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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Because skirting is not the same as breaking. :) I don't want to get too far off topic, but there are constitutional issues with using city jails to hold illegal immigrants and limits (currently, could change) on what the federal government can make local officials do. If a city decides they are not going to spend their resources asking everyone's immigration status, right now that is their prerogative. That may change in the future, not only because of proposed changes to federal law but because of liability issues. You can read more about the lawsuits filed by the parents of a woman who was killed by an illegal immigrant in SF. If cities are found to be financially liable for losses created by unreported illegal immigrants, they may change how they do things.
  2. As far as I know, the sanctuary cities are within the bounds of the law, with some gray areas. For example, the federal government requires city governments to share immigration status with them if they know someone is in the country illegally, so the cities have policies to not ask in the first place so they don't have that info to share.
  3. I finally finished Faust Part II. I didn't enjoy it (both parts), unfortunately. I can see why it's considered an important work and I might even enjoy a performance of it, but reading it was tedious until the last act, which I enjoyed. And there were poetic moments and quotable lines, but it's impossible to say how much was Goethe's writing and how much was the translation.
  4. I don't know. I think at the point you're at, only 8-10 lbs overweight and in peri-menopause, I think I would not worry about it too much and just do what you're doing already, plus cut down the wine a bit and the late evening snacking could be a boiled egg or something. We need to enjoy life too. 8-10 lbs is not that much with hormonal fluctuations.
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry.
  6. Try the Morton's Lite Salt. It's 1/2 sodium chloride and 1/2 potassium chloride. It's by far the cheapest and easiest way to get potassium on LC.
  7. You didn't find the neighborhood a bit sketchy? The Holiday Inn on 8th is slightly less sketchy that the one on 4th, but the biggest drug trade in SF happens on 6th, south of Market, between those two hotels.
  8. Yes, you were successful! I don't know how long it takes to receive the first book. I agree it would be fun to try and read together.
  9. Hmmm, I'm having trouble bringing forward something from last week. Shukriyya, do happen to have any of the titles for the maze books your son has been reading? I forgot to mention last week I signed up for the Archipelago subscription and requested Knausgaard's first volume as my freebie. I had thumbed through it at the bookstore and put it back but I'm going to give it a real try. Sounds wonderful. I love visiting the Midwest.
  10. I thought you guys might like this Alice in Wonderland-themed corn maze. I don't enjoy the book myself, but I'm impressed with the maze. I finished Part I and am in Part II. I'm almost done with it as I've been spending extra time to get it done before our houseguests arrive tonight. I don't think I'll finish it before they arrive, but I'll be pretty close. Part II is very different. Let me know what you think.
  11. It was just one friend who was really into it. Basically I was told I didn't get it and there was no way for me to surpass my own limitations if I didn't submit and "let go" and absorb the trainings. By resisting and being cynical, I had made them not work. The link I posted above went to a page in which 98% of people said they found Lifespring helpful. I do think people were manipulated to be excited and "go get 'em" when they left the program and that's probably when they did the polling. (That's also the time when they sell you the Advanced Training.) But I wonder how a follow-up poll would do, say 5 or 10 0r 20 years later.
  12. I went to a related seminar (Lifespring) put on by a group who split from the group running Landmark, but I already knew it was a cult when I went. I had a close friend who kept telling me how great it was and it sounded like a cult to me so I kept saying no. This was pre-Internet so it was more difficult to do research. Finally the friend got some kind of deal and thought it would be so great they paid for me to attend so I went. I decided to approach it like a journalist undercover. It was definitely a cult and I was shocked at how some people just submitted to the program. For example, we were given an hour for lunch and they promised us they would stop before 12:00. At 11:55 the wrapped up and said they kept their promise to be done by noon so we had to keep our promise to be back by 1:00. [uh, no we don't.] They also told us that if we couldn't keep that simple promise we didn't deserve to be given this amazing information. I'm a bit of a foodie so I already had a restaurant in mind that I'd heard was good. Other attendees were there as well and as the service slowed people seriously started to panic. Seriously panic. They kept looking at their watches, left without finishing, were running down the street in heels, etc. As far as I was concerned, I was paying them for the information and had a choice of whether to partake in it or not. One person was one minute late coming back and was berated and humiliated in front of everyone. Later the really intense manipulation began and people were crying and telling us their deepest secrets. It's like they just fell off the deep end and were playing intensely psychological games in pairs at the behest of a total stranger. I was dumbfounded. This continued for the next several days as well, plus there was a follow up meeting I think 10 days later at their offices. I went to tell them how stupid the whole thing had been and was basically told because I had resisted the teachings instead of submitting to them I wouldn't be able to improve myself. :001_rolleyes: It was amazing how aggressive they were. I think their strategy was to completely tear someone down and the build them back up, leaving the person feeling like they had somehow improved. And they were incredibly condescending, as if you were ridiculous to not see what they saw, and if you asked questions you were silly and didn't get it. More here.
  13. :seeya: Missed you too! Awww. Sounds wonderful!
  14. Yeah, just say you're sick, you really need to rest, and you don't want to get him sick as well. He's a big boy and he's told you to let him know if it doesn't work out.
  15. Sure. It's a point of pride with me, especially parallel parking in small spots on steep hills in SF. I'm self-taught, none of it was required for getting a licenses. I think it helped that I my first car was a Civic hatchback because the back end of the car was basically the tailgate plus a few inches for the bumper. Now I have a car with a trunk but I'm used to parallel parking so it's not an issue.
  16. Unbelievable. A long time ago there was a thread for the"worst gift ever" on the mothering.com forums and one woman posted that her mother-in-law gave her an engraved plaque that said "Jesus loves you even though you're Jewish" and she wasn't even Jewish. They just assumed she was Jewish because she doesn't eat ham!
  17. I went to a wedding there. Just beautiful. I'm not vegan, but the couple was, and the caterer who contracts with BCC was awesome. Yeah, take the bus. The Claremont is not very transit-friendly and in Feb it might be raining, esp in an El Niño.
  18. After multi-quoting this I read ahead and saw you had miscalculated. But I'll ask what I was going to ask anyway: do you have low blood pressure? :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
  19. I was momentarily confused and thought this was one of those "What are you going to do now that you're an empty nester?" threads.
  20. Is that a Dodge with an automatic transmission, or manual? ;)
  21. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I think "wait and see" is the best thing. But I can totally understand your disappointment.
  22. Not to distract anyone from the original conversation, but does anyone have a list of the states that require accommodations for homeschoolers?
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