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Everything posted by tsuche

  1. Hi, My husband wants to know which one would be better to use for a weekend away with our 12 yr old. son. Blessings, Terry
  2. I am looking at it now. thanks Blessings, TErry
  3. My son enjoyed The Boxcar Children. Blessings, Terry
  4. Hi, I am looking into this Math for my son. Where did you buy it and what was the cost. Blessings, Terry
  5. A friend gave me a copy of Cursive First which she was going to use with her 14 yr old. Blessings, TErry
  6. Hi, this is a great dish to freeze. Soups are also very good to freeze. You are a blessing. Blessings, Terry
  7. I'd love to do something to get out of debt. You feel so bogged down. Does anyone ;have an extra copy of the Dave Ramsey book. I have heard such great things about it. Blessings, Terry
  8. Hi, I haven't been to the Library due to my $15 fine. I really should take my children but I just have not had the money. Blessings, Terry
  9. Thank you. They also have a reminder they will send out by email Blessings, Terry
  10. Hi, I also have a child that is now 3 and I did what Ellie had done. I changed his diaper, nursed him and kissed him and told him I was laying him down for a nap. the first 2 days was hard but after that he takes a 1hr. 1/2 nap. Hang in there it gets easier. Blessings, Terry
  11. Hi Stacey, I will be praying for you and your daughter. Blessings, Terry
  12. This is an example to me and something I need to look into. Blessings, Terry
  13. Hi, I am looking into internet protection. what internet filter do you use? The company name? What is the cost? Blessings, Terry
  14. Hi, I have 6 children and all of them have gone through this. My 3 yr old is just starting so we give him Ibprofen. I know you can give your son 3-4 Ibprofen. Mydaughter that was older was having some pain and our dr told me she can take this amount.. If this continues I would take him to the drs. Blessings Terry
  15. I was wondering what I can do about snoring? It didn't start until I had my 5thchild and I also turned 40. I do not like sleeping anywhere because I am embarrased. Blessings, Terry
  16. I will also be praying for your husband ,family and also you at home. Blessings, Terry
  17. Hi, I used this with my 12 yr old son and really enjoyed it very much. I hope you enjoy it as well. Blessings, Terry
  18. I bought my dad when he was in his last stage of cancer the Hymns by Carman. He really loved them and we passed them on to someone else once the Lord called him home. You should be able to find them at Amazon.com. I will pray that you find the right gift. Blessing Terry
  19. I loved Twinkies as a child and they seem to have more flavor than now. I don't like them anymore. blessings, Terry
  20. Yes I would also. sometimes when times get tough we need that help. Sad to say but this is where the church should help but isn't it pride that we don't ask the church? Blessings Terry
  21. I have used A Reason for Handwriting for 16 yrs. and love it. I have a 12 yr old boy that has bad cursive and a friend gave me Cursive First so I was going to have him do that. Have a Blessed Day, Terry
  22. I put other because I did't know they had a show like this. When does it come on? Terry
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