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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Is it a spring fed creek? If they are jumping into a spring it will feel like the water is pushing them back up.
  2. If I wind up needing to list our math courses in a more traditional manner they will look like this: DM 1 - PreAlgebra DM 2 - Algebra I DM 3 - Geometry DM 4 - Algebra II It doesn't truly break down this way as Singapore covers all of the topics each year, but I do not think the Discovering Mathematics books go beyond a typical Algebra II course. We are planning to supplement with some Art of Problem Solving classes.
  3. I purchased a set of Harvard Classics through craiglist and had them shipped without any problems. Paypal worked the same. I wouldn't use personal payment as Paypal will not protect you to the level they will with the standard purchase option and if it was valuable I would pay extra for insurance and list that in the message box of paypal so you have proof the seller should be able to provide an insurance stub (and I'd save a copy of the craigslist post as the seller can delete it at will.)
  4. Here is my American literature list for dd 12. We are also doing Hakim this year, but we are going to try and get through all ten books. :willy_nilly: I also have a book of American poetry listed chronologically. We will pick and choose poems as we go. DD has been homeschooled all along and I know her reading ability and speed. I think your list looks fine, but you can always change it throughout the year as you get a feel for your son's ability and interest. Scarlet Letter Johnny Tremain Legend of Sleepy Hollow Rip Van Winkle Across Five Aprils Tom Sawyer Uncle Tom's Cabin (still debating) To Kill a Mockingbird The Yearling Dandylion Wine (if we have time)
  5. I drive one-handed usually at 12:00 but sometimes at 6:00.
  6. I am doing American History with a 12 and 10 year old as well as tag along 6 and 5 year olds.
  7. My 5th grader will be doing more than 6 hours per day. She is happy and healthy and still has time for music, writing and swimming. :D The number of school hours will be different from family to family, but 6+ hours is definitely doable.
  8. I'm glad to see kids are doing well with the program and they might be adding more classes! We're no help though as my eldest is planning to take Alg 1 in the spring.
  9. (Sorry for that short reply above. Had to run for a moment.) I'm going to be using the American History set with dd12 and dd10 this year. But we will be doing them in one semester as I want to get through all of American history in one year. I bought three of the books recommended in the course guide and have a list of additional reading I want accomplished. So, weekly: watch two lectures and take notes do all additional reading at the end of the week - discussion to include all information on the two worksheets that accompany the lectures and all readings one paper per week - dd10 will write a paragraph and dd12 will write a one page essay. I am more focused on paragraph/essay format than subject matter for these papers so they can choose any relevant topic. We will go over how to improve the papers each week, but no rewrites will be necessary. We will also keep a timeline and do a bit of mapwork here and there. Each child is doing a final project as well, but they added that themselves. They are very crafty and felt it was a necessary, missing component to the class. :)
  10. The high school courses have a workbook to accompany them. There are vocabulary words, comprehension questions and a couple of discussion/essay questions for each lecture.
  11. I really like the Quartet (fine point or bullet) dry erase markers the best. But no one around me carries them so we generally go with Expo or SRX fine point.
  12. I looked online and couldn't find anything. Is there a book or online resource that separates schools according the the schedule system that they use? Quarters Trimesters Semesters 4-1-4 One course at a time Other systems I'm unaware of :) Thanks!
  13. We've had two Dell Inspiron minis for seven months. We haven't had any problems so far. They are quick and work well. I think they run about $300-$400, but we bought them when there was a Christmas special going on. There should be some good back to school specials over the next few weeks.
  14. I taught all of my kids using unlined paper. We use unlined paper for all of our work. I don't think any of my children are ruined for life. :D
  15. My dd was looking at the website for Oxford University. It appears that they are only in school for 24 weeks per year - 3 terms of 8 weeks each. Is this typical of European secondary schools / universities in general? If so, what do the students do the rest of the year? Are there any expectations of travel/study/???
  16. Back when I was teaching, we had a couple schools with block scheduling and they worked just as Cheryl stated except they only met for 90 minutes daily - a total of 135 hours per credit. As Florida only requires 24 credits, the students only had three required classes per day. The fourth class could be an elective, a study hall or for the older students an early dismissal depending on the circumstances.
  17. I don't know anything about it, but here is the one used by Kolbe for junior high world history. http://www.amazon.com/Christ-King-Lord-History-Catholic-Ancient/dp/0895555034/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1279287891&sr=8-1
  18. I don't think I ever updated either. :) About 18 months ago we moved to Hernando county - an hour northwest of Tampa.
  19. I went and looked but didn't see any ice build-up. Could all three units use the same freon source? If they could, that would make sense. On a side note - how much is freon??
  20. They are all bigger systems. It has been raining, but no storms. I flipped all of the fuses in the fuse box, but I don't know anything about the electronics of an air conditioner. It just seems so weird because they are three separate systems. I went out and looked, but I don't see any damage. They stopped working while we were all home and all three units are on the second floor - out on the roof so they aren't easily accessible.
  21. I wonder if kids are just bigger now? I'm only 5'3" and my husband is average height. But my dd 12 is 5'7" and wears a size 10 shoe. And my dd 10 is following right behind. She is about 5'1" and wears a size 7 shoe.
  22. We have three air conditioners in our house. Today all three stopped working at the same time. I checked the fuses and they are fine. Then I checked each unit. Each one turns on and off and the fan for each one turns on and off. Yet, none of them are blowing cold air. They each have their own thermostat and are individual units. What would cause all three to stop blowing cold air at the same time? :confused:
  23. Math Latin English/Composition Greek (6th grade and up) Geography Ancient History/Lit World(or American) History/Lit Science French Art Music Practical Arts
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