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Everything posted by Momling

  1. Whole to parts. My daughter loved Minimus in second grade. It was a perfect taste of Latin.. Don't expect much mastery or retention though... it's more just to introduce kids to Latin, to get a sense about its grammar, learn a little vocabulary, become interested in the language... We enjoyed it a lot.
  2. I'll probably look back on this post next September and roll my eyes... but my plan for next year may look like this: Math: Singapore 5b/6a-ish Language Arts: Continue with writing, handwriting (Spencerian), add in some kind of beginning literature curriculum... perhaps Lightening Lit? History: Finish Renaissance/Reformation... start US History (Hakim) Science: Continue Story of Science Newton Latin: Latin Prep
  3. Handwriting without tears has a book called "Can-Do Print". It's aimed at older kids. Along with focusing on letter formation, it includes some grammar review too!
  4. Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria or viruses (or even fungi). It sounds like they got the viral version.
  5. Brainpop has a nice little video on it... and it's free! http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/dna/
  6. Piggie and Elephant are awesome for very early readers. Also "Fly Guy" has 'chapters'. Both are amusing to first graders.
  7. I make my own planner. I print it myself (fast draft - double sided), so it's hard to figure out exactly how much it costs in paper and ink. I usually cut a cover from a fancy file folder so that it looks pretty. Spiral binding at the local print shop is usually under two dollars. I'd be surprised if it's much more than $5 in total, but I don't really know.
  8. Very tempting to post those around my town... http://wtfhub.com/2010/11/10-hilarious-lost-pet-flyers/
  9. I don't have the whole set... In fact, in the past year we've only used two of the books. While you could definitely move faster, we only do about one semester per book (with additional portfolio, timeline, documentaries, historical fiction). I mean, with 12 chapters or so... you could do it in 12 days or (like us) in 12 weeks. My point is, you may not need the *entire* set.
  10. Get her the "Wee Free Men" by Terry Pratchett. Both my 9 yr old and I enjoyed it!
  11. You know... it is such a relief to hear people saying they have this problem too. I was convinced for a year or two I had some early form of alzheimer's or something... I totally can't remember nouns. My kids fill in for me all the time! I first noticed it when I was pregnant, and it never got better.
  12. I've been very impressed by OUP World in Ancient Times and Medieval/Early Modern World.
  13. I've been happy with what we have been doing this year. I think it's great for an academically oriented kid with an interest in history. I love how we'll learn something in history (OUP), then see the same event from Story of Science, then see it again in Excavating English. Math: Singapore Math Language Arts: Excavating English, First Steps in Academic Writing (actually aimed at ESL college students, but I had an extra copy and it's perfect for us), SWS, Spencerian Handwriting History: OUP (European World 400-1450), Middle Ages History Portfolio, historical fiction and documentaries Science: Story of Science Latin: Lively Latin, starting Latin Prep 1 next month Piano, Ballet, plus art, acting, electives at PS HOWEVER... I don't think this will be the *perfect* program for my younger daughter... or for many other kids. For her, I'll probably use Singapore for math, maybe MCT Island, History Portfolios (without the OUP), Minimus, GP Jr Science.
  14. I probably would have done the same... We have a non-aggressive, friendly cat and dog (and chickens), but if the kids were to play rough with them and get a scratch or bite, well... it's a lesson for them. It's like touching a hot stove... it's not the fault of the stove if a child touches it. It's the child's fault and (depending on the age of the child) my fault for not supervising better. Telling the dog off and sending her away to another room is probably reasonable too. Getting rid of the dog entirely seems overkill.
  15. When we moved across the country from west to east coast, we sold everything... shipped books media mail... and packed the kids in one car and everything else we owned in our van (with stuff on top). When we moved back across the country, we had more money and more stuff. We had a good experience with PODS. We packed ourselves (get boxes from craigslist or freecycle) and hired some guys to move the heavy stuff. I got a quote from ABF and PODS and then called PODS and told them the ABF quote and they said they could beat it. In fact, they were five hundred cheaper... so don't be afraid to negotiate. When we arrived, we had some high school kids come move us into the new house.
  16. My 9 1/2 yr old doesn't need a bra for support yet, but for a few months after she got her first bra, she surely loved wearing them. I think she's over it. I let her choose...
  17. Yes, I know that. I'll have to look in shame at the title forever, as you can't fix them.
  18. I love historical foods and have baked a few fruitcakes. This recipe is from the Victorian period (Mrs. Beeton). I substituted dried cranberries, blueberries and cherries for the raisins and made a custard sauce to go with it. Even non-fruitcake-lovers thought it was pretty good. http://historicalfoods.com/christmas-cake-1861-recipe
  19. Would you copy educational materials which you bought for another of your own kids if there is a "no copying" policy printed in the book? Edited to add: Errr... Copyright. Don't you hate it when you misspell words in the title of a post?
  20. One difficult part of using both Latin Prep and Lively Latin would be the order in which the cases are memorized. All of those Lively Latin chants that include noun endings have the potential to be confusing when suddenly the order is changed (and vocative added in). We're switching from Lively Latin to Latin Prep this spring and I'm curious how it'll work out. I like the look of the program though!
  21. Have you tried http://www.spellingcity.com. It's certainly independent and could be just the thing to fill in on those days you can't get to your regular program.
  22. Our local schools use Investigations and long division is definitely not taught at 3rd grade. I think in 4th grade they learn the concept of division, but not the algorithm.
  23. We've used soft paws on two different cats and it's been fine. Just be prepared to find little pink plastic softpaws lying around the house every few weeks.
  24. :iagree: If your kids notice that one is better and it upsets them, I'd offer the option to switch instruments. Or have one take a break for a year or two and come back to the piano when they aren't in competition with each other.
  25. Our library had "Alchemy and Meggy Swan" on CD and we enjoyed that on a recent road trip.
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