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Everything posted by KIN

  1. Thanks for the support everyone! I decided last night that I would accomplish two things today: quiet time and exercise. I've had a hard time getting up and doing those things before the kids get up. So, it finally dawned on me: do I *have* to do them before the kids are up? I decided that quiet time and exercise were my priorities, school will come as I feel better. Anyway, it is now 7:30 and I've had my quiet time and exercised. Granted, it was only a 1 mile Walk Away the Pounds DVD, but it was a start. And, now it's time to get on with the day - I've accomplished what I wanted and I still have time for school. :) I've also made an appointment with my doctor for next Tuesday at 2:00. I've been on this med for 3 months, the doctor tried to add another med last month, but I had some really bad side effects. So, I'm going to go back and try it again. Again, thanks for your support and kind words. Please keep praying for me, and for others that deal with depression.
  2. ETA Update: I just wanted to let you all know that I went to the doctor today. He listen very well and started me on a new anti-depressant. I'm hoping that it helps! Thanks, too, for the good ideas! Buddabelly - I'm working at the exercising every day. I think, too, that it is huge in making me feel better. I'm just down. I want to read, eat and nothing else. I want to ignore the world and not think about anything stressful (which seems to be everything). Everything seems so big - exercise, eating right, school, housework, laundry, paying bills, taking care of the kids, and on and on. I'm on an anti-depressant, but I still am struggling. I really, really hate feeling like this and I can't seem to kick it. Do you have any advice to help a person that is very out of "it" (for lack of a better word) get "it" back? I really need to be exercising, I've lost 20 lbs this summer, and I'm starting to gain. I still have another 50 lbs. to lose! I don't want to backtrack. I feel like Paul when he said something to the effect of "Why do I do the things I don't want to and don't do the things I want to do?". Oh, my prayer life is another thing that feels like I'm failing at. I keep praying for strength and for change, yet things seem to remain the same. I'm not doubting God is here, but I'm not seeing Him here, does that make sense? Anyway, the little one is up from her nap, so I must go. I really need to accomplish something for the day. Often the first thing I think of when I'm feeling like this is putting the kids in school. Do you think that would help me?? Any other thoughts, advice or gentle kicks in the behind would be welcome!
  3. It was WAY too messy for me too. I'd have the kids play with it on a cookie sheet, and yet I'd find it all over the place. I finally pitched it into the trash when the boys weren't around.
  4. Oooh, I loved these books as a girl! :) Now, I don't remember exactly what age I was when I read them. I think I'd have your mom get them, as they would be good books for *some* time, but I might read one before I turn it over to your dd. I *think* it might have a bit of very tame romance, from what I vaguley remember. I do remember that I really liked them! I'd jump at the chance to have them just from my memories!
  5. Um, ya, I had Subway. My mom took the dc to eat at our family restaurant and dh is still at work. It was a looong day over here!!!
  6. Yep, we will be following this through to the bitter end. I am afraid we will still owe the co-pay and the deductible. The system is broken. I feel so (sorry for my language) screwed b/c we *do* have insurance. Could we not just have one price regardless of who pays? The actual cost of the services? What a concept!! Ugh.
  7. They are not trying to make us pay more than the contracted amount, it is that the contracted amount is *twice* as much as the first bill we received from the hospital.
  8. It *is* crazy! We are responsible for the difference between the $4,217.51 our insurance company paid and the $6,868.20 of the contract. If our original bill had been $6,868.20, I wouldn't be having a problem. But, our original bill from the hospital was only $3,214.30. Our contracted amount is *double* what the actual amount was billed. It is. just. nuts. I don't feel we should have to pay more! Our hospital has already received $1000.00 more than they billed!! Yet, we still owe $2,650.69 to the hospital. I would *never* have went to this hospital if I had known their contract with our insurance company is so crazy. I have since switched doctors and will not ever go back to this hospital. But, in all actuality it is also the fault of our insurance company. Yet, this is the insurance we are offered through dh's work, so we are stuck with it. The system is frustrating!
  9. I'll try to be more clear. :) The first bill we received from the hospital was for a total of $3,214.30. This bill was received before anything had been processed at our insurance company. After our insurance company processed the claim, the insurance company stated the total contractual amount should be $6,868.20. The insurance company paid $4,217.51 and we are responsible (b/c of our deductible and copayment amount) for the remaining $2,650.69. So, our insurance company's contract is for *twice* as much as the original bill. Even though we were billed for $3,214.30 we will be paying $6,868.20 because that is the contracted amount for services rendered. I'm thinking this is a pretty dumb contract our insurance company made with the hospital. We would have been better off to not have insurance in this case and just paid the hospital directly.
  10. The best icing for pumpkin anything is cream cheese icing. Ummm..... Our family's restaurant (http://www.riegsecker.com/php/blue_gate/index.php) sells pumpkin cake donuts with cream cheese frosting this time of year, and pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting, and pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting.... notice a theme??? :)
  11. Our dd was in the hospital last April for dehydration. We received a bill for $3,214.30 from the hospital. However, our insurance company has a contract with this hospital, so our insurance company paid the hospital $4,217.51. Yep, $1003 MORE than what we were billed. It gets worse. The total contract was for $6,868.20. So, we OWE the hospital another $2,650.69, even though the hospital has received MORE than they BILLED us. I am so frustrated. We have asked the insurance company to review this, they did and came back with the same thing. I wonder what the hospital would have brought the bill down to if we had needed to pay cash, and not had insurance. I think our next step is to ask the hospital to review and see if they will back off of the claim. This is what is wrong with our health care!!!! Seriously, why would a hospital be allowed to bill a certain amount and then collect almost double that just because a person has a certain insurance company. I am very, very angry over the whole thing. :cursing:
  12. Thanks everyone! I've finished the book. :D I've got the movie on my Netflix queue and I just ordered Sense and Sensibility by using my PaperbackSwap points.
  13. Thanks everyone! I've decided to try the Highlights High Five, it looks just right for my 2nd son. :)
  14. Yep, I have never read this book until now!!! It took me quite a while to get into it, but now I'm loving it. :D I can't wait to see how Mr. Darcy purposes to Elizabeth for the 2nd time (cause I just know he's gonna). I love, love, love to read and always have a book going. However, I've read mostly brain candy (a lot of Christian fiction). I've decided to expand my mind a bit or "better myself" as my dh laughingly said and read some of the classics. Where should I go next??
  15. Is there a magazine appropriate for a beginning reader? Oh, it is for my son that is 6 going on 7. :) Thanks!
  16. My 6.5 year old ds weighs 41 pounds. :) My dc are all on the small side.
  17. This is for a day or an evening or several days?? Are they learning basic cooking techniques or just preparing a meal? I guess it would depend on some of those things for me. I'd also have your dd prepare meals often at home, letting her look up recipes for different types of food - a French night, etc. :) It sounds like fun! I hope some of my dc will enjoy cooking!
  18. I just started using ArtPacs and really like them! They are inexpensive, easy to use and helping my dc are learning!
  19. Well, my boys aren't allowed to have "screen time M-Th". On the weekends, um, probably 1.5 hours a day split between computer and TV.
  20. Check out these sites for some very good ideas! I have found that my children do much better with a routine and some "forced" alone time in a play pen. :) It teaches them to be content to play quietly by themselves. Now, that said I need to work on my current 1 year old! :) Here ya go: http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/preschool_activities.htm http://www.preschoolersandpeace.com This site is by our own Kendra from the forum!
  21. Is it difficult to do two different levels? I'm thinking that level 1 would be too easy for my oldest and level 2 would be too hard for my younger son. Does your oldest do this more independently? Thanks!
  22. Do the experiments match what you are reading about in Noeo science? Are you doing it in 2 or 4 days? Anything else I need to know? :) Thanks!
  23. I'm thinking of next year and wondering about Physics. I'm really enjoying RS4K, but wondered what else is out there for Physics? It would be for my 2nd and 4th graders. Thanks!
  24. I do the same subjects with my 3rd grader, in addition he does: geography Latin Bible writing piano Art appreciation with music and artists
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