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Everything posted by PuddleJumper1

  1. Great input! I think you are spot on. Much to think about. Again - thanks :)
  2. I honestly don't think it is attention seeking. It doesn't feel like that at all to me. I think he simply doesn't see the point or is bored with the exercise. I think it falls under the escape mode. So much with him is nuance and guess work (he is a non-verbal pre-teen functioning at a toddler level) but I really think he's trying to express his boredom with the task.
  3. The drill is he removes all clothing items (which right now are sandels, shorts and t-shirt). Then is handed each item to put back on. I'm not sure how they are determining mastery. I'm going clarify that on Monday. Very interesting point on the secondary reward! In any case, there's something he's getting out of it - his stalling serves a purpose. Find out what that is, and brainstorm a more effective solution. Thanks Albeto!
  4. Thanks for walking through that with me Lecka! Lots to think through and ponder. Definitely going to ask about this task on Monday.
  5. Totally agree with it being compliance rather than knowing the task. We're still pretty new to ABA so I'm still working on understanding all that is going on in these tasks. I know for me - if I know how to do something but someone repeatedly asked me to redo it just to see that I can I'd be bored and frustrated too. We're far from done with the task but he's got parts of it. I'm going to ask for some clarification at next session.
  6. Ds has ABA both at home and in clinic. One of his tasks is getting dressed (shorts, shirt and shoes on). At home he does that in the morning or whenever he needs to be changed in the normal course of the day. At clinic or therapy at home they practice by having him undress and redress. Last week at clinic it took him almost 20 minutes to undress and redress. Redress is longer. Lots of looking around, getting distracted or just simply not moving. The next morning at home I handed him shorts (on in less than a minute) then his shirt (also on in less than a minute) and we went about our day. Today in clinic undress and redress again took nearly 20 minutes. I think he's bored with being asked to do something he knows he can do. At this point I feel like we're training me to have patience and not him dressing skills. :willy_nilly: ETA - there is still work to be done on this task. Shoes are emergent and we haven't even begun with pants yet.
  7. I'm beginning to see that having previous experience in Latin would have helped. She has dabbled in several languages with online programs but not Latin. Thanks for the recc of Wheelocks - I'll look into that. We got her the QuickStudy guides and a really good Latin dictionary.
  8. Thanks Jenny. At this point my dd does almost all her work through FLVS and our experience has been like yours with high grades throughout. I haven't had to really be involved other than cheerleading and monthly calls with the exception of the occasional tutoring. We were hoping Latin would be the same. Hopefully once she gets into the rhythm of the class it will improve. Good to hear your son was successful with it.
  9. Thank you so much for these ideas. The daily memorization is a great idea. I've just jumped in and started studying the class a day ahead of her in hopes that I can be helpful. My languages were Spanish and German so we'll see :) Making a note of the Thompson book. Thanks a bunch!!
  10. Dd wanted to take Latin as her high school language. She loves languages but this class is knocking her for a loop. She's been on Dulingo and Babble with other languages so I know she has the ability. The way the class started (with translating sentences) is a struggle for her. She really has an interest in Latin but I'm not sure she can be successful with this class and might need to change to something else. When I studied languages we began with verb conjugation and simple nouns not sentence translation. Not even sure what I'm asking here. If your child has done Latin though FLVS was it a struggle for them?
  11. Yes - the old was is still showing. I'm fine with either one. Just wasn't sure if I should change it again since I don't know the origin of this one.
  12. I changed my avatar when the image/photo removal thread was posted as I had no idea where I where I found the original. I searched one out on a public domain site and changed to that. Today my original avatar is back somehow. I'm not sure why (if someone did it internally or if it is a glitch) or if I should change it again.
  13. :grouphug: :grouphug: I am so sorry for your loss.
  14. I'd call and let them know. I can not imagine any clinic charging you a fee for cancelling due to illness. For us - I am not allowed to bring ds to therapy when he's sick. I wouldn't anyway but the risk to the other children there (some who are medically fragile) isn't worth it.
  15. Woo Hoo :hurray: :hurray: Great news Joanne! :hurray: :hurray:
  16. Good Luck Joanne! Sounds like a wonderful opportunity.
  17. The day dh had the discussion with ds (I guess he was about 8) ds looks at dh and said "so that's what the goats and horses have been doing all these years". Subject closed and on went life. :) Kids that live with livestock day to day seem to just take it in stride as part of life. No disgust here either.
  18. I am so very, very sorry for your loss :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  19. Thank you all! She's a toe the line kind of kid so accountability and proper posting won't be an issue for her. I have her passwords for her other online haunts but after the first one or two looks I realized I had nothing to worry about. I really appreciate all the btdt input!
  20. I am kicking around the idea of letting dd set up a facebook account (she is mid teens). It would be to keep up with a few friends and 'like' pages in her areas of interest. I'm a bit out of my depth on this one though. I have a FB account that is very limited. Mostly it is used to oversee/input the online activity of a volunteer org I am involved with. I have a handful of friends outside that venue (my SILs and such who live out of state). No involvement in any FB drama and such. So while I have a FB page my interaction with it is much less and somewhat different than what I understand to be the norm. So I'm looking for BTDT thoughts on having a teen on FB. Being told to stay far away is good too :) I know we'd want it private and I'd like to have complete access but I don't know how that works out in the real world (the access part). As a side note - dd is about as far from a drama queen as a teen girl can get - she has no tolerance for the drama seen in her peers. Thoughts, insights etc would be most welcome. UPDATE: We dove on in. She is presently, happily typing away, chatting with at least three friends at the same time. :P
  21. Our dorm pile (really a mountain :001_smile: ) left yesterday along with ds. He's only 45 mins away so we'll see him throughout the year. He was really ready to get back to the business of school (2nd year). He loves living on campus and did quite well last year. He did a pretty good job of leaving his room clean. Just bedding piled on the floor. It could stand a good vacuuming! House seems quiet without him here but I really think we were all ready to get back to the regular schedules of the school year. Dh is a teacher so he just went back to work as well. I and my 2 homebodies are settling in for the fall.
  22. Sort of - we're doing 1/2 and 1/2 here. :laugh: Dd started this week (she's homeschooling high school so mostly independent. I did lesson planning and got her set up to go) Ds, who is my full, hands on, teacher intensive kiddo won't start until the first week in Sept. I'm still pulling things together for him and lesson planning.
  23. I don't know the ages of your children but for me I would drop off my teen dd to stay with them for a few weeks to help with the house, meals and the children. She could easily take her schoolwork to work on while there (not everything of course but her main subjects). That wouldn't solve the driving issue though. :grouphug: Hugs to you and your sister and her dh. I'd imagine he feels pretty bad.
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