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Indigo Blue

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Everything posted by Indigo Blue

  1. I feel the same. I have always noticed (in my teens and beyond) that my narc mom doesn’t do this. If I were upset about a mean girl thing that happened to me, she’d be very critical of the person to me, then, later, if she saw the person face to face, she’d be SO bubbly and friendly, acting like their best friend or something. I remember being confused and hurt by this. OP, I think it’s normal to feel mama bear over these things. You are recognizing and dealing with those feelings in a mature way.
  2. Nvm. I see you don’t want glass for travel. I’ll leave this anyway. This one is borosilicate glass which is explosion resistant and has a lid. Would this work? https://www.amazon.com/OXO-Grips-Freezer-Oven-Baking/dp/B019FHD0FK/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1KUMF22RAHFF&keywords=oxo+borosilicate+glass+baking+dish&qid=1699622873&sprefix=oco+borosilicate+glass+baking+dish%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1
  3. She is a threat to your well being. If I were in your shoes, that kind of treatment would devastate me, considering how many people have made negative comments about my being a SAHM for so many years. Given that history, that would just be so deflating. That counselor has the potential to do great harm. Find another one. That is out of line, crazy, unethical, and very bizarre.
  4. I love the ones that just say: I DO WHAT I WANT 😁 So befitting for a teen boy, lol.
  5. I had one. I convinced Dh to cut them off when the lights stopped working. It was a job. When I got a new tree, I got pre lit again. Sigh. I hate putting the lights one. I’ve had this one four or five years. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. 😬
  6. I don’t mean to sound like people owe me the kind of reaction I expect. I’m just saying it’s a weird experience from my POV. That’s all.
  7. Awwww. That was a really nice gift, IMO. Edit: lol, was it a Stanley cup? 😁 How can you be mad at a Stanley cup? 😜
  8. And I have wondered if this is the case before when it has happened. I think….Are they just not good at knowing how to respond? It’s hard to know.
  9. I know little children do this, but I am mainly wondering about full grown adults or older teens.
  10. Oh, yes, we’ve had the awful gift opening frenzy in years past. On one side. The other side is more civilized.
  11. Have you ever exchanged gifts with a family member who opens their gift right in front of you and has absolutely no response or reaction? No words. Just set it aside and open the next? I’ve had this happen with several young adults/older teens and one adult family member. (No, it’s not my mom). I mean, just open it, set it aside and there is just a complete nonplussed reaction? When it has happened, it makes me ask internal questions. Do they not like it? Etc. Lol. I know how we’ve discussed here in the board how many just get stuff that we don’t want or need and unceremoniously dump it off at Goodwill or something. Maybe that’s what they did….I don’t know or really care. It’s just that in that moment, it’s just a bit awkward. I’m just really glad that I no longer have to shop for anyone but immediate family. So is this very uncommon? Or does this happen in your family? I confess that I do put thought into gifts and it hurts my feelings just a tad, but I get over it. No biggie. Just wondering if others experience this.
  12. I love this with red brick. Classy, timeless. This is probably my favorite. We have red brick with charcoal gray shutters and door. Our vinyl trim is off white. Looks very nice.
  13. I rarely buy clothes, but when I do, I get one very high quality item and keep it as long as possible. It’s awful to see all the clothes dumped out in that satellite photo.
  14. Yes, I can find out, if I need to, if he has an actual emergency. That’s what I’ve been doing all along. So, you may be right that I should just leave it at that. Thanks.
  15. Just wanted to add here that my mom had been trying to call my dad’s sister many times in the days before the weird text today, and my aunt would not answer. My brothers and mom have both been trying to call my dad and he has not been responding. He is up there with my aunt right now and has been there awhile. They are both in “don’t take calls” mode right now. Except today, suddenly the weird text. It’s a game. Drama. Attention. My mom tried to manipulate me into calling him when he would not answer. I said, no, I don’t want to do that. She kept pushing and pushing. I knew he was up there with his sister. I knew he was fine. My mom just jumps back in with them when they do decide to take calls. It’s so messed up. The next time I am ever on the phone with my dad, I am going to ask him why they do this. One day, he is going to need someone for real, and we will just think he’s playing his game. Same for mom. She exaggerates and lies so much. One day that is going to not serve her.
  16. Oh, wow. Yes, poor spider. We can file this in the What I learned Today thread.
  17. Thank you so so so much. This is helpful to hear when one has so many mixed feelings, including guilt.
  18. We could leave this thread up and talk about what to do in odd situations like this. It might be helpful. Maybe?
  19. In this case, there is no one there for her. They are both two people who are not capable of healthy relationships with anyone.
  20. I hope I’m never in this position because this would be difficult for me even if I were close to the person.
  21. Okay. My aunt (with whom I’ve never had a relationship) has been in the hospital and is now in rehab doing well and is supposed to go home soon. History: My dad (divorced from mom and lives 45 minutes further away from her) with whom I also have no relationship has a history of having spaces of time in his life where he will not respond to texts or calls from other family members based on whether he has someone or something else to focus on in that point in time. When he inevitably has a fight with the current person (neighbor, friend, his sister who is now in rehab) he starts to call or text or want to be more involved. Not with me, but with other family. Especially my mom. And then they just fight and scream at each other. So, today, I just found out he has sent that same text, in all caps, to all his grandchildren and children. He is just stirring up drama. My aunt doesn’t want everyone to call her. They are both wrapped up in their own lives, live for drama, and are toxic. My dad never talks to my sons. Ever. He is just sending out these crazy texts just….for whatever reason. For attention. She is ok. Sorry for the crazy post.
  22. I found out what is happening. It’s not urgent. I’ll explain in just a little while.
  23. Text from my dad: Aunt’s room number. Xxx-xxxx. Call her. That is all it said. I don’t know what is happening. She has been in ICU for awhile. She may be dying. I don’t have a relationship with this aunt. Have a phone call with someone with whom you don’t see often on what could be their death bed? My dad is crazy. Really. I can’t just call him and talk to him and have a sensible conversation. I don’t know what to do. What would you do? I would have no idea what to say. Dad and I have no relationship, either. Help. How do I handle this situation? My intuition is that something is wrong and she may be in really bad shape.
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