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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. I meant to add this earlier.... http://www.midwiferytoday.com/articles/pelvis.asp
  2. There is PLENTY of time!!! Absolutely no reason at all to be concerned. This is a different baby and a different pregnancy than your last one. The ONLY way to know how big a baby is would be to birth and put the baby on a scale. And it is VERY VERY rare for a woman to grow a baby bigger than she can birth. Please do not be concerned about the size issue (and do not let anyone feed you scare tactics!).
  3. I school my 2nd, 4th, and 6th graders together for: - Bible - History - TruthQuest - Geography - Galloping the Globe (last year we did the States w/ the Trailguide) - Art - Art in Story - Science (well, actually this year the older two will be together and the youngest on her own with me) - Christian Kids Explore books I realize none of those are textbook-like but it's at least an idea of how I group them together and what is used. :)
  4. I've always just used flash cards. i.e. a, an, at, am, i, in, it, o, on Then we build from there: ban, can, fan, man, bin, fin, win Once they know basic sight words like those we move on to phonics rules. I also look for library books that have those simple sight words (i.e. Hop on Pop).
  5. How far along are you? Between 26-28 weeks. That is when the blood volume doubles and one can appear anemic. It's a good thing to see in that it shows your body is doing exactly what it needs to do. But it's something that needs to be checked on to make sure the iron levels don't stay too low.
  6. I have a 3-ring binder ("My Brain") that I keep my planner in. I have a couple different things which is probably redundant but it works for me. In Excel I made pages where I can see the year's plan for Bible Study, History, Geography, Art, and Science since those are the only things I plan the entire year for. That way I can look at it, with everything all laid out, and know what's coming up so I can gather materials and library books. Then I have another Excel-made planner that is hung up in our school area. It has the days of the week along the top and the subjects along the left side. From the pages I mentioned above I fill this one in and the girls can see what we're doing each week. Each of the girls have an assignment page for their individual book work. I fill those in each Sunday afternoon. They are responsible for completing the week's assignments and I don't have to answer, "What am I supposed to do today??" a million times.
  7. What # baby is this for you?? I have seen transverse babies in women who have had several children and all have gone vertex just fine. :) The uterine and abdominal muscles aren't as strong (usually) after several babies so there is more room for the little ones to be in awkward positions or move around a lot. A big ditto to the spinningbabies website. You can also try many of the techniques that are used to turn breech babies.
  8. A good friend of mine makes homemade detergent (in addition to many other wonderful homemade cleaning items). She started making stuff because of her son's sensitive skin and eczema. If you want her info I can pm it to you. :)
  9. Since I can't vote multiple times...LOL #1 - TOTAL surprise. We weren't trying or preventing really. Just learned that w/drawl doesn't work. :tongue_smilie: #2 - TOTAL surprise. I had been on bcp, went off with the idea to wait 6mo to get it out of my system, then ttc. We were using bc but abandoned it due to frustration and SURPRISE. #3 - TOTAL surprise and we were trying to avoid (TTA). I was charting my cycles to avoid pregnancy. I had a pretty regular ovulation pattern normally but that month my body decided to ovulate a few days earlier than usual. I got pregnant from sperm that hung around for 4 days. ;) #4 - Somewhat of a surprise but we weren't trying or preventing. Again, I was charting my cycles and we had had several months where it was quite possible to have been pregnant but God knew the right timing. :) The month we did conceive I think I ended up ovulating a few days early (again..lol).
  10. Oh how sad. :( She has a beautiful family. I will definitely be praying for those sweet little ones and her husband.
  11. I use them to teach skip counting. I found (can't find the website right now though..grrrr) a printable with four charts on it. One is 2s, one is 5s, one is 10s, and one is 25s. Then with a different color for each, color in the numbers. Just found this website that has some neat ideas: http://letsplaymath.wordpress.com/2008/09/22/things-to-do-hundred-chart/
  12. It doesn't bother me at all if a woman nurses her baby in public, covered or not. Women should never be made to feel like they HAVE to cover themselves to breastfeed.
  13. I do both. For things we do together (i.e. Bible, History, Science, etc) we do a 4-day week. I do plan for five days for some seatwork. I have to work on Friday (and Tuesday but we just do a couple of our "together" work on that day) so they take things they can complete without my help.
  14. Perfect Prenatal is an excellent one. I can't say that it's small (I don't know of any that are) but you could always cut it in 1/2 to make them smaller.
  15. It's obvious they had a great time doing it but I guess I'm too old school. Honestly, I didn't think it was all that funny (cute and creative...yes). I see a wedding as a sacred event and there is reverence to it. I'm sure Jesus loves a good party and seeing His kids having fun. I just can't wrap my head around entering a church in that way where you will be making a covenant with Him, becoming One Flesh. I know not everyone views it as such, perhaps this couple included, but believing what I do about marriage I just don't find it humorous.
  16. He's usually on the other computer. Sometimes working and other times playing a game.
  17. It sounds like things are going wonderfully for you! Praying that everything else goes smoothly and that you'll be holding your sweet baby very soon!!
  18. Ask and also read the ingredients of each vaccine. I will say that I have a friend who's children have food allergies. Before she stopped vax'ing one of her dc had a severe vaccine reaction. Severe. Once they have a reaction to it, if you do other vax's the reactions can get much worse.
  19. Sitting on the ball or some squatting (as long as baby is in a favorable position...an asyclintic baby won't put proper pressure on the cervix) might help a little bit. We actually had a client a couple of years ago that did that. :lol: She was with her SIL all day during the labor and birth and it put our client into labor. She said it felt really funny to be leaving the hospital while laboring. :tongue_smilie: It was probably Prostaglandin E2 gel (PGE2). :) Another prostaglandin that is used is Cervadil (it looks like a tampon). Not the same as Pit. Pitocin is the synthetic form of the hormone Oxytocin. Prostaglandins help prepare the cervix. Oxytocin is what causes contractions. Many women who have a labor induced with prostaglandins end up needing Pit anyway to really get things going.
  20. We hope. They (OBs, CNMs, and I hate to say..even some homebirth midwives) also use Cytotec still to induce labor despite warnings from the manufacturer that it shouldn't be used for labor induction. ;) I should add....I'm not saying YOUR CNM wasn't acting safely. I have no idea who she is or what this med is that can be used or if there are any warnings about it for pregnant women. The reason I say that is because MANY women think their care providers are doing what is safe when sometimes it is not.
  21. They are doing a slideshow at the party. MIL has boxes of family photos she's been going through. Although, she hasn't asked for any that we have of grandkids or family. *shrug* Great idea. But I doubt it would go over well with the SIL. Again...she isn't on the best speaking terms with her parents right now. And I don't really have time to get with every single one of the other family members. Anything involving gathering family members to do something like these ideas just isn't going to happen unfortunately. I'm really looking more for a keepsake or something tangible like that. MIL is really into that kind of thing. Something that can be handed down through the family. She has a gold tea set that was given to her grandparents at their 50th anniversary. They are planning to display that at the party. :) And I've already been told that it will be given to my dh and I since we "are the only other ones in the family who will make it to 50 years". So it's stuff like that that she really enjoys.
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