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Everything posted by bethben

  1. There are a lot of documentaries for ancient times on Netflix. My oldest is just content to read the books (he's taking an online class with TOG and likes it), but my younger two like watching those documentaries. In Unit 3, there have been opportunities to focus on one person (it will say in the activity pages - pick one person to report on to your "class" or something like that). Ds #2 has really enjoyed making power point presentations for the topic of his choice. You may try some of that even if there is no one to present to. Boys having to do reports using technology makes it all go smoother. Beth
  2. I would only buy digital and the books (only if you have younger children that will cycle through at that level). I personally think the lap books are better suited to a UG child. Map aids is also nice if you want but not necessary. Just so you realize about SOTW and TOG year 2, it schedules SOTW 2 AND part of 3. I had thought about going that direction with my youngest two next year, but I wanted to keep up with their older brother and the thought of doing 3 or more chapters if SOTW was too much. Sure, we could just do SOTW for the whole year, but then we would miss all those great books for early American history in the second semester. Beth
  3. We're sitting at over $1500 for our three next year. No, it doesn't have to be so expensive, but my husband wants me to have less on my plate, so we've chosen to farm out a couple of classes for my ds#2. The rest of the expense come from a literature based history program (TOG - just the books at this point, I own the curriculum) and to avoid having to rely on the library, we buy the books we need. Most of our expense comes from the oldest one where we are buying a lot of books, lab equipment, and textbooks that will be handed down to the other two siblings. It's nice when I tally up my upcoming 1st graders needs and have a grand total of $30. My dh feels that taking as much stress out of homeschooling for me is worth the money spent (my oldest special needs child takes quite a bit of energy). If they were going to private school around here, we would be spending over $15K, so it's a nice trade off. I don't think $2500 is too much. Don't feel guilty about it. Beth
  4. We're using Dive physical science with the older BJU text ($4 ppd on Amazon). I liked the idea of the bju teacher DVDs, but the cost of renting them was unreasonable to me. Also, 45 minute lectures almost every day would lead to a small rebellion. I am going to purchase the Dive lab equipment which is the biggest cost. This way, I get labs, a teacher, and independence for my ds. Beth
  5. I do like the setup of Saxon where they are continually practicing problems. I've had to review concepts (like subtraction with borrowing) because they hadn't been practiced in a while. I noticed similar issues when we got up into level 5. Ds would learn all about adding/ subtracting fractions and then move on to another concept for a couple if weeks and promptly forget everything. I just like Singapore word problems a lot better. Maybe I just need to combine the two and be done with it. I'm just afraid I won't follow through (I know myself too well). Beth I'm currently using US version although the fractions issue happened when we did the standards edition.
  6. I don't mind the way Singapore teaches math and am able to teach it. I just feel like as we get into the older grades, I am finding I have less time to re-teach every concept because they weren't able to get it the first time with the little practice they received on it. Beth
  7. I'm having an internal debate. My ds #3 is currently finishing Singapore 2B. I like Singapore for the most part. I like their word problems and how they teach a child to think mathematically. What I don't like is how it skims some topics like time, patterns, etc. He'll have a few days of time problems and then that's it until it's in a review section much later. My oldest son went through the whole series and understood word problems great, but had to review some math concepts because they were skimmed over and not reviewed well. I also don't like that Singapore in this house has never really been independent in any portion of it. I usually find myself helping with every word problem talking ds through it (which I also did with his older brother). So, I'm considering putting ds #3 into Saxon 54 just so I can have a bit more independence from him. I will still be involved in teaching the lesson, but it would be nice to have the homework be independent. I have 3 children to teach including a very wiggly 5 year old, and a ds#2 who is needing guidance with close to high school work. So, the question is - should I forgo Singapore and just do Saxon? Will I regret it? Beth
  8. CC's history sentences don't really match any curriculum since they don't do history sequentially through the year. They do it in sections such as world history, American history, etc. You either have to do CC with TOG and let the kids make their own connections, do CC alone and just follow their suggested reading that can be found on a forum (for a cost), or do TOG and match up CC history sentences with what you're learning (which means you can't join a community). I'm doing TOG and using all three years of history sentences to match up with what we're learning. For year 1, only 9 sentences really matched up with ancient history. The rest didn't really have anything to do with what we were learning or were beyond the scope of the ancient times. I think TOG is a much richer program overall. Its like swimming in the lake vs. skipping rocks over the surface (which is CC not spending real efforts to teach the history behind the sentences). Beth
  9. I thought I was getting a mini- nice offer. Well, I guess I won't jump on that offer! I'll just wait until summer when I was going to order it anyway. Beth
  10. I have a free shipping deal with Nancy Larson, but I'm wondering if there have been better deals out there. Beth
  11. Yes- designs on the butt - for moms, not moms wanting to be teens. Do they have an age limit at Aeropostale? :laugh: I wouldn't want to insult the sensibilities of a teenage girl. Beth
  12. Where do people buy the jeans with the cute pockets? I have never seen any in the stores I frequent. Do people pay a ton for them and that's why I can't find them? Beth
  13. The thing that bothers me is the amount of money spent for the highest administration positions. Recently, it was in our local small town (20k population) newspaper about how one administer was going to work part time next year and then retire. His part time salary is 88k!!! Part time!!!! I told my husband he was in the wrong line of work. We can only dream of that type of salary for full time work around here. This is where all the tax levies pleading for more money goes. Oh- it also goes toward giving every high school and junior high student their own ipad next year. I do think a voucher system would improve education because when you have to compete for $$$, your quality has to improve or else you shut down. Beth
  14. Yes! Reading directions is a good one. Also, remembering all those little things I thought I taught ds - writing in complete sentences, remembering that spelling counts, capital letters, the simple things. It doesn't help that some days ds can't seem to remember his name. All I can think is that his brain is melting to reform itself. Beth
  15. I haven't felt like there's the "why" missing in Saxon. What I do feel however is that it needs to be taught to help the student make connections and figure out the whys. I'm not a big proponent of handing a math book to a student and hoping they figure it out even if people say it's taught to the student. I've done problems along with my ds to make sure he's understanding some of those more difficult sections. Also, I'll go along with the "if it's not broke, don't fix it." Beth
  16. Why don't we just teach 1st graders to write a thesis statement and back it up? That's what that 1st grade standard sounds like to me. I think about my current k'er and how she's just learning to read and write her letters. She's supposed to be able to go from having trouble just copying a sentence (which at this point she cant even read it all) to writing down an opinion and backing it up with details?!?! Yes, I can see some kids being able to do this, but some kids just won't be ready no matter how much you push them to be. I remember 1st grade just learning how to read- which made k mostly a time to play and get used to school- maybe learn how to write your name/ know what the number 1 is...stuff like that. Just because we say 1st graders should be able to do xyz doesn't mean they can. Maybe this is why parental involvement is so important. The students just can't meet these standards themselves. They need a parental "stepstool" to get over that bar. Beth
  17. While the academic content of CC is good and worthwhile, you will still be expected to wrangle the disruptive kids (unless the CC tutor is excellent which can be hit or miss), help with clean-up, possibly be a playground monitor, and depending on the campus and people who joined, have to deal with adult woman drama. We never had the mom drama on our campus, but all of the rest of the above did apply. The full day away from home was difficult for us having a 6th grader in the program who had a lot to cram into 4 days. With my younger two it was ok, but my CC weeks felt hectic. Also remember that you will be expected to be in and help in the classroom. It's not just 55 minutes, it's 3 hours. If 55 minutes seems long, try 3 hours. Beth
  18. My friend homeschooled two children not her own for a year. She charged tutor rates (I'm not sure what they were, but it was over $20 an hour). She was raking in some really nice money, but the older child had some severe behavior problems which was the reason no other school worked for him. She stopped after the first year. Beth
  19. My ds does an online class with TOG and meets up once a week with them. I've found that his teacher really scales down the amount of questions that the class answers. i will take the document she gives the class and also add spaces for him to write his answers. He is supposed to do the timeline (there are timeline figures available on the year specific TOG yahoo groups) and the maps. I let him figure out what he needs to do each day. We also do the literature at home. I do discussion on the books with him about half the time. Beth
  20. Would I just buy the teacher's guide with some of the extras and forget about the student pages? beth
  21. I am looking for something to do with all my kids at the same time during our morning meeting. We have done Bible stories to the point that my 5 year old thinks a pilot is the guy who put Jesus on the cross. Is there anything everyone could do at their own level together? Beth
  22. Go here scroll down to April 2012. That should answer your question. Beth
  23. We went the whole advent/ Christmas season without singing a complete Christmas carol. We sang adaptations and new contemporary Christmas carols. We got a couple of carols the Sunday or two after Christmas. It made me very sad. That has always been my favorite time of year in church. Christmas carols. Sigh... Beth
  24. It will always depend on your child if course. AAS has been used for older children who are poor spellers. That being said, there are about 27 lessons in each book so if you have spelling for 36 weeks, you will be moving faster through the levels. I start spelling when my kids can read without difficulty and do every lesson without skipping. I just started level 4 with my 8 1/2 year old. Beth
  25. I'll repeat the mantra on the forum about math. If it's not broke, don't fix it. If your daughter likes it and you like it enough and she doesn't cry every time you open the book, it will do just fine. You can make yourself go nuts about all the different thoughts about math on this forum. It can cause you to question everything you do - math is an especially hot topic. Just stay with what you like and is working and don't pay attention to the others. Beth
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