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Everything posted by teachermom2834

  1. I think it is out of hand where I live. I have a May 3 ds. The cutoff here is Sept. 15. Ds is a tall, bright, outgoing 9 yo boy. He is in 4th grade (right where he belongs). He has no peers :( While the cutoff is Sept 15, no one here sends spring/ summer/ fall birthday kids to school at 5. This has caused no end to debate and frustration for my family. He is a normal 9 yo boy and more than capable of 4th grade work/ behavior. However, because the next youngest kids are Jan/Feb birthdays and many kids are a full year older it is as though we skipped him a grade just by sending him when his birthday indicated. I wouldn't mind him being the youngest (someone always has to be). It's just that there is no one even in that range and the next youngest kids are 3-4 months older. The majority are 8-12+ mo. older. I never would have chosen to grade skip this child but effectively that is where we are. He is also an athlete. While that is not our primary concern it is an issue to always have to compete out of your age/ maturity group. UGHH!!! This is a problem for us and I am so frustrated by it. Yes, I do think redshirting is out of hand. I don't think it is always even a good idea. I'm sure it gives an advantage at the younger grades but I imagine there are some grown men who don't need to be turning 18 in the middle of their junior year. I think that some personalities would have trouble with that and it could backfire. Turning 18 and launching into college/ career/ etc. kind of go hand in hand in my mind. I was stir crazy when I graduated and I was 17. I can't imagine a bright, well adjusted child having to wait until a few months past 19 yo to graduate. That doesn't feel right to me. Obviously there is no one size fits all but I think a mess has been created here (for us, anyway). Marie
  2. I hear stories about bad situations where homeschooling is an excuse to be truant. My neighbor is a junvenile probabation officer and does not have a good impression of homeschooling! He has many of these stories. I do believe these situations exist but I'd bet a lot of money these are not the parents going to homeschool park days and activities. If you keep your kids home so you don't have to get them to school do you really care about getting them to a park day or homeschool activities? I have met families who seem to do very little at homeschool events. Many of these moms seem like they really want to homeschool and seem in love with the idea but can't get it going for whatever reason. Sometimes it is because they are overwhelmed or unorganized or have a bunch of littles. I wouldn't call those people imposters but I would think they might need some help. I have run across the families where the kids go to school but they want to do homeschool activities. I have been a member of a couple groups and each had to make a determination if school kids were welcome (we are not talking about a family where some kids are homeschooled- just when there were no homeschoolers in a family). Those "imposters" seem to like the activities/ kids/ idea of homeschooling but don't really want to commit or get down to the nitty gritty. Sure I'd love to take advantage of great homeschool activities and get my days free :)
  3. I wonder that too. Then I think about my grandma who would probably be totally confused by it and think it was one of her 30 grandchildren. Or a second cousin I have who is mentally challenged. I can't imagine anyone who isn't compromised in some way responding but I could see some vulnerable people taken advantage of. Marie
  4. I have gotten an exam and then just asked for the prescription and said I was going elsewhere. They understood. The cheapest child's frame there was $140! I also called a place where I had an exam earlier in the year and asked to come by and pick up the prescription and it was fine. I think they are used to that request. BTW, in the first case I took my prescription across the street to Wal-Mart and got the glasses (frames and lenses) for $38. Marie
  5. I've got it going now...I've been making my homemade mixes (waffle mix/ cookie mix, etc.) with it this morning. Definitely much easier than doing it by hand like I did before. I do plan to use it for meatballs and meatloaf. I just don't need those things yet. Thanks! Marie
  6. Early wake up times are working for us. I get up between 5:30- 6:00 and the kids have an alarm that goes off at 6:30. They eat, get dressed, and are ready to go by about 7:15- 7:30. I am in a better mood if I have that hour to myself before they wake up. That also seems to facilitate a nice hot breakfast for everyone because I am up with the time to cook. I get my coffee, my computer time, and my dishwasher unloaded before I have to start with the dc. I don't know why but that early start makes a huge difference. If we start at 7:30 we are finishing up by 12:30-1:00 and it has been a great day. If we start at 8:30 we never seem to be finished. I can't explain it but it's the truth. Next year I am going to work them up to a 6:00 am alarm to start 6:45- 7:00. Some mornings it hurts but I never regret it once we get going.
  7. I have a shiny, new, Kitchenaid Pro 600 stand mixer sitting on my counter. I'm very excited and have wanted one for a while. I made pizza dough last night and made up some bread this morning. I know I had a million things I was going to use this for but now that it's here I can't seem to remember why this was such a necessary purchase :) It did great for the dough I made but so does the bread machine I paid $25 for. Someone please remind me what I'm going to use this for. What great things am I going to be able to do with this machine? Thanks, Marie (suffering some buyer's guilt or remorse or something...) It is pretty!
  8. My dh and boys saw the commecials and thought about getting me one. I absolutely did not want one. Every time they mentioned it I said I didn't want one. When dh took the boys out shopping for me I told them they were forbidden to buy me a snuggie. I thought it was dorky, silly, and that I would never use it. Come Christmas morning I open a snuggie from my mother. Thank goodness all my boys and dh kept a straight face while I thanked her. I still think it is dorky, silly, and I'll never use it. My mom, who is a talented seamstress, seemed dissappointed that it was just a robe. I'm not sure what she thought it would be. The kids, however, fight over it. Apparently it is good for playing video games and eating popcorn while watching football. I think they just like it because someone always wants to share their blankets but you can't really share a snuggie. At least my mom went with a tan color. I see it as the basis of a costume of some sort in the future. She actually meant for me to wear it in public- at the kids' ball games. My stadium blanket is much warmer and more fashionable!
  9. Favors are not necessary, IMO. I made some sort of silly mint thing I made myself to save money. We did tell the women of my mother's and grandmother's generations to take the floral centerpiece home with them. It just kind of worked out that way numbers wise and what was I going to do with all those centerpieces???
  10. Thanks! I feel totally understood :) This sums up what I'm feeling well! As they get older they would know that I had it for them but it would be a relaxed thing like "yes, I've been collecting these dishes for you to be sure you had something starting out but if you don't need or want them that is fine. I just wanted to make sure you had something if you needed it..." By all means, if her future MIL wants to take her out and buy her a full set of whatever she wants- she should go for it. That experience just hasn't been our family reality :)
  11. I understand all the caveats everyone has and appreciate all the responses. I certainly do not want this to be a burden. I am sure a lot of this is colored by my perspective. From where my sister and I have come, we could not have been burdened by something practical and substantial. If someone had given me something like this it would have been HUGE to me even if it wasn't my favorite pattern. It was really just a thought of how a young woman with practically nothing (married or not) has such a hard time getting set up and how nice it would be just to have something nice (and practical). I understand preferring cash. If someone had given me cash for dishes I would have gone and bought the cheapest set at Wal-Mart and bought groceries with the rest. Cash we were given went to rent. I guess I am just reflecting on how hard it is to set up a home with no extended family to give and support. I know I could set up savings accounts to purchase them exactly what they want when the time comes but I doubt I would follow through on that. I'm a bargain shopper and would likely pick up pieces here and there when I found them without dropping a bundle. I see all the problems. My thinking was getting them started with a very simple traditional set of plates that would go well with different serving dishes/ extra sets of plates/ whatever to reflect their tastes as they get older. Again, I didn't plan to be emotionally attached and I intended for this to be a gift with them to do with what they wish. I realize that most of you think this is a very bad idea :) I get that and will continue to think about it. Thanks, Marie
  12. Thanks for all the ideas. Just to clarify- I really am not trying to choose a pattern for them that they will love and cherish their whole lives. It would be clear that this is theirs to do with as they wish. I suspect a decent set of traditional style dishes could be sold for something and that they could use that money to buy what they want or elope or whatever. There would be no strings attached that they would have to feel burdened by. They would not receive a plate instead of a toy at Christmas. I would save them or give them to their mother until they are old enough to understand. As they got older they could even help choose pieces/ colors/ styles. I am the only extended family for these girls, really. They have no family on their dad's side. My parents are living but are not well and will have nothing financially to gift them even if they are still living when these girls are grown. So that's where I'm coming from. I can't imagine I would be in the position to take them shopping and drop hundreds of dollars at one time when they are old enough to choose but I can watch sales and pick things up here and there. I appreciate all the ideas and I really am open to considering something else. I will honor what my sister would like for them as well and am asking her for any ideas. It's just hard when you go into marriage with nothing, receive no substantial gifts, etc. You can end up married 20 years and not have a set of dishes or matching silverware, etc. That's the position all the women in my family have been in. That's why I am looking for the tangible "something" to start making a home whether it is a married home, single life, etc. Thanks for all the input. I have plenty of time to decide. I will give their mother some ideas and let her have the final choice. Marie
  13. Thanks for the replies. Yes, I understand the practically of it is lacking :) This is coming from the perspective of someone who comes from a family where no one has anything, it seems. I just having matching dishes for the first time and my 14th anniversary is coming up. From that perspective, I would have been more than thrilled to have a decent set of anything, even if it weren't exactly my first choice. I suspect these girls will be in the same boat. I was thinking along the lines of something conservative/ non-trendy that even if it were not her taste she could sell it and get something (even if it wasn't what I paid). My thought was that it would be a loving gift, given over years and what she did with it was her choice. She can sell it all, do whatever with it- she will know that her aunt loved her very much and appreciate it...someday...maybe. My perspective is skewed, I am sure, by coming from a family where no one ever had anything nice like that. My mom has mismatched Corelle and always has. Fiesta was being made before I was born and still going strong. I thought maybe there were other lines like that. It seems that there is a market of collectors such that selling it wouldn't be completely out of the question. Maybe I am wrong about that. I am definitely projecting what I would have liked done for me! I am trying to find something "special" in a family where there just isn't any of that kind of thing going on. I agree that money put aside would be better. I'm just not sure I would follow through on that the way I would with something tangible. Thanks, Marie
  14. I have toddler nieces and we have a family that has nothing ever to pass down/ inherit/ etc. The women in my family always go into marriage/ adult life with absolutely nothing of value. I've been thinking about something I could collect for my nieces so that they have something when they start out on their own. My thought is that I could start a collection of dinnerware that they could use when they start out or be able to sell if they wish. I would just like to give them the gift of having "something" substantial when they start out. I'm not that familiar with all that is out there. I would be looking for something that has been around a long time and likely not going anywhere because I would be doing this piece by piece for birthdays/ Christmas gifts. I would like something casual because she will be just starting out but I would like it to be of quality and something she could sell if it wasn't her taste. I have Fiesta ware and that seems to fit the description. Mix and match style would probably be best given the scenario. What other lines might I want to look at? I do realize that I always take the risk that something will be discontinued and I'm okay with that. I'd just like to do my best to have something to give them. I will never be able to afford to do it other than a few pieces at a time. Any ideas? Thanks, Marie
  15. I certainly don't love Wal-Mart but last week I went in there and got new glasses for my 11 year old for $38 (with a year guarantee). The eye doc he had seen for his new prescription didn't have anything under $130 just for the frames. I thought I'd try Wal-Mart and see if I could do better. I knew they would be cheaper but $38 is crazy cheap for glasses. They came in much faster than the private eye doc, too. I found myself promising I would stop cursing Wal-Mart (even though mine is dirty and has poor customer service in general). Marie
  16. I think we'll end up taking the side off and making it a toddler bed and teaching her to stay in it. She's active and daring but generally pretty cooperative. We might try that first. I just really didn't want to deal with it just yet. The whole marching them back to bed until they stay- I didn't really want to fool with that on Christmas Eve :) It is just quite unsettling to think your baby is tucked away in her crib and then see her standing there! Thanks!
  17. My 20 month old is climbing out of her crib by herself. I've never had a dc do that before. Is there some trick to keeping her there ? I guess take the side off of the crib and make it into a toddler bed. I can't imagine how I will keep her in there. I guess it's safer than jumping out of a crib... Arghhh... my 3 previous dc were about 4 yo old before they even realized they could get out of their beds without being retrieved by a parent :) How will I ever get another shower???? Marie
  18. I got a cute one last year. It was a top ten list for the past year. It was funny, short, and to the point. I thought it was clever, sweet, and even self deprecating in a light hearted way. Same family sent a plain old letter this year. I was disappointed not to get another top ten list :) Marie
  19. I just bought this mixer. I do have a Kohl's charge but they had only sent me a 15% of coupon. I used the christmas30 code and it worked. My bill came tp $316 with shipping surcharge and tax. Plus, I have he $50 rebate and $50 in Kohl's cash coming. I wanted to wait until after Christmas to purchase but this seems like as good as the deal is going to get.
  20. How do you store it? How long does it last (if we can refrain from eating, of course). I read somewhere that it freezes well. Anyone tried that? Thanks, Marie
  21. We discuss possibilities and then go from there. Too many years I sat there calculating the cost of useless things he had purchased (although he did it thoughtfully). We talk about it and then take the kids shopping for each other. Often there is a surprise or two thrown in there but I really discourage it because I just don't like getting something I won't use and have to find a place for.
  22. I'm looking for a history spine for next year for my 5th and 7th graders (and a 2nd grader will be listening along). I have seen Human Odyssey mentioned. We wanted to study early modern/ modern next year. Would I be missing something crucial to do these books out of order? The dc have studied ancient and middle ages quite a bit so it isn't as though they aren't familiar with those periods. Is this just a text with no questions/ activities etc? I assume those are part of the K12 course online? Any other comments on this text or how you use it? The other program I am considering is History Odyssey. Thanks, Marie
  23. I have to decorate cookies (to look like eyeballs but that is beside the point) for co-op. I need frosting that will harden enough to stack the cookies. I don't need a royal icing and anything that hard. I had a buttercream recipe that hardened enough to stack cookies for transport without too much problem but I can't find it. Help?? Marie
  24. We are Catholic. We believe in the Bible, read the Bible, are familiar with Bible stories, 10 Commandments, Beatititudes, the gist of different books of the Bible, and so on. We do not memorize verses (I am not speaking for all Catholics here, just myself). Some Catholics are great with Scripture but I am not one of them. I realize that is a weakness and I'm not looking to debate Catholics and the Bible. What I am looking for is a simple way for my dc to start memorizing some verses. We go to a co-op with many protestant Christian teachers and play on a homeschool basketball team that is made up of protestant Christians. We have been welcomed thus far and are careful to be respectful of the differences in faith. We realize we are the minority. I am concerned that my kids will be put "on the spot" and asked to share a verse and I would like them to have a small memory bank to draw on in these situations. If it spurs them on to learn more, that would be fantastic, but my goal is not really to have them memorizing mounds of verses. Can anyone direct me to a source to start this practice? Someplace that has some of the most common or easiest verses to get started? I sure hope I haven't offended anyone in the message or opened up a debate about Catholics and the Bible. Please I'd just like some help getting started. Thanks, Marie
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