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Everything posted by SFP

  1. I wrote about the benefits of just keeping a list of books read here: http://pagesturned.blogspot.com/2006/09/books-read-in-93.html
  2. Be careful selecting your 100 free books--make sure you're not getting a title you could get for free somewhere else. Enjoy!
  3. Same book, different titles where the Lawrence Hill is concerned. Since I last checked in: Jesus, Interrrupted. Bart Ehrman Sputnik Caledonia. Andrew Crumey The Fall of Hyperion. Dan Simmons I See You Everywhere. Julie Glass American Lion. Jon Meacham The Children's Bach. Helen Garner The Post-Office Girl. Stefan Zweig I should finish my 25th book of the year this weekend. If I can keep up the pace, I should make it through 100 books by the end of the year--haven't done that since 2001.
  4. Neither did the Misfit ask for the Grandmother's grace right before he killed her.
  5. Moments of grace. Would that we could extend them to others more often.
  6. Books I'll be ordering for summer reading: The Children's Book. A.S. Byatt Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards. Robert Boswell Do-Over. Robin Hemley Mobius Dick. Andrew Crumey and I've already received a handful of Persephone Press books. Anything else will have to come from the library or already be in my possession.
  7. Since I last checked in: Lark and Termite. Jayne Anne Phillips Disquiet. Julia Leigh American Sphinx. Joseph Ellis Still in progress: Losing Battles. Eudora Welty Sputnik Caledonia. Andrew Crumey Jesus, Interrupted. Bart Ehrman
  8. I love the name Peter and would have used it for my son except for the fact that I would never inflict the initials P.P. on anyone.
  9. Since I last checked in: Buddenbrooks. Thomas Mann Negotiating With the Dead. Margaret Atwood Alex and Me. Irene Pepperberg
  10. I know! I know! Bill, go to Many Books and select the MobiPocket version of the public domain books that you want--they're totally compatible with the Kindle. You'll have to use a usb port to download them. In addition, Amazon has lots of public domain books and journals for free or in the $2-$4 range.
  11. Lorna, even though I'd loved Steinbeck since my teens, I'd avoided this one because my sister (15 years older than me) loved it--and my main guiding principle in life has been not to be like either my mother or my sister (98 percent of the time this principle's served me well). She'd evidently gotten in trouble with her English teacher in high school after she chose to write a paper on it because the teacher though East of Eden was "a dirty book"--and since my sister usually only read trash, I kept my distance. Of course it's an absolutely wonderful book and I could smack myself upside the head for refusing to read it years ago. I'd also like to smack a few characters in the book as well, and I bet you will, too. Read it post haste; you won't regret it.
  12. Completed so far: The Secret Scripture. Sebastian Barry East of Eden. John Steinbeck Dry Storeroom No. 1. Richard Fortey The Whiskey Rebels. David Liss The Flying Troutmans. Miriam Toews The Siege of Krishnapur. J. G. Farrell The Three Roosevelts. James MacGregor Burns and Susan Dunn Sexing the Cherry. Jeanette Winterson The Magician's Book: A Skeptics Adventures in Narnia. Laura Miller Hyperion. Dan Simmons A Life's Morning. George Gissing
  13. Dan Simmons' Hyperion. It's the first in a series of four. I've not read much straight-up sci fi since the 80s, but I LOVED Simmons' The Terror (about the 1840s Franklin expedition) a couple years back, and have a review copy of his latest Drood (a novel about Dickens written by Wilkie Collins) on hand, so I thought I'd give this one a go. I'm enjoying it a lot.
  14. If you're talking about the Guardian's 1000 novels list that came out this month, all six Austens are there, listed under Love. If you're talking about the 1001 Books list from a couple years back, all six Austens are there as well. If you're talking about another 1000 books list that I'm unaware of, will you please send me a link? I love enormous lists.
  15. I play having a uti to the hilt, let me say. Once that bottle of antibiotics is emptied, they'll start expecting things of me again.
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