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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. CLE is great, but it's a spiral, and you asked for Mastery suggestions?
  2. Little guy will have an ASD diagnostic this fall, but he does have a lot of nice social skills in place. Which is why I've been so torn. We did get an EIBI referral in any case - which is what we were after :). Yep, we are in Canada - Nova Scotia. It definitely is a bit different here.
  3. Thank you! How is your little guy doing? Ours is off to the first step for ASD screening tomorrow. He is TALKING now, though. Speech has been incredible for him. I hope you are having success as well!
  4. CLE. Surprisingly fact based - bit a lot of theological slant. Includes map work!
  5. I will ask my psych tech tomorrow at our appointment. SIBs are self-injurious behaviors :(. It has been a tough year. I don't think the pre-puberty hormones are doing us any favors. It's very hard to know where to start. She has a lot of inflexible thinking, and I'm not sure whether to try to address that, or emotional regulation strategies for when we run into the thinking issues. I have almost no idea what I'm doing.
  6. On the behaviorist thing....I not even sure how I would find one. Our local city has a greater population of 5,000 people. Everything seems to be in our capital city...3.5 hours away :/. We are working with OT and a psych tech, but they sometimes seem a little mystified themselves. Right now our priority is emotional regulation and decreasing SIBs, but it's nice to know that accepting instruction is something we could work on.
  7. Daily lessons for clear expectations are a big plus. I just saw those Just Write books today and was wondering about them. I also was looking at the Wordsmith series. Has anyone tried Winning with Writing? It looks pretty clear, independent, and daily lessons, but I've never had it in my hands.
  8. I need help :). My 10-yo DD - grade 5, is an awesome storyteller, fantastic voice from her extensive personal reading time, but needs work on writing structured non-fiction and writing to answer a prompt/question. She hates direct instruction from someone else and prefers self-directed materials that are written to her. She highly values personal autonomy. She refused to watch EIW samples (we have used it for another child)...someone teaching her. I need to be able to provide WRITTEN feedback instead of verbal, preferably - doesn't do well with auditory instruction. It should be very structured, open and go, and lecture free :). Hit me with your suggestions!
  9. Lap school for my fine motor/low frustration 5-yo, and ironing out the reading kinks with 8-yo.
  10. I think we will spring for monthly until November, too. LOTS of good stuff.
  11. It loads very quickly! So I think it will work for us!
  12. Vegetarian dating website. We aren't vegetarians anymore. :P
  13. Breast feeding shouldn't ever hurt. I know someone else had this one too! NOT true. And I've breastfed for 13 years. Autism isn't real, it's a made up diagnosis. Ditto ADHD. They'll grow out of it. He's just a late talker, it isn't that bad. Just wait and see. If you homeschool and shelter your children you can avoid typical teenage angst. It's the worst when YOU are the one who has told yourself most of the lies....:/.
  14. Met on a dating website. He asked me to marry him Before we met IRL. I said...let's meet first. He asked when he could Propose. I said...at least 5 dates and we have to meet each other's parents. After date 5... Then he asked how soon we could get married...I said I needed 2.5 moths to wrap things up. 3.5 months total. Both never married. It will be 15 years in October.
  15. The Miller/Guerber series is really good, but is also fairly detailed, not easier than SOTW by any stretch.
  16. If we can figure out how to listen offline, this would be better for us than our current Epic subscription.
  17. Reflex Math. It's amazing. Spendy, but incredible for math facts.
  18. Oh boy, this makes me feel soooo tired. I'm not sure what we are doing yet. Probably not much. :/
  19. Has anyone subscribed to MindBytes from Gamed - mainly for the BrainPop subscription it comes with? http://gamedacademy.com/mindbytes-world-history/
  20. Does he do well with verbal instruction? I know my HFA girl was HARD to teach anything to verbally. She much, much prefers independent materials with words to read so she can avoid verbal teaching. Just throwing that idea out there. A lot of early materials are designed for non-readers in K-1, and rely heavily upon parental instruction.
  21. Hugs. I feel you. Having oppositional, freaking out kids is so tough. Praying for you. Do you have tablets you can pass the little ones? Can you use some online options? It has been helping here, somewhat. Math Seeds is a huge hit or my rising first grader who I suspect is ADHD. Maybe your guys would enjoy it, too? It keeps her busy for awhile and she's learning too.
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