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Everything posted by Cammie

  1. I had this happen in Oregon. Car was in hubby's name. It was clearly my picture. Ticket was issued via mail to hubby. It came with a form asking him to either verify if it was him or if it was not him. If it was not him it requested him to name the person (didn't require him to name the person.) He said it was not him, did not name me, and that was the end of it. No other ticket was issued and I learned to slow down!
  2. :iagree::iagree::iagree: Sounds like an attempt to reduce child support by including flights as part of his expenses. Let him or his lawyer do the work - not your job.
  3. :lol::lol::lol: Just started back with my trainer this week...arms almost hurt too much to type! Thanks, I needed this!
  4. We recently started with Lively Latin and I am very happy with it for my 8 year old dd. She was actually bugging me to "do latin" this weekend! The history is interesting, the web site accessible, the text appealing. So far I ddin't see any overly religious sentiments.
  5. Hive, I have figured out almost every other subject but Science. I have a 4th grade girl, big reader (no idea what level but she can read/understand anything.) She likes doing worksheets, drawing pictures, etc. I am not terribly sciency. Also, being in India I would like to get something that would come "all inclusive" - no need to be running around trying to get additional resources/items. I need something secular, pro-evolution (or quiet on the subject) is fine. I have looked through lots of curriculum and review sites but nothing jumps out as getting overwhelming positive reviews. All help appreciated.
  6. Excellent analogy! From what I have read, one of the primary justifications of the burqua is that it prevents men from having impure thoughts. I always felt it unfair to put the burden on women to control men's thoughts and actions - seems like that should be the men's job! In the same vein asking women to not show clevage, not wear short skirts - if it makes them feel good about themselves - seems unfair. It also seems a short leap to that horrible rape justification of "see how she was dressed."
  7. Of course, it doesn't eliminate the "what's for dinner" question - but now it is the cook asking it. I tried the "food" answer to her a couple of times - but it didn't translate! All I got was a really confused look!:tongue_smilie:
  8. Get a lawyer, get a lawyer, get a lawyer. Wait on getting a job. Do the research, know what you want to do but understand that anything you do now might impact alimony/child support in the future. People get really wierd when relationships start to fall apart. He may be a great guy making all the right promises but that can change in a heartbeat! Please protect yourself and your children by getting a lawyer to tell you the laws in your state for legal separation and divorce. For example, what are your rights if he just stops paying the mortgage? Can you pay it? If not, you need to make sure you have a legally enforceable agreement for him to pay. Good luck and :grouphug:, this won't be an easy ride. Oh, and one last thing, the best thing you can do for your kids is keep them out of this. Tell them the minimum they need to know. Don't be judgmental. At their age it is enough to say "Daddy is going to be living in another place for a little while. He loves you and will still want to see you tons and tons. We both love you and will always be around to take care of you just in different ways."
  9. I am looking for science books that are for a 4th grader. I am not very "sciency" so need something that is very well organized and presented. These looked good but from the website it is clear that it is an Anti-Darwin writer. Just wondering if anyone has used the Level I books and if they really would be unsuitable for a pro-evolution family?
  10. Believe it or not (and I know it sounds extreme) one of the reasons we moved to India was...dinner time! I was tired of my (Indian) husband turning up his nose at American food and my kids turning up their noses at other food - all after I spent time planning and preparing a meal! So we moved to India with the understanding that we will hire a cook (a very typical thing for a family here to do.) Now my husband doesn't like the cook's Indian food, my kids still complain but somehow not having been the one to prepare the meal - I don't take it personally any more!
  11. Yes, document the grades - before and after. I wouldn't worry about "documenting" the behavior on field trips but I might consider keeping a list of other adults who have seen your daughter and how she interacts with kids. They can be potential witnesses in the future. Also, your daughter is old enough that a judge might actually ask her opinion about the switch. Is she on board with it?
  12. Hi Karen!:seeya: As a recovering divorce attorney, I think you have been given good advice. The most important thing is to always focus on "the best interests of the child." Be able to back up your reasoning as to why homeschooling is in the best interests of your daughter. Have specific examples ready for the judge. Document everything! Keep any tests you give her, copies of curriculum you use, examples of work she does. Keep it organized. Be ready to show it all to the judge to prove she is working and learning. Lots of moms (and some dads too I suppose) have had to defend homeschooling in court against an ex-spouse who is vindictive or who doesn't know any better. You will be able to do it too. Good luck!
  13. After just reading this entire thread - I think this is the clearest response regarding the offense taken by Jews to the MJ movement. Thank you.
  14. The law actually applied to someone who watched over non-relative children for more than four weeks out of the year. The law did not require that payment be exchanged in order for the law to apply. So no, letting the kids inside when the weather was bad would not be a violation - unless you did it every day for four weeks. It is an example of poorly drafted legislation - no one said the politicians who write this stuff had any brains!:tongue_smilie:
  15. See...this is why I like Hinduism! I can be a Hindu and believe that Jesus was the son of god and believe that Mohammud was a prophet of god and believe that the trinity is actually Shiva-Bhrama-Vishnu! Ahh the joy of inclusivity - makes like much easier - no need to choose between anything! (Just trying to keep things light folks!)
  16. That is what is so weird - they had my cell phone number - here in India - and knew to dial all the correct country codes? I did once send my phone number in a PM to another mom. Could they have accessed that? I really, really don't think I ever went to their site.
  17. Out of the blue I got a call from K12. I don't ever remember going to their website or reviewing their information much less ever requesting any additional information! I am trying to figure out how they got my phone number? I was wondering if they were culling prospective clients from this site?
  18. Just started LL and we really enjoy it. I am using it with my 8 year old daughter who is also very verbal. She really enjoyed the into and studying the history and geography in addition to the language. We are early into it but so far happy with our choice. We took the $55 downloadable version and will print each chapter as needed. It was great because it was available almost immediately.
  19. Wow, guys, thanks! This stuff is gold!:hurray: Keep 'em comming!
  20. Wow, I join the others in a few :grouphug:s ! You really have your hands full. What about a family meeting? You shouldn't be the only one dealing with the burdens. Call everyone in. Put it all on the table. Ask for their input. Explain that there just is not enough $$ to go around. What suggestions can they make? Those over 18 needs to understand that there are still kids in the house who deserve to have a mom who is not totally stressed and worried about the adult children. See what ideas come out of a contstructive/non-blaming meeting. Brainstorm. You might be surprised what comes out of it. Let them know how much better life would be if everyone pulled their own weight. Paid their own bills. Good luck!
  21. I am sure a lot of us new homeschooling moms would love to get some gems of advice from those of you who have been doing it for a while. What do you wish you knew when you started homeschooling that you learned only later on? TIA
  22. I thought she sounded very supportive of homeschooling. She admits she is jealous of kids who are homeschooled and that homeschooling would have better prepared her for her current profession. She even admits that homeschool kids might be the kids who grow up to change the world! All in all, not a bad review!
  23. The Kite Runner is a wonderful, tragic, touching book. I wonder what age group is was for? I found it disturbing (as most people will) and it would have to be a very mature teenager to really get the most out of it.
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