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Everything posted by Mimi50

  1. You absolutely are not failing your kids. There is awful lot on your plate. Give yourself A break. My son is an adult and went to public school. I nanny for my niece and nephew. Help with my almost 3 year old granddaughter. Because my husband has dementia. I can’t do any classes outside my home. Because these boards I found ways to use free online classes. Used textbooks and keep myself busy. I have math related learning disability that. Requires lots of remedial work and as you can tell. My grammar and writing skills are also affected. Homeschool families are doing great things. For your kids and for me too. If you think it is best to put them back in school. Then you should do that. Be kind and gentle with yourself.
  2. Your daughter sounds very similar to myself. If I were in school today. I probably wouldn’t qualify for IEP. Because my IQ was average and was mainstreamed into regular classes by my senior year in high school. I have dyscalculia and dysgraphia. DCD my mom took me to Easter Seals for physical therapy when I was in elementary school. She needs help just like I did and maybe those of us who are adults. Can help your daughter and other kids too. I took Consumer Math my sophomore year. It was all LD students. I say let’s bring it back.
  3. Exactly right and I was one of them. I would have been student today that would not be able to fill these graduation requirements is me. I graduated in 1991 all of my math classes were for LD students. There are tons of kids today like myself who will not receive high school diploma. It has made such difference in my life. I have worked in childcare that would not be an option. Where I live in Illinois without high school diploma. Community college classes in Elementary Education also would not have advanced my job. Without high school diploma even though my son. Is neurotypical and could fill those requirements. There are millions of kids like myself who can’t. Why do they sentence kids to A lifetime of underemployment if it is not necessary. I hope anyone reading my comments doesn’t feel. I stepped on any toes. Only want to help those kids now that need it. I was in public school with IEP in place when I graduated in 1991. I apologize for all of my grammar and spelling mistakes. My skills are not great.
  4. The nature of my disabilities is not Autism. I am Dyscalculia and dysgraphia. Also DCD all of my math classes in high school. All LD and my social studies were also LD. I had IEP in place so today because. Of the increasingly difficult graduation requirements. I would not have high school diploma, I sometimes wonder that those of us who are adults now. With learning challenges started speaking up. About how having high school diploma. Made such difference in our lives. They might change things for the better. I always wanted to work with kids. Because I had high school diploma. I was able to do that, Take few college classes too. Kids that have autism have potential too. Limiting opportunities for them when they are so young. Is cruel and unnecessary it makes angry, I apologize for my poor spelling and punctuation. I have trouble with that too.
  5. I am so sorry. I have dyscalculia and dysgraphia. Also DCD and graduated from high school in 1991 with IEP in place. The Community College near was not hard to get into. Childcare is what I love and high turnover rate. Usually not hard to get into. Kids like your son need more opportunities to get into vocational training. That they are interested in. With support they need so we can be successful. It makes me so angry that they still offer so little help.
  6. I happen to agree with you. Since I graduated from public high school in 1991. I am LD and had no advanced math classes. Today I would not be able to get high school diploma. Which is required to work in childcare as an assistant. I also took some college classes as well. It makes me think of how many kids like myself won’t get A diploma.
  7. My son Joshua has ADD my husband and I went through several years. With no job and lack of motivation. Is there any interests that he does have?? Some kind of hobby that might help him feel better about himself.
  8. I must admit there is a lot of very harsh judgement. When it comes to outside activities. My son Joshua did few outside activities. He is my only child and went to public school. Just because I chose to do that doesn’t mean everyone. Should sign their kids up for soccer. That worked for my family. It might not work for yours. You also shouldn’t judge someone else. Who has kids in outside activities if it works for their family.
  9. First you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. No I didn’t homeschool my son. He is all grown up. Now and has our beautiful 2 year old granddaughter. What I can relate to is trying to juggle lots of stuff at A time. My husband was diagnosed last December with dementia. I have some mental health issues and can’t drive right now.. So I think that you and your husband. Along with your kids need family meeting. Go over what you want to accomplish with your homeschool. Any chores you want them to do. My husband was in the Navy. So we called family meetings whenever we had issues we needed to address. This continued until our son Joshua left home. It keeps lines of communication open.
  10. The church should accommodate your son. It shouldn’t take loud demands to make that happen. He is child of God and deserves to have whatever he needs to participate. As an adult with LD it makes me very angry. To see kids who struggle and those who should be the most kind and accommodating. Not doing what they should.
  11. Completely understandable and my parents were not real sure with me either. I did graduate from public high school in 1991. I took LD General Math my freshman year. Sophomore year it was LD Consumer Math. I have been very lucky to take some college classes. No math classes at college level so degree of any kind is out. But I took child development classes in high school. After I graduated I was able to get job as Teachers Aid at Daycare center. I live in Illinois so high school diploma is all you need for that. Some states don’t even require high school diploma. I have taken some Elementary Education courses too. She may be like myself and never get college degree. She can still be independent and have job she loves. With family of her own. Is my life different than my neurotypical developing siblings yes. It is still happy well lived life.
  12. Using myself as an example. I have dyscalculia and I am an adult. If they do what I can do math wise they should be okay. I can balance check book and make change. Cooking and baking I can do as long as I have measuring cups and measuring spoons. Even double recipe. II need calculator for tip and figuring out discount on sales. I bought the book Learn Math Fast volume one. I am making progress the other thing that really helped. Was taking Cooking and Culinary Arts in High School. Maybe buying some used simple cookbooks might help her. Giving her budget for A meal was something my mom did at home with me. So I could manage at the store. I know it seems scary now. But I did graduate from high school. Took few college classes. I am married and have child who is grown now. I always wanted to work with kids. Got job in childcare at 21 and work part time as Nanny now. Be patient with her and yourself. Sending hugs to.you both
  13. Hi I am an adult with dyscalculia and dysgraphia. Along with DCD math by far had been my biggest struggle. I didn’t know all of my multiplication tables until last February. Place value I don’t have good grasp of. So maybe taking little break playing some math games. Reading some living math books might help. Give your self and him little time to figure your out where you go from here. Hearing about your son makes feel guilty. For complaining about not being able to add fractions on paper. I can cook and bake with no trouble. So I need to stop whining and be grateful. Sending hugs to you and your little boy.
  14. Hi I am sorry your son is having such trouble in math. I have dyscalculia and I am 50 years old. It bothered me that I didn’t understand math some of the trouble your little guy is having I do too. Not being able to line the problems up. Reversing numbers and forgetting steps to the problems. I finally got all of multiplication tables memorized in February. I did some free online games to get them memorized. Try graph paper to help him line the problems up. You may have to sit with go over each problem as he does them. I bought Learn Math Fast volume 1. As I am doing the problems I talk about each step as I go doing them i feel sorry for him and you.
  15. Hi I just saw your post. No I don’t homeschool and my son is 25 years old. He already graduated from high school. When I graduated from high school in 1991. I had dyscalculia and dysgraphia. So traditional high school classes were not something I did when it came to math and science. Does your daughter enjoy working with young children ? I always wanted to work in childcare. Basic certificate in Child Development. Doesn’t require any advanced math and science. Depending on what state you are in. They may. not have specific requirements for homeschool high school graduates. Check community colleges too they may have other certificates she can do that don’t require advanced math and science.
  16. I have DCD and 50 years old. Received PT at Easter Seals until I was 11. Yes I do have dysgraphia and dyscalculia as well. I can drive but didn’t get my license until I was 20 years old. Yea there are a lot of things that I don’t very well such as going up and down stairs. Things do get better as you get older.
  17. I have dyscalculia and graduated from high school in 1991. Math is huge struggle for me. So last February I bought Learn Math Fast. Though it doesn’t have a lot of hands on things in the book. You certainly could add that if you wanted to. I have made a lot of progress the books are about $40 on Amazon. Maybe you could try that instead.
  18. I am 50 years old and have DCD. No I don’t have Autism. So very possible that your son doesn’t either. I do have dyscalculia and dysgraphia. Received both special education services and physical therapy. In elementary school. I had hard time catching balls and anything requiring large motor skills. I didn’t learn to drive until I was 20 years old. But I did graduate from high school. Have worked in childcare and I am married with 25 year old son. This is treatable disorder but it is life long.
  19. You are right. But as an adult with dyscalculia. There are very basic workbooks in Pre-Algebra from 3rd-5th grade. That would give students like myself. Sense of accomplishment as far as feeling. Advanced math was possible. Kumon sells Geometry and Measurement workbooks. From 3rd-5th grade also.
  20. This sounds fantastic. My name is Angela I 50 years old dyscalculia adult. I hope it helps your daughter. She is extremely smart math is just hard for her. I did graduate from high school. Started working in Childcare when I was 21 years old. Took classes at Community College. A good happy life with career happens. Sending blessings too you and your daughter.
  21. I realize this thread was started nine years ago. Since I am an adult with dyscalculia. Who graduated from high school in 1991. I took two years of basic special education math. I am very lucky in that I had no difficulty telling time. Was able to memorize my multiplication tables through the 9’s. My son Joshua is 25 years old now and was always math wiz. By the time he was in 3rd grade in public school. I couldn’t help him anymore. It always bothered me and felt that I was dumb. So I am 50 years old and trying my best to improve. My math skills. I bought Learn Math Fast Level 1. I am not only enjoying it a lot. Now I realize math can be fun. It is something I can do. If you child like myself. Just go slow the most important thing is that they have the basics down. If they go on to community college and math scores are low. See if they will wave the math requirement for their degree. Please know your child’s struggles are not your fault. They are wired like I am so it takes them longer to process numbers. I apologize for any punctuation and grammar mistakes. Unfortunately I language learning disabilities also.
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