm-related debris. And garden. And weed. The weather is gorgeous :)
  2. --clean yard of storm debris :( --weep over broken redbud 'Forest Pansy' tree :( --prop up pepper plants --flip squash and melon plants back into position We had a bad storm come through in the early evening. We only lost a small tree. Neighbors for blocks around us lost very large (50'!) trees. We fell asleep to the sound of chainsaws. Other than that --daily and Wednesday things --order care package items --find a decent rain jacket for dd --talk w my TX friend who dd will be staying with next week --go for a walk --decide if I'll skip a meeting tonight in favor of spending time w dh --book Denali shuttle bus tickets
  3. I rode the bike at the gym while dh had his training session. Had hopes for yard/garden work but we had a huge storm pass through so...nope.
  4. Ok, he is soooo cute :D And I swear, you could be my daughter :eek: :lol:
  5. I'm going to let dd decide if she wants to do E or M (she'll be studying from M-L in a block schedule for fall semester). I think she'd prefer E, just based on her interests to this point. We were going to use the Kolbe syllabus, but once I started digging into the M-L material (I purchased the macaw ibook) I realized I could do it all on my own.
  6. My day: --bike workout at gym --daily and Tuesday things --order some camp care pkg items --place Penzey's order --garden: pick, weed, check fruit --take dd to DMV for a state ID --make sure dd emails the foreign language placement office at the university --grocery run for the week --reserve shuttle bus tickets for Denali National Park :D
  7. Killer workout at gym with my trainer :D Had a fabulous salad full of yumminess from my garden (plus a boiled egg) for lunch :) Followed by a piece of birthday cake :lol: :party:
  8. I haven't really thought about today yet! Hmmmmmmm --garden: pick, weed --yard: weed a bit --plan meals for week --plan week --renew library books online --exercise: training at gym, 45 min elliptical or bike --call physical therapy --find documents needed for dd15's state id card (I really don't want her carrying her passport when she travels this summer) --call Costco Travel with a cruise question --daily and Monday things
  9. Training at gym, probably 45 min elliptical, some weeding and general yardwork later
  10. We'll be staying at this campgound: http://www.nps.gov/dena/planyourvisit/campground-savage.htm In an RV from this company (scroll down to the 28'): https://www.greatalaskanholidays.com/floorplans-photo-tours/ One day we will take a park shuttle bus all the way to Wonder Lake (the lake pictured in the foreground of all thise iconic photos of Denali): http://www.nps.gov/dena/planyourvisit/visiting-denali.htm We will be doing some of these hikes: http://www.nps.gov/dena/planyourvisit/dayhiking.htm And we hope to hike off-trail (tundra!) as well.
  11. Last week I took dd15 shopping for summer and camp items (Kohls, Target, DSW, undies) and purchased her new glasses with the help of insurance (purple this time--cute!) We booked our Seattle hotel, Amtrak to Vancouver, and our Denali campground :D I've been planning an Alaska trip for ten years. I'm going to pinch myself once we're actually there! This week's planned spending (other than food and gas): insect repellent for dd, new hiking boots/trail sneakers for dh (his are toast), and new hiking socks for both of us. I need to pay for a glacier hike (as in hiking to, on, and from a glacier! Serious bucket list item :)) and reserve our shuttle bus tickets for Denali.
  12. Yesterday dh and I went for a walk that morphed into a 7 mile walk/hike :lol: We started on neighborhood streets, hooked up with the city bike/walking trail, stopped after almost 5 miles at the Starbucks downtown for iced decafs (and extra cups of ice :lol: ), and then hiked through the state park woods on our way home on more neighborhood streets. It was awesome :party: We have to increase our hiking stamina before Alaska :D
  13. Whoa Jen, you were up early today! Kind of in a funk this morning. Last night we enjoyed the anniversary for our priest friend, saw oodles of people. I dreamed about my parents all night as they should have been there as well. And birthdays are generally hard for me. So Today's plan is to do whatever I feel like. I will ceremoniously pick the first ripe tomato and post the picture on facebook. I've been trying to grow tomatoes to be ripe by July 4 and have never succeeded----to have one ready by my birthday is amazing :D I need to run to the Farmers' Market for some things. Bit too humid and wet to walk, plus dh and I walked/hiked (different surfsces) 7 miles yesterday :eek: If ds can babysit the ribs dh will be smoking (he chose dinner--Father's Day lol), we may go see the 3:30 local showing of "Inside Out". I'm going to do some Alaska trip planning. I will read a book (or two). Have a great day :)
  14. I forgot that today is the ordination anniversary celebration of one of our priests. He actually married us, almost 24 years ago, on his first time at the parish :D So dh and I are going for a walk (the angelfood cake is cooling; all house and yard stuff is done for the day), and then we'll go to the 5 pm mass followed by the party :) Cake recipe will follow later!
  15. Eh. Looks like poor weather for the weekend :( --bake an angelfood cake --rip apart said angelfood cake for a gloriously delicious Orange Angel Cake from my childhood (has to sit overnight so all the whipped cream and fresh juice/rind yumminess soaks through the angelfood bits) Yes, I am making my own birthday cake for tomorrow. --bake another cherry pie with the last of the cherries --Alaska trip details w dh --daily things --weed --exercise today will be weather-dependent!
  16. Congratulations :party: Three years left for me :D
  17. Emily, what the absolute heck?!?!?!?!?!? :grouphug:
  18. Please excuse the sidetrack-----prior to this post, I had no idea that there was a protein powder my two girls (one, soy allergic, gluten sensitive; the other, dairy sensitive, perhaps dairy allergic) could have! Holy cow. I am going to the natural foods store today[/]! Smooches!!!!
  19. Dd20 just put gluten-free, dairy-free dried cherry scones in the oven. Fingers are crossed that this recipe is a keeper!
  20. We're in a financial position that I could, pretty much, buy anything I wanted. So I am not jealous about Things (though I never was for the 20 years when we counted every single penny). But I am, at times, insanely jealous about People, specifically those who have both parents living. I miss my parents every single day. I would give anything to have them back.
  21. Hmmmm Dh turned off my alarm because I didn't sleep well (overnight thunderstorms)---he's a keeper ;) So I should probably: --finish the last batch of cherries (omg 30 lb is soooooooooooooo many :eek:) --do the usual daily things --check the laundry situation --pick veg and herbs (to dry) --weed --weed --weed some more :lol: --cover more blueberries --check the blackberries --mail dd's camp medical forms --work on Alaska details --gather more ideas for camp care package items :) --go for a walk this evening since I slept through our gym time :lol: Have a great day :party:
  22. Today I get to --make cherry pie filling for the freezer (and a pie for tonight :D) --dry more cherries once the dehydrator finishes with this batch --work out w the gym trainer, walking there if the rain clears or using an elliptical or bike if it doesn't --do my usual daily chores --take dd to Lenscrafter to pick up her new glasses --take dd to DSW for new sneakers --schedule eye dr appointment for me --decide how to fill out dd's camp medical form... And I probably should do some weeding once the rain stops. On the plus side, they'll pull out easier!
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