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Everything posted by Cammie

  1. I have just started looking into this curriculum and I was wondering what the wise ladies (and gentlemen) of the hive thought about it?
  2. OK - here is the Wiki definition: The Impostor Syndrome , sometimes called Impostor Phenomenon or Fraud Syndrome , is a syndrome where sufferers are unable to internalize their accomplishments. It is not an officially recognized psychological disorder but has been the subject of numerous books and articles by psychologists and educators. Regardless of what level of success they may have achieved in their chosen field of work or study or what external proof they may have of their competence, those with the syndrome remain convinced internally they do not deserve the success they have achieved and are actually frauds. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they were more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. This syndrome was thought to be particularly common among women who are successful in their given careers , but has since been shown to occur for an equal number of men. [1] It is typically associated with academics and is widely found amongst graduate students . [1] I believe we can feel this way in all areas of our lives - our homes, our kids, our marriages. And for homeschooling moms - that is the career so you can definately feel it regarding your homeschooling.
  3. Welcome to my world! I actually had to research this and found out there is a syndrome - I believe it is called imposter syndrome. Basically, I always felt that I was living a lie. People thought I was smart, but I knew the truth. People thought I was hard working, but I knew the truth. People thought I was a great mom, but I new the truth. This really became disabling when I started working after law school. Because I knew I was going to get found out! I was just sure that all these lawyers would figure out that it was a fluke that I had high grades and a fluke I passed the bar and a fluke I was ever good at anything! It was paralyzing. Eventually I did go on medication for panic attacks. I did improve greatly under the meds - long enough for me to establish myself in a job and feel more secure. I have been off the meds for years now and have been fine. You are not alone in this!!
  4. Thanks to everyone who posted their very thoughtful replies. I can see we really run the spectrum here on every issue! I do feel less alone now that I know all of you are out there! Here is to more thoughtful, tolerant, respectful discourse in the future! :cheers2:
  5. Just saw it. Makes me sad. Also kind of proves my point about whether certain groups of people can even let others talk about themselves without judging it.
  6. Lisa, I wish I believed it was true but my experience says differently. People with my personal/religious beliefs would not be granted tolerance, understanding, or respect. We would be condemned to "hell" and judged as less worthy and certainly told we were "wrong." When I say respect for all backgrounds and faiths I mean leaving aside judgments regarding right or wrong on issues of personal faith. I truely believe that no person can be "wrong" for choosing to follow a certain religous path. Perhaps conservative/liberal carries the wrong connotations given the current political climate. Some have self-identified as "progressive" and maybe that is a better term. Who I was looking for were those tree-hugging, pro-choice, Darwin believing, global warming believing, feminist homeschoolers that I know must exist someplace!
  7. As a former divorce attorney - I agree. Family court is no place for families! My first piece of advice to clients would often be - if there is any way to settle this - let's do it. Unfortunately, what you are experiencing is the rule and not the exception. Did I read it correctly - did the other side offer $4K for you to agree to custody? That kind of dealing is something I would want the judge to know about. Also you definately want to see about reopening the property settlement for that IRA. In most states a missed asset can be divided when it is discovered and most judges will give you more of a share than you would have recieved initially because he lied about it! Good luck next week!
  8. I am sorry you are having a bad time with them. Perhaps my situation will let you see that it is not soo bad having grumpy check out people! In India the whole concept of a public library for each community is non-existant! Yes, we have no place to go to borrow books from for free as often as we like. I never realized how much I took it for granted until it was gone! We do have private libraries. I have taken a membership and it works like Netflix - when I am done with books they pick up the old ones and deliver the new ones off the list. But I miss the other things about a library like strolling in the stacks, finding a surprising new book, having kids excited about going to the library and picking out their own books, etc, etc. What I wouldn't give for one grumpy old librarian scowling at me!
  9. You aren't the Muslim American from Texas that I just heard on NPR are you?
  10. We were in Portland before the move to India. We miss it big time. My daughter still talks about OMSI and all the fun we had. It is a great place to raise a family (and be a liberal!)
  11. ;) Yes, I was starting to be a bit overwhelmed but I feel much better now that you all identified yourself!
  12. Astrid - been meaining to tell you - I love your name. It was the name of my favorite Swedish grandmother. We named my daughter Anusha because it was the Indian version!
  13. :) Just wanted to say a congrats! As for the 4 year old - I don't think the pictures of babies would give it away but the checking and listening to your stomach, talk of hearing a heartbeat, etc just might! I guess I would bring her along, let her watch you give your blood sample (how funny she likes that!) and then ask the receptionist to keep an eye on her in the waiting room. Or bring along her favorite book for her to read during the appointment. Maybe even bring an ipod and tell her she can only come along if she listens to music while the doctor is talking to you! Good luck!
  14. It is clear there is a large number of conservative homeschoolers here. I was just wondering how many of us identify as liberals? I would classify myself as a way out there, real life, from birth, liberal with extremely liberal religious and political views. My Dh is Hindu, I was raised Christian (dad, granddad, great grand dad all ministers in liberal churches.) We celebrate all the holidays and the kids have been exposed to both religions. We practice tolerance, compassion and understanding as well as respect for all backgrounds and faiths. I personally believe it is the governments responsibility to make sure that the benefits of the society are available to all the citizens - whether they are "productive members of society" or not! Anyone else out there?? [And please note - not looking to debate if I am right or wrong - just looking for like minded folks - thanks!]
  15. We are TOTALLY having a problem here. DS goes to a lovely pre-K program where he is learning ABCs and such. The problem is most Indians do have trouble with the "V" sound. So my son says "wery good" instead of "very good." It sounds cute now, but now so sure how it will sound when he is 30! We try to overemphasize the "v" in order to compensate so we say "VVVVery" so he can hear it. I tried talking to the teachers but they really didn't see the problem!
  16. I second Sherlock Holmes - get him the big book that has the whole collection - should keep him busy for DAYS - and no graphic anything!
  17. When we arrived in India our TV wasn't compatible with the power system, we didn't want to go get a huge transformer, getting cable was a huge headache and so due more to laziness than any higher motive we decided to give up TV. Now have been TV free for three years! We do watch movies and play Wii but it has been great for our family! We don't miss it at all [ok, that is a lie - I miss it but no one else does!]
  18. I found the above comment to be very interesting. The president (this or one you like) is NOT simply the spokesman for a much larger movement. He (or maybe oneday SHE) is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. I fail to understand why that means to little to the conservatives. Is it that have 8 years of having everything their way they cannot simply accept that the rest of the country might like things to be different?
  19. I agree with Janet - it is fairly common to "rent back" for a short time in order to facilitate your moving out. You might even make an exchange - you will get the carpets cleaned when you leave in exchange for renting back the house for X weeks. Good luck.
  20. I try to focus on understanding why the other person felt the need to complain/point out something. What fault is there in their character that drives them to make such negative comments on other people?:001_rolleyes: I guess I try to make the whole encounter less about me and more about them. That way I have nothing to be defensive about!
  21. Ok, next time I post in all caps I will spell check first! [Guess that supports my post on a previous thread of being a bad speller!] [Just found the edit button - love it!] I think the reason they do it in law school is so that you don't have a class where all the kid's get A's. Remember, you are still in competitive mode when in law school. Your grade might determine if you get a law review post or a certain internship or into a certain select seminar course. Given how driven most law students are - chances are they actually all do fairly well on the exams. The school feels there is a need to differentiate between the students and hence the curve. I still rememeber that horrible sinking feeling of seeing my first semester grades (I think it was one "C" or something like that) and I don't wish it on anyone!
  22. I think is the best point yet! When people protested in the 1960's they were accused of hating their country. The whole love it or leave it refrain. When liberals protested Bush's wars, torture policies, etc we were routinely accused of being anti-American. But now, all of the sudden, when they don't like the party in power, conservatives can protest and suddenly it is the "American" thing to do?? Why do conservatives think they have the monopoly on loving their country? I would really like to understand this??
  23. Hmmm... thanks for the info! This is a new one for me and something I will have to get my head around to understand!
  24. One more family bed here! DD slept with us till 4 when DS was born. Then she transitioned to a mattress on the floor and then to her own room. Then DS moved into the bed. Four years later DS is still with us and DD is with us most of the time. We have recently moved a bed into our room because with everyone getting a little bigger it was getting hard for me to get any sleep. They both grind their teeth, wack me in the face, kick me in the kidney and are generally VERY loud, restless sleepers. It doesn't seem to bother DH but it is rough! I don't think we will push them to be on their own until they are ready to make that transition on their own.
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