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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Japanese Bookshop Stocks Only One Book at a Time Interesting. It's like having a subscription but in an actual store.
  2. If it makes you feel any better, I feel like a huge underachiever because I have no idea how to sew, crochet, or knit. :(
  3. I'm trying to think of how to explain it... It would be as if someone posted a thread asking if they should move in with their parents/in-laws who don't agree with homeschooling, and whom they don't get along with. Everyone would pretty much vehemently say not to move in, and then the OP would agree and accept it but be sad about it and wish it didn't have to be that way. I could be wrong though.
  4. Yes if I consider only the people, but I don't like any of the locations where either side of the family lives. So I guess if they moved here or we both moved to a mutually agreeable location. Extended family is in my culture and I was considered a bit of a radical for moving away when I was 18, instead of living with family until I married. Despite my moving away, I do like the idea of families living together and it makes a lot of sense in terms of finance and caretaking for all ages. U.S. culture makes it tough in that there are no social rules for who lives where and is responsible for what, like many extended family cultures have. For example, in my family's home country, the son would be responsible for taking care of a widowed mom and his inheritance would be adjusted accordingly. There's no rule like that here. If we moved in with one set of parents/in-laws, I think the others might feel slighted and more concerned about their own future care needs. In a society with rules and expectations it's not personal, if you know what I mean.
  5. :svengo: I'm sorry that happened to you. Gently, I think you lost the high ground when you accused people of turning the thread into something else (based on their personal experiences) and then turned around and did the same thing (based on your personal experiences.) :grouphug:
  6. Huh. I didn't read it that way at all.
  7. Also insurance companies won't insure some of them and then the bank won't loan for that reason.
  8. Yes, the store's insurance should pay. I guess it could be the mall's insurance if the fire was their responsibility, like an electrical problem within the walls. At any rate, she shouldn't pay.
  9. I agree it's supply and demand. One reason not yet mentioned is that rentals are in high demand because it is becoming more difficult to save up a down payment for a house.
  10. I started the Narnia books in March and am still not done. I loved the first one but the others haven't held up as well for me. I get it! I am also looking ahead to 2016. This was the first year I did BaW and it really expanded my horizons. Before this I had never heard of Murakami, nor Archipelago. I was also hoping to become a faster reader, but that didn't happen. If anything, I've slowed down! I am thinking my challenge this year might be the Plato (plus associated rabbit trails) and catching up with Knausgaard's My Struggle. The translation of Book 5 is coming out in April, I have yet to begin Book 1. I'm not sure when Book 6 is coming out. Beyond that, I might co-read some materials with others in the group, try and catch up with other Archipelago books, and see what the Classics and the Western Canon group is planning. I haven't been keeping up with them since September or so. They are currently reading Thoreau, but I wasn't up for that. They are reading On the Nature of Things next, which could be a good discussion.
  11. It's usually Chinese-style in prep, but with Indian spices, at least in my experience. I've had "American" pizza in SE Asia and it came with corn on it because "Americans love corn!" There was no similar explanation for the green beans.
  12. Yes, I enjoyed how they brought it back around. When he said he was in sanitation I thought it was just to show how removed he was from any knowledge of the weapon itself. Later, when he was asked if there was a trash compacter, I loved the way he said, "Yes there is."
  13. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: This is all too much for anyone to take on, introvert or not. Hide in the bath with a good book.
  14. I don't know, but my tip is that radio stations' web sites often have a running list of what they've played for the last hour or so. For example if you look at our local KFOG web site, you can see a "recently played" list on the right side. Maybe try that next time you hear it?
  15. I have not started The Invention of Nature yet. In fact, I no longer have it. I ordered a copy for my FIL and I wasn't going to be able to receive it on time for Christmas (I have them sent first to me for wrapping, then I re-mail to the Midwest) so I wrapped and mailed him my copy instead and am waiting on "his" copy for my reading. I'm happy you are joining in Timaeus! I agree hand-holding is in order.
  16. Aaaannndddd...I'm already out of my depth. :laugh:
  17. Books I am reading right now: Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, House of Leaves, The Power of Myth, and Predictably Irrational. I downloaded it but haven't listened. Honestly it was more because of Armitage than Dickens. :leaving: Speaking of Joseph Campbell's The Power of Myth, there's a piece about Star Wars right in the intro, written by Bill Moyers: So essentially I am re-visiting Star Wars from a different perspective these days. :laugh: Gap of Time is sitting on my homeschool table and I was waiting for winter so I guess I can start! I'll add Angle of Repose to the list. A General theory of Oblivion is sitting on my nightstand. Luckily, it is rather dust-colored. I need to get caught up on my subscription! I saw the original in the theatre and it was the first movie I had seen on a big screen. I was amazed! I ordered it and hope to marvel soon!
  18. Your kids are so young! I think I would prioritize spending time with grandma but each visit transition away from being as flexible with her. So maybe this time you insist on an hour of schoolwork each morning before anything else, next visit 2 hours, or whatever. I don't think you need to draw a hard line in the sand, just gradually move towards being more stringent over time. If you suddenly try to keep all the schoolwork the same when she arrives it's going to be difficult and possibly awkward for everyone. I love the family connection my kids have from extended visits. Grandparents are so important and time with them is precious. It's so nice of her to come all that way.
  19. I read the kids the riot act before we walked into the theatre lobby and into the throngs of people waiting for the later shows. Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDEuS5wIk5Q
  20. I will probably read it soon because I sent it to my MIL as her Christmas gift and we like to discuss books.
  21. I forgot to mention my favorite lines: "We'll just use the force." "That's not how the force works." That's been used a few times around here today.
  22. My goodness. Do the taxpayers of Texas just have extra $$$$ to burn these days? Maybe if the cities pay out enough in various lawsuits they'll come to their senses. Sometimes only money talks....
  23. We had a great time at the movie! My brother was a bit bummed that the plot was so similar to Episode 4 (it's a bigger Death Star!) but I think it was good to back to the basics everyone loves in order to introduce the new characters. I loved all the new ones. I do think maybe they dropped the ball explaining the politics of the Republic for a new audience. It's as if everyone decided episodes 1-3 were too political and went too far the other way. Our entire theater burst into applause when "It's-a-trap-guy" appeared. I'm an idiot because I really didn't realize Han was going to die. I can see it in retrospect (why do these architects make so many bridges without railings?) but at the time I figured this is a trilogy and Ben would walk away, conflicted, only to join the good guys in a later film. I have to admit I wasn't excited about Han and Leia having a son who went to the dark side. I guess I was a bit gobsmacked that after seeing Annakin's tendencies running in their family, they would procreate. Maybe it's just me.... I was laughing at the rusty/mechanical but it was comforting to see a grittier look return. Agree x 1000.
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