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Everything posted by sewpeaceful

  1. MM has saved my oldest with understanding several times due to confusion from Horizons. My middle is flying through Horizons and has proved to me HE does not need all the repetition. We orderd the Lt.Blue and are looking forward to changing over. We will be downloading, backing up and printing with a laser from home for about 1 cent a sheet.
  2. MY kids love plenty of activities, science experiments, etc. They love finding out for history that day, yes we are doing the reading, but then we are making Indian food for dinner or pulling out our Playmobile castle or making a Ming bowl. I used to DREAD, I mean really DREAD, crafty stuff. But my kids LOVE it and keeps school interesting. I get the most inspiration from http://satorismiles.com/ She is in the same year of history as us and is constantly doing fun stuff with her little one. Okay, so she only has 1 child, but still, it is inspiring to me. Too often I can get wrapped up in my own day and just want to check, check, check, get it done instead of enjoy the learning itself. That blog helps me to slow down a little and make time in my day for the fun stuff. I don't do it daily, but I DO TRY to do 1 fun project a week whether it is art, history, or whatever. It has turned this year around from last year and I am more at peace with our homeschool because of it. HTH
  3. Biblioplan also puts a lot of literature together with SOTW. Paula's archives may have something useful too www.redshift.com
  4. I would strongly consider WWE (there is a placement test at Peace Hill Press with the teacher worktext, I believe). There is a long thread out there about moms wishing they had spent more time on copywork, dictation, and narration. Goodness knows I wish I had. These may sound trivial, but a person's ability to read something, digest and summarize is an important skill in ANY field. We backed up for my oldest to a level good for her and are working on these skills. The hope is, with practice, other subjects and independent work will come easier down the road. HTH.
  5. I was planning on going, agreed to direct and organize the VBS for our church and THEN realized there was a scheduling conflict. OH Maaannn!! (think Swiper on Dora the Explorer :001_smile:). Have a great time!
  6. Right now, I am the only one with a desk. My kids share a work table. I have been seriously considering desks for each kid though so this thread has been super helpful! Maybe I just need a bigger table, especially with them getting older and Lil' Miss joining us to "do school"... Lol. :)
  7. Thanks! That is a big help. Stateside, many of us are afraid of socialized medicine and ,of course, the other camp demands it be implemented yesterday. I see both sides and am just trying to make sense of it all. Thanks for the reply.
  8. :iagree: We dealt with all of that a lot more when we lived in suburbia in Texas. Now we live in rural CT. My dd (age 9) struggles with being left out of stuff at dance - they go sledding together, etc and she isn't invited. We talk through it and then I make a point to have a playdate with a family we adore or to call a friend or something. I wish I had wisdom for you but I feel your pain and am sending a cyberhug your way. :grouphug:
  9. That's horrible! Great discernment on your part! :grouphug:
  10. We started dating just as George Strait's song "Check Yes or No" was being play 4,8,10 times a day. He proposed at the concert, during the song, slipped me a piece of paper with the lyrics tweaked asking me to be his wife. I thought he was being sweet - we had talked about marriage before. Then I noticed the ring... I couldn't tell you the next few songs during the concert. It was awesome!
  11. While that may be true, malpractice insurance, which they are required to carry, is going through the roof. A lot of doctors have left CT because of it. We have a high deductible plan so we have the same rates as cash patients until we hit that high deductible number. Here in CT, I pay no less than $125 for a simple visit, $145 for a stuffy nose, and $185 if there are multiple symptoms. Then the doctor tries to charge us $75 for an eye exam - um, the "E" chart mind you - which sent me over a cliff. The only savings I have seen from having insurance didn't hit until I had to have a ton of lab work and my hysterectomy done. It wasn't until THOSE bills started coming in was I greatful to have insurance. But believe me, I am MORE than sympathetic to your situation, I think the whole country is. I DO have a question for UK National Health program where care is free. The hysterectomy board I was on seemed to imply that people have to wait in line for major surgeries like a hysterectomy - as in there are only so many they perform a year so get in line. One lady has been waiting 10 months for her number to be called. Did I misunderstand this? Is this really how it works? I was able to have my surgery in 3 weeks flat. Just curious what it really looks like across the pond. Not attacking, I promise, trying to understand.
  12. I've even run my through the dishwasher and it is still just as seasoned as it was before it went in. A little soap will be fine - just rinse well.
  13. As others have stated, it varies widely even within districts. Statistics can be made to say anything. I grew up in Prince William County. The high school I was slated to go to was the first high school in the country with a shooting (to my understanding). There were over 1,600 kids in my graduating class alone. I ended up at an elite magnet school in Fairfax County. Excellent experience - AT THAT SCHOOL. Other schools in the same district were struggling. Half way through sophomore year, we moved to Fredericksburg. Graduating class of 179, had little to offer, few AP classes, etc and ended up graduating a year early. Do your homework for sure. Good luck to you!! The whole country needs GREAT teachers and would be lucky to have you! :)
  14. Your blog was very well put. I made a much shorter post pleading that we all reunite and respect our differences because it is our differences that brought us to homeschooling and it is our differences that will bring about change and progress. Thanks for posting.
  15. My dh looked under his desk in Stratford, CT to be safe. I think it is still too cold up here for an Egyptian anything. :lol:
  16. I appreciate FaithManor's idea to have her own conference. A friend of mine on the board has mini conferences for herself at Panera. She downloads certain audio talks from various sites, schedules them out, including lesson planning, note taking, etc. She builds a conference specialized for HER homeschool. She does it on a day her hubby is home and can care for the kids. It is MUCH cheaper, caters to HER situation, and gives her time to rejuvenate. This also helps alleviate any of the distractions of kids, curriculum envy, etc. I like the idea so much that I will be doing it myself this summer. I hoped to make it to Philly this year, but I am running our church's VBS which is the following Monday. Given all the hub-bub and the VBS challenge, a day at Panera is on my calendar. Maybe this might be a workable idea for you guys as well? Ones who can't make it or choose not to now. Ultimately, let's all respect our differences and remember it is our differences that allow us to have the best homeschools possible for OUR families. I don't know about you but I was tired of a cookie-cutter education and I am thrilled to give our kids the education I want them to have, not one mandated. It is differences that have made our country great and brought about the greatest innovations and change. Let's UNITE on homeschooling so that we may all continue. Blessings to all: religious and secular! :D
  17. Jen, I know your situation too well and do not feel comfortable posting my thoughts on the board - they aren't bad thoughts but I don't know how much I know versus the board knows and don't want to accidently cross a line or let something out that was meant to be private. I would love to chat with you on the phone if you are interested. Don't hesitate to call. I'm bored and would love the company prior to my next surgery. :) LB
  18. Jen, I've had *several* pieces of PC stoneware since our first year of marriage - 13 years ago. I have never had a problem with stoneware going rancid. I would agree with a PP: if you go with stoneware, go with quality like PC who stands by their product, known for quality, not a fly by night outfit. LB
  19. Congrats on making that decision, my friend! I have no wisdom, of course, but know that I am cheering you on (and watching closely with my popcorn, as always. Lol). I can't wait to hear all about it! Hugs, LB
  20. Just excessive post-op bleeding which is slowly resolving itself. It was a blessing that it happened or I wouldn't have had the CT scan that found the tumor in my kidney. All things considered, no complaints. :) Both my GYN and my urolgist will be in the OR to make sure everything is perfect before closing me back up. Thank you for the well wishes. I just feel bad for my kiddos - school will cut into summer break for sure. I am working on creative ways to handle it all and still have some break. :)
  21. Because PP is absolutely correct: EDIT: I didn't see your above post before replying. If you can't get to WalMart or a pet supply store yet, go to the grocery store and get Pedialyte and a dropper. It will work in a pinch. But find some KMR as soon as you can. DO NOT GIVE THE KITTEN INFANT FORMULA. The iron and protein content is too high in most formulas and cats cannot digest lactose. Canned, evaporated milk will also work in a pinch (it has a much lower lactose content than plain cow's milk). If you really want to ensure the vitality of this kitten, it might be worth the drive to Walmart or a Petco to get the best food for the kitten, especially if the little one isn't doing well. I am NOT trying to guilt. We got our cat at 3 days old and had to go through this too. I understand, really, I do.
  22. Breakfast casserole or 2. The one with a layer of bread and a mixture of egg, meat, and cheese poured on top. You can even chill overnight, bake in the morning and take with you. It doesn't slosh, they can dish up what they want, transports super easy. HTH.
  23. My dh skydived before he met me and loved it. He has always said he would do it again in a heartbeat. He also said 18 is the earliest he would let the kids jump but he wouldn't have a problem. Protective mama bear says, "No way!" but my babies are still young. ;)
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