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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Just quoting some relevant discussion.... We keep our emergency funds in a money market account which would take 3-4 days to transfer funds to our checking. We don;t have a traditional savings account, although our kids do. We keep more than $1k in our MMA, but we tend to think of it as savings for a job loss or to pay a credit card bill used in an emergency. If we had an immediate car problem, home repair, a major medical problem, etc. we would use a credit card to pay at the time, and our insurance helps us from having to pay too much up front. For the $100k+ crowd, I think it's much less likely that they will need $1000 cash with less than 3-4 days notice. How many people who have that income don't have insurance and credit cards with some room? Some, of course, but I bet it's less than the percentage of people cited in the article as not having $1k in savings. The real problem I think is when one is under-insured, your credit doesn't have $1k of room, and/or one has less than $1k of savings in an easily accessible account. That's extremely stressful. I guess I find the article to be a bit click-baity because I doubt that everyone who says they don't have $1k in a savings account doesn't have a backup plan. They could have asked that question as well, or maybe they did but didn't report it because it's not as galvanizing.
  2. True. I definitely don't think all people who have the ability to save are doing enough of that.
  3. Yes the low rates are coupled with low mortgage rates and low inflation, but i think the low interest rates on savings accounts makes it more painful to pull money out of the market and park it in a savings account. It causes me to want to keep a minimum for bills and emergencies in there, anyway. Beyond that, I keep money elsewhere.
  4. I wonder why they don't mention that interest rates on savings account specifically are very low right now. That's not the only explanation, but I'd bet you see more money in saving accounts of they were paying 5%, for example.
  5. I'm almost done with it. Do you want me to mail it to you, just in time for a spooky read?
  6. Still sending good thoughts for your brother, you, the rest of your family, and the good folks working on the search and rescue. :grouphug:
  7. http://www.supercook.com/#/recipes Scroll down the left side to input your own ingredients.
  8. You reminded me I have Dirda's Bound to Please on the shelf. I mostly haven't cracked it open because I'm going to end up expanding my TBR list even more!
  9. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Continuing to think of you and your family today.
  10. I loved Kim, and I say this as someone who doesn't like any other Kipling works. I finished the second book the The Last Policeman trilogy, and I liked it better than the first book so I'm glad I stuck with it. DH and I decided to watch Twin Peaks in honor of its 25th anniversary this year, and it made me realize I think of the policeman in the book as being very similar to FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (youtube link). I've been traveling and starting up school so I haven't been around much. It's good to "see" everyone!
  11. Continuing to send good thoughts. Although it's frustrating they've been searching the wrong area, it's also hopeful that there's new ground to cover. I hope very much the petition works out. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. I'm sorry the news wasn't as good as hoped. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. Sending good thoughts for David, your family, and the rescue workers. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  14. It's been on tabloid covers at the market for years, so in that sense I am not surprised. They just publish it once every few months, and even a stopped clock is right twice a day. As a couple they seemed to work well together and have very similar ideals. I think they have the potential to be excellent co-parents.
  15. I'm not done yet; I still have a few more to go! :blush: I'm going to also have my mom and a few friends try them out, so I splashed out on the samples.
  16. Reporting back after receiving my Olfactif samples and trying out a few: The first one I tried was Intense Cafe. I wish I had tried something else first because this one was disappointing and caused me to worry about all the samples I ordered. When I was a child I had a children's lip gloss which was shaped like a chocolate chip cookie and had a very sticky and cloying chocolate gloss inside. The smell reminded me of that! The next one I tried was Figure Fruitee, which was much better but also not my style. I had ordered it because I was intrigued by the fig, but it was too fruity and heavy for me. I think my mom, who loves figs and Eastern top notes, would enjoy it. This one had very little staying power on me. The next day I tried Cape Heartache and fell in love with it! Throughout this process I have been reading a few articles about perfumery, both technical and marketing. One article asserted that it's better to create a perfume that is unbalanced in one direction because trying to create a perfectly balanced perfume is boring and nobody talks about it. In other words, it's better to not try to please everyone and to create something that people feel strongly about, not just to differentiate yourself from the competition, but to get people talking. Cape Heartache I think is one of the lopsided perfumes which people will either love or dislike. The fir top notes are wonderful for me, but the strawberry doesn't work for me in the first few minutes. But after that, it settles into something I loved so much I was just walking around smelling my wrist all day! It's completely different than anything else I have smelled. DH also said he liked it better after the first few minutes. We think the strawberry is synthetic because real strawberry really doesn't smell like strawberries when it's extracted, and the initial strawberry has a synthetic quality which dies down and smells like true French fraise scent after a few minutes. Love. Yesterday I tried The Good Earth sample. I enjoyed it as well, although I think I might like it better in colder weather. It was hot here and without AC this scent was not very refreshing. It reminded me a lot of Jacomo's Silences. I'm not sure how well they overlap in terms of actual ingredients, but my mom often wears Silences and as soon as I smelled The Good Earth it reminded me of that. I do wish this one had a deeper, earthier base, but I think that expectation was set up by the name itself! Today I put on Mosaic and I'm loving it so far. It' great for warm weather and although it's sweet, it's not cloying. It smells like something you'd want to keep in the fridge for when it's too hot, but it's not overly citrus-y either. I love oak moss and while I couldn't smell it for the first hour, it's showing itself now. Very pleasant with a mineral base I wish were a bit stronger. Like Cape Heartache, it's a keeper. Thanks Arctic Mama, for telling me about this company and the samples! I don't think I will subscribe as I wear perfume rarely, but I do think it was worth it to order samples and find something new. I've been in my Ginger Essence/Chanel No 5 rut for years. I don't like shopping and I don't enjoy trying samples at department stores so it was easier to always purchase the same thing over and over. I'm happy to try niche perfumes at home as an alternative to chipper sales ladies trying to spray me and bright top notes designed to compete among all the other scents in a cosmetics department.
  17. :grouphug: Have you tried posting on the networking board here?
  18. http://damndelicious.net/2014/11/22/chicken-sun-dried-tomato-cream-sauce/ I double the sun-dried tomatoes and add 8 oz (~225g) mushrooms (not listed in the original recipe) during step 4. The type of mushroom depends on what I have on hand. It's very good!
  19. I'm sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful memorial.
  20. What about seeds? You can buy sunflower seed butter or make your own. You can toast them first to avoid eating them raw, maybe?
  21. :party: I was just coming here to ask how it went! It sounds delicious with the nutmeg and star anise. And good on you for doing the saffron and milk; most native nowadays just add a bit of yellow food coloring to save expense. ETA: Eek, I hope that didn't sound bad. It's my own culture, so I was referring to what my own friends and family do for the coloring, not complaining about another culture!
  22. I would decline because allowing growing humans to get enough rest is one of the reasons we homeschool. Getting up that early on a regular basis to do a much desired activity I could understand, but to run a timer? No, sorry.
  23. Future IRL WTM boardie get togethers will involve everyone bringing their samples to try out and swap.
  24. I feel the need to remind folks that Lysol is flammable....
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