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Miss Tick

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Everything posted by Miss Tick

  1. I'm encouraged by the lack of new news that the incident was not, in the end, serious. Someone called in a threat from inside the building and I imagine their life will never be the same.
  2. Thanks. My question was really tongue in cheek, which is my way of countering stress with humor. I haven't heard of any actual injuries. I'm hoping it was all in the name of caution. I'm expecting renewed home school requests from dd, though.
  3. is it counted like a snow day? I live close to the school and retrieved dd before we even got official notification, but I'm a little shaky now! So glad she had her cell phone.
  4. I saw a pattern review recently of the Joni Dress by Pattern Scout. I don't know much about it outside of the positive review - but it has shirring 😁
  5. I agree with pp. One thing I will add is that in retrospect I wished later that we had doubled up on the easier days. The lessons in the later books consistently took more time and I would liked to have banked some cushion in that first book.
  6. I thought of him when you posted. What a hassle verging on nightmare. Are you reaching out to the admissions people to ask how they are going to handle it? Thereby indirectly letting them know it needs to be handled? I hope you are able to get some positive response.
  7. In a "no good idea goes unpunished" counterpoint, I was taught that in 3rd grade and it took *years* before I understood that the way that alligator is facing makes a difference in how it is read (greater than vs less than). I'm no math genius, but eventually I realized what I was doing wrong.
  8. It has worked for me 2, maybe 3, times and I've seen a couple of other WTM posters report the same thing. While it makes sense to me scientifically I've never seen it reported by an authoritative source. Does anybody study "deodorant and its affects and pitfalls"? 😄 I use Tom's unscented and have for many, many years. I thought maybe it wasn't powerful? strong? harsh? enough to kill all the bacteria all the time, but I don't really know what is happening under there.
  9. I've used vinegar on occasion. I have a small spray bottle I use. I shave my armpits and after my shower I would spray them, think, "ow! Ow! What was I thinking?!?" And then it stops stinging. I imagine a rash would be similar. She could test it on part of the area. When I've used it, it has been because my deodorant met a bacterial colony it couldn't handle. After a couple of days of vinegar I can go back to my usual deodorant.
  10. You might find some interesting topics in the "In Our Time" catalog. Here is a listing of their Prehistory programs. The host, Melvyn Bragg picks a topic and a few experts to dig into it deeply for about an hour.
  11. Maybe even good for most, considering the cell phones in schools thread. Also some people here have mentioned not wanting to practice in public. But yeah, nothing works for everybody. My friend enrolled her ds mid-semester and didn't find out for 3 weeks that he didn't know how to open his locker. She went in after school with him one day so he could practice. At the same time she discovered he hadn't been issued textbooks and had instead been googling every question. Kids can be cuckoo.
  12. When we toured our local school they talked about the lockers and as for the combination locks they said, just as you should expect these days, "there's an app for that" Dd says she uses her locker 3 or 4 times a day. Her backpack always seems to weigh a ton, so I would love to dive in and optimize her process! but obviously I don't. I'm saving patience points with her for when I have to teach her to drive.
  13. Plus, there is still some yellow...
  14. You sound very busy, but I would love to see your altered book. I've long been intrigued by those, but never found "just the right thing" for me.
  15. Yes! The other nonsense! The world is such a messy place, what can you do but laugh.
  16. I agree with you, as does dh. Please don't quote Thanks for not quoting
  17. Sure, but do you feel that you should be available 24/7 for any administrative task sent your way, or instead some reasonable subset of the week that makes sense for your class schedule and your life? No need to answer, just sharing the gist of the Tick household's discussion. A household which includes an engineering professor who does not feel the need to be responding to administrative email between midnight and 7am on a random Sunday, but then misses a first come first serve department funding opportunity. So there is clearly a department cultural expectation. What drives that? Can it be changed? OP, no one here would balk at responding to your type of enquiry, helping and working with students is the point of the many pointed job.
  18. Thanks. Standing discussion topic in the Tick household about expected vs desired work hours. Good sign that the professor is responsive, no one here would hesitate to respond to a query like yours, although if it came through official channels on the weekend - maybe.
  19. Just out of curiosity, did the professor respond in Saturday, or during usual business hours?
  20. My Kitchen Aid is 30 years old (😲). I use it to make all our whole wheat (blend) pizza dough, and occasionally bread. I keep it in a cabinet and enjoy the test of strength to see if I can still casually lift it to the counter when I want to use it.
  21. I've rented a few on travel for short stays. It was enjoyable but I could see that it would difficult long term, especially with another person. Room for hobbies and exercise were my first concerns.
  22. I wonder if, ironically, increased passenger safety has meant increased blind spots and decreased pedestrian safety. These older cars with spindly roof supports would have great sightlines, but be bad in a roll over. I think you would be fine, IB, you don't strike me as someone likely to be involved in a roll over.
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