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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Worked out again today. Also ended up with the dog, who has been bizarrely cuddle seeking lately, jump on my lap while getting ready to do crunches. He did not want to move. Then he sat at my head and tried to lick my face. Never a dull moment.
  2. I am so sorry! I 100% agree with you, and I am going to say that this man is a xXxX xxx a$$hole. Yes, I know. Not nice. But this dude burned the bridge to nice and gracious a long long time ago. Many hugs to your boy. I think you did the right thing because he was already struggling hard over the incident, and the stress of school might have been too much. Vent away!
  3. Any updates? I love farm babies. Hope he is holding on!
  4. No breakfast. The usual coffee savagery. Lunch - taco salad, big bowl of shredded greens, entire can of drained black beans, bunch of red pepper, a little bit of jalapeno, salsa, and a little ranch dressing . Dinner - baked potatoes, roast Brussels sprouts, stuffed mushrooms
  5. Amish give the young kids cookies during the sermon. Seems practical.
  6. Oops! 😂😂😂 Again, foster lamb mother here. Fiber lambs. Nice, petite little lambs!
  7. I do not know a thing about bottle fed calves. But we fed bum lambs, that is the kind of thing that will melt your heart! If we found them alone in the cold, we put them in a warm bath which really helped get their core temperature up, and then the rigorous drying off helped them not be so lethargic so they took their first bottle better. Of course, I had zero clue if that would work or not. But I thought I would throw it out there because baby farm stock are so darn cute, and it is so sad to lose them.
  8. Confession about the stitching. I went to start sewing and of all the ridiculous things for a seamstress/quilter to be out of, I had NO white thread. 🙄🙄🙄 😡 I could not believe it. I went after all the notions I needed yesterday so I could make these outfits and did not check my box for white thread. So I was trying to decide what to do and thought, "Well, if I top stitch the hem in one of my decorative stitches in a contrasting color, then all the top stitches that show will look like it was planned that way to be 'cute'." 😂😂😂 So, the whole top was stitched in burgundy! My oh my. If my mother sees the red stitching on the elastic casing, and around the arms, she is going to roll her eyes hard at me. She is miss prim and proper. She took four years of apparel construction when she was in high school. 8 semesters of that, 8 semesters of food science (kitchen safety and management, cooking, and catering) as part of her 5 year track of Home Economics. I tend to, well, take short cuts and all my cooking and sewing is rather, eclectic. I know she laughs at me as well as scolds me behind my back!
  9. Baby summer top number 1 done. The pattern had a couple of errors in it including for the length of the shoulder straps, so I will be correcting that for round 2. I think though that this turned out okay despite that. I was going to now make the solid burgundy shorts for it. However, I think it might be easier to do all the tops in this style, kind of assembly line, and then make all the shorts for the tops so I just keep working with one pattern, one process. It might go faster.
  10. Toast and orange juice Soup and salad Scrambled eggs with vegetables and polenta
  11. This. If he isn't lying, check for breath sounds and a pulse.
  12. I was brain fogging while exercising today, and not counting until I did a LOT more crunches than I should be. I am feeling it. However, the rest of me is okay, so that's good.
  13. I agree. The consequences couod.be quite bad. This guy seems to think he can do whatever he wants so I wouldn't put it past him to try it.
  14. Absolutely! You just never know when you need them, and who will need to see them! It is too much for the average non medical, non legal person to keep up with!
  15. I think this is astute. Previous generations took "Honor thy father and thy mother" to the extreme that meant tolerating a lot of behavior that should not be tolerated. Obligation. People felt obligated to their parents. Younger generations believe family bonds should be a product of healthy relationships, love, and mutual respect. If they do not have that from their relatives, they do not have that, they do not feel compelled to continue trying. Of course there are some kids who demand respect and care, but have none to give themselves. Such is the way of humans. I also think, for the most part, people jump to judgments about who is cut off from whom and the reasons this occurs without truly having inside knowledge of exactly what has gone down. To hear my brother's friends talk, my nephews are absolutely evil. How dare they cut off their dad! They have NO idea how destructive, toxic, and neglectful my brother was and continues to be. They probably would not be willing to listen to my nephews if given the opportunity because it would challenge their perceptions of who my brother and his wife are, and that is also a very human thing.
  16. Yes this. And kids really need to learn what is and is not appropriate so that as adults they recognize it, and also hopefully make an effort to not repeat it with their own families. Appropriate is just such a good word because it can be framed as what is acceptable parenting action without making a judgment call about the inherent goodness or badness of the person. Also maybe add that all parents make mistakes because humans aren't perfect, but it is appropriate for parents to acknowledge their failures and apologize, make amends. This is also important so that they will realize as adults, they should eat crow when they mess up, and they should be wary of being deeply intertwined with individuals who never acknowledge their own humanity and refuse to try to do better because often those relationships do end up being abusive.
  17. This is valid. If his job market is pathetic, you don't know that he will stay where he is now. He may not even stay in the state. Who knows where he will land a job! You can't just lose your apartment and your job to accommodate this move only to lose it again in the next place in order to move yet again. This is all too soon to know if he will stay put or not. I think you are doing fine, Heart, not upsetting the apple cart for several months while you see if he manages to make a go of it in the new place.
  18. It depends on each state. In some states, the DNR is never in effect if EMS is called because the state law is that paramedics do not have enough legal training to interpret the POA/DNR, and they shouldn't waste time trying. 50 states, and probably 50 ways it get handled. Sadly, we have exactly zero consistency on anything in these country! It is just so bizarre compared to other nations. In likelihood, Tiggy was speaking from her experience as a medic with the laws of her state. OP's husband probably needs to talk to the legal department of the local hospital who can help him understand how this plays out in their state.
  19. My brother loves his 2 daughters. He does not love his 3 sons, though he has minor, emotional attachment. He had his 3 sons with his 1st wife, and his only use for his sons was as pawns with which to hurt her. He now has no relationship with his adult sons. He actually lost his relationship with his eldest son when he was 16 and no longer forced by the court to see his dad. His wife, only loves one of their 2 daughters, and it is blatantly obvious. My grandparents never loved my dad. They were having major relationship problems when he was born, and they never bonded with him as a baby. Five children, and one of the kids keenly felt that lack of love in the face of the others being loved and adored. I also know someone else who is divorcing in which the wife is absolutely obsessively, stalkerishly "in love" with the soon to be x spouse, but has no actual love and attachment to her children. She sees them and spends time with them out of obligation, and because it means she is still intertwined with the object of her obsession. I get it. Unfortunately. Sigh. Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, OP!
  20. And that isn't good. Not at all. Better to commute or ask for an amendment where you get more time at holidays, on birthdays, and in the summer where you can bring them back to your apartment, and then zoom calls each week or something. Falling into a depression is not helping the kids. I get that. Many hugs!
  21. I respect the idea of "less said". However, I come back to the fact that this always allows the abusive behavior of others to be accepted as okay. Kids should not be conditioned to accept that.
  22. Truthful, but not vengeful. "Dad is mentally ill and due to this is not able to parent appropriately which is why you are not alone with him. Grandpa, aunt, uncle, and I and the courts want to keep you healthy and safe while dad gets help. Someday he might be able to parent appropriately. Until then, we your family do everything we can to do what is best for you." I find that with kids, the word appropriate sounds like there is a best way to do things or a better way, and then there are lesser ways, and we strive for the better, but it doesn't have super judgmental connotations compared to other language that could be used. I also would not seek to control what the aunt and uncle say about the matter should he ask them. If they choose to say, "Your dad is a bad parent because x, y, z" let it go. 12 is old enough to begin to understand contemplate their opinion and reasons for their opinion. Done try to micromanage it.
  23. Sunday - we slept in. Boiled eggs and usual morning coffee. Lunch - Baked potatoes, roasted green beans and carrots, roasted chicken breast, salads, and an orange. Supper - we still felt full so we had a few tortilla chips with bean dip and nothing else.
  24. This is my mother in law. She is a female woman hater. So I have zero pull with her at all!
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