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Everything posted by bibiche

  1. How about you let people ask for help if they think they need it rather than telling them they do when they don't. Aside from sexual crimes (pedophilia, rape for example) I don't think it is anyone's business but the person or people involved. Seriously, what is with the Christian obsession with sex and "sexual sin?"
  2. It seems to me that so many people and religions spend so much time judging and marginalizing and persecuting other people in preparation for "salvation" in some potential next life. Why not just be good and kind in THIS life? No one knows if there is a second act, but we know we are here now. I was speaking generally here. It is not that you are standing by your beliefs so much as that you are putting yourself and your beliefs higher than other people and their beliefs. When one person or group determines that s/he/they are the arbiters and what they think holds more weight than what others believe, aren't they raising themselves to the level of a god? As for here, well, when you are making absolute declarations of what is right and wrong (eg "It is about what God says is right and wrong. Homosexuality is one of the things he does not allow.") as if you uniquely are in the position to know, and when you are doing such things as dismissing other people's religious beliefs as "convenient" then, yeah, you are absolutely judging. And that makes people feel bad. ETA sorry for the format: multiquote was not cooperating
  3. I am finding it informative. And there hasn't been any threat of violence yet. ;)
  4. It is not that you are standing by your beliefs so much as that you are putting yourself and your beliefs higher than other people and their beliefs. When one person or group determines that s/he/they are the arbiters and what they think holds more weight than what others believe, aren't they raising themselves to the level of a god? It seems to me that so many people and religions spend so much time judging and marginalizing and persecuting other people in preparation for "salvation" in some potential next life. Why not just be good and kind in THIS life? No one knows if there is a second act, but we know we are here now.
  5. I made the original comment, Scarlett, BV was just explaining it. And I didn't mean it so much to mock but more to make you realize how hubristic it is, your absolute belief that you know exactly what God has deemed acceptable and not acceptable.
  6. Do you have a direct line, Scarlett?
  7. There is a "delete my vote" thingie, then you can start again. :)
  8. No vows. No nothing. We signed a piece of paper et puis voilà quoi. I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
  9. Thanks for explaining your viewpoint. :)
  10. Why would God make people gay then, if there is something wrong with it? I thought it was said that God made people in his image. I am not making fun, I really don't understand how Christians justify this.
  11. Beatrice is actually quite popular among my acquaintances, so I definitely don't think it is "out there." Most of them use Béa as a nickname, but some are Bee. I only know one Trixie. I think it is a cute nickname. Name your child what you love!
  12. I think you are reading a little too much into it. I happened to be drinking a glass of (very good) wine when I read the remark that drinking is a sin and that I know it. Had I thought that TM was disclosing a drinking problem rather than simply pronouncing me and anyone else who enjoys an occasional libation a sinner, I would have been more circumspect. FTR I don't believe in sin, and I certainly don't have much regard for people who take it upon themselves to call others sinners.
  13. I dunno, Bill, it's never too late. ;) My BIL changed his name to ours. If DH hadn't already made his professional name I would have tried to convince him to do the same as I rather like the idea.
  14. I would schedule a visit with a dermatologist (a good idea anyway for a skin check) to discuss options and get an Rx for retina-a or whatever else she recommends. And I second the sun protection.
  15. I "liked" that for the first part, definitely not for the last sentence! :(
  16. ((hugs)) My heart hurts for you, and all the other parents of children who are reviled just for being who they are. But I really, truly believe there is hope, more than there has ever been, and that when this generation of haters goes the way of the dinosaurs their hate will go with them. I don't know that they will be able to pass their hate onto the next generation - I like to think that this next group will be more enlightened.
  17. *sigh* I guess I'm just not a good Xian. And incidentally, my post was not intended to be dismissive but rather explanatory: Xian is not an insult. But I guess my frustration shone through. :shrug:
  18. One thing I am a true believer in at this moment is that the glass of wine I am drinking right now to keep my blood pressure from skyrocketing while I read the hateful, judgmental things being spewed on this forum is truly delicious. Medicinal. Ambrosiac.
  19. Probably because it is not a legitimate concern: as has been explained time and again, "Xian" is a perfectly acceptable way to write "Christian." Look: http://www.vox.com/2014/12/14/7374401/jesus-xmas-christmas. That's from one quick google search; if you don't like that take a look for yourself. It is not offensive(!). And last time I checked, Christians (or Xians, same thing!) in most parts of the world were not marginalized and victims of hate crimes and injustice. Members of the LGBT community? And how!! What is with the overwrought nonsense of Xians (Christians) playing the victim when they are absolutely not? C'mon now. Take a step back and look at the situation objectively.
  20. Cos Muslims have it so good in this country.... Poor, oppressed Christian majority. :sob:
  21. Yep, DS still gets letters from his aunt (and the odd formal invitation) addressed to "Master __ ___." At home he gets called "mister."
  22. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do three languages - lots of people do - but I think that is a separate issue from the schooling question. I myself would probably put my child in school at least for a little while if we were to move to a country where we didn't speak the language, just because I think being multilingual is absolutely cool and he would learn a lot faster and probably have more opportunities to meet people in school. That said, if it is too much and you don't mind dropping German, I'm sure that will turn out absolutely fine too. :)
  23. *gulp*. Ya mean it's like con-contagious?!
  24. Clearly I am not as charitable because I can't help but feel the grandstanding was an obscene waste of resources and sets a terrible example.
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