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Everything posted by KIN

  1. This is the largest jump in a day ever, according to my CNN email. But, it didn't say why, and I don't have time to research. Can anyone enlighten me?
  2. I remember chicken butchering day. We had two methods of beheading the chicken - hang them by their feet on the clothes line and well... cut their heads off or my grandma had a stump with two nails that you held the head between and cut it off. I also remember the plucking. Ooo! Now I prefer my chicken to arrive at my house already frozen in boneless, skinless breasts. :D The less I have to think about the bird, the better!!
  3. One reason why Dave Ramsey has people purchase things instead of giving it all away is so that they will be more serious about their changes, KWIM? If you have paid $100.00 for a series of classes you are committed before you start and *are* going to work through this. If your church offers free classes, one may think "Hey, I'll see what this is all about." and may never make any serious changes. So, it isn't only to make a buck. But, the guy deserves to do that as well. ;)
  4. No, I love it too. :) I'm just wondering about what those types of shows are doing to me. The older I get the more disturbed I get from them. Some shows make me dwell on them, or go over and over it and I can't sleep. But, I'm always drawn back to the "who done it" type shows. I'm thinking it is about time to stop though!
  5. I just finished watching Numbers that we had TIVO'd. As I was watching it my body was tense, my shoulders were tight, my stomach was clenched. After the show was over I had to wonder what this kind of suspense is doing to me. Does it make real life seem more... boring? Does it wear away at our sense of reality? Does it wear away at our reaction to violence? I've also noticed that I can be very tired before a TV show comes on, but when it starts, I'm sucked in. I stay up later, then I have trouble getting up. When I read a book, if I'm tired I go to bed (most of the time, there are the occasional books that keep me up too!). So, it is affecting my ability to get up to exercise or have my quiet time in the morning. So, what exactly is TV watching doing for me? What is it doing *to* me?
  6. I feel your pain! My mother is not supportive of me homeschooling my dc. Just today my dh had a newspaper in his mailbox (he works in our family business) from a local paper stating how our public school is one of the best in the state, put there by Mom of course. A few days ago she told me "I hope you see the light one of these days and put those kids in school." I laughed and said "I hope you see the light one of these days." I try to laugh it off, but it does hurt and makes it easy to second guess yourself.
  7. Michelle - Could you link me to this? I don't quite understand what it is, yet it sounds like something I might be able to use (if I'm thinking of it correctly!).
  8. I'm wondering about getting this for a group gift for my boys. Would it get used at your house? Mine love to play games. I tried to copy the picture, but I couldn't figure it out. Here is a link to it at Target: http://www.target.com/Voit-Lets-Play-Game-Center/dp/B000G28LCQ/ref=sc_ri_3/602-0782386-4415809
  9. Thanks for this post! I've got some ideas now to get our Lego's organized. :) I like the idea of plastic drawer boxed and having them sorted by color...
  10. It is on Sunday nights. And, the 1.5 episodes I've watched were really good! :)
  11. My TIVO missed the ending b/c of the football game. I watched until Mack was getting ready to go into the plane, the plane was maybe going to land in Mexico City, and Molly was driving Kim to Texas to be with her kids. I can't watch the video on CBS b/c my connection is too bad. What happened next?? It's driving me crazy! :tongue_smilie:
  12. I think you can wait to start grammar until 3rd grade. However, I would be sure that your ds knows the following: how to write a sentence (complete thought, capitals, and punctuation), definition of a noun and verb. I think if they know that much before 3rd grade they are off to a good start. :)
  13. If so, how is it going? Do you do the projects? Any other thoughts? I'm thinking of using this next semester for our Earth Science rotation (that we didn't do last year!). I have the book, but I would love to hear your experience with it. Thanks!
  14. I agree, you could do it now, but why? I don't think there is a big rush for grammar in K. I did FLL with my oldest in K and haven't done it in K since. :tongue_smilie: It just seems to be extra, and if I have time for extra why not read some fun poems or stories, KWIM? Just keep it fun and light for K.
  15. Are the sunflower seed roasted but not salted or are they supposed to be raw sunflower seeds??? This recipe looks yummy! :) Although instead of dried fruit I think I'll dry chocolate chips!!!
  16. Refrigerator - I clean this on a rotating basis, one shelf a week. Sooo, every 5-6 weeks it is completely cleaned Dusting - Again, I do this on a rotating basis, 1-2 rooms a week. Everything gets dusted once a month or so. I do the family room more often. Polish wood furniture - Hmm, I guess I count this in dusting. :) When I dust I do the furniture too. Scrub bathtub/shower - Every other week (or sometimes less often) Mop floors - My goal is every week, but is often 2-3 weeks!!
  17. My favorite lunches are leftovers. :) Seriously, they are warm, nutritious and quick to warm up. I try to make extra food when I make supper. I also will make a big pot of soup once a week and have it for lunches too. Or, make something like chicken or roast that you can change the leftovers into something else - pot roast becomes BBQ sandwiches or fajitas, etc.
  18. We've used lots of the Kumon workbooks and have loved them all. I, too, have found the ages on the book to be accurate. The maze book, pasting, cutting, numbers, numbers games.... those are ones I can think of off the top of my head that we used at 3-4. I think the number book was great to help my 4yo learn his numbers especially.
  19. We use all cash, except for a debit card we use for gas. Dave Ramsey says that if you use cash you spend less than if you use a credit card and pay it off each month. Dh and I have proved that correct. Cash just somehow "hurts" more when you spend it. Plus, it is easy to see exactly where you are at. When the cash is gone... it's gone. With a credit card it is very, very hard to know exactly how much money is left when you are using it.
  20. We're having Cheddar Chowder and Cheddar Biscuits. Yum.:tongue_smilie:
  21. My dh and I are also looking forward to it! Especially after all of the very serious news these days, I'm ready to relax and laugh. :)
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