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Everything posted by tuesdayschild

  1. Of course, how could I forget the Lamberts since we've used FIAR:tongue_smilie: Thanks :001_smile:
  2. wow! Blessedmom3, you are quick! :auto: (Thanks so much for your input, i'm stepping away from the computer for a while & will be back later).
  3. Literature based curriculum providers? Anyone care to help me compile a list to browse through, and save some time on the internet. I have started with these : -My Father's World -Sonlight -Winter Promise :bigear: (TIA)
  4. :iagree: & there is no fussing with photocopying extra pages for more than 1 DC - just hit print.
  5. Our tactile child has/is enjoying both Miquon and Making Math Meaningful.
  6. We use and like TT, with proviso's: :001_smile: I like to 'do' math with our DC in the younger years. (We've just completed our first year with TT.) It's not our 'sole' math program. (Also using LOF, & MMM 6) I like to mix and match the currics and approachs to check that DS is getting a wider math scope (he's a math muncher) & that he is actually nailing each topic. I originally picked up TT because our home life took an unexpected turn and I needed to find tools/ways for the DC to have work they could do more independently, when needed. TT has worked very well for us in this capacity.
  7. I am finding that dictation, like CM mentioned, with spelling works beautifully when coupled up with rules used in AAS. Here is a post about spelling and dictation we post a little while back, if you don't mind visiting blogs :tongue_smilie: For our family: research, trial & error helped us to land where we are. Hoping you find a similar success with your spelling journey.
  8. :iagree: the 'new' PnP with KK is not as faithful to the book. IMO The BBC with Firth is 'the standard' to judge other productions by :)
  9. I'm not the poster you asked, but had to say Danny the Champion of the World, & Fantastic Mr. Fox by Dahl are enduring favourites in our home. To the op: we have enjoyed many of Jim Weiss' audio books, as well as these: G.A. Henty's audio books by Weiss - DD likes In the Reign of Terror, DS likes Beric the Briton (both like The Cat of Bubastes) The Railway Children The Roman Mysteries (with the male reader) Paddington Bear (so droll & funny) The Last Chance Detectives Both the BBC & Focus on the Family's production of The Chronicle's of Narnia Pilgrims Progress (unabridged ) was DS favourite from a VERY young age DD liked The Boxcar Children audios we purchased My Father's Dragon Series The Story of Dr. Doolitte DS Likes The Hobbit There are a ton more, but I've run out of typing time.
  10. If you don't mind visiting blogs we have this post with links listing some of the things we've used, or are using.
  11. We like the ones read by the male reader best, the ones at our library are all on C/D. You can pre-listen here & to the o.p, our dc seemed to find listening to the gruesome bits easier than reading it themselves. The first book is important to the plot of the whole story imho, but you can still grasp the story line in later books as Lawrence refers back to previous events in the 'next' books, just not as in depth. Love this series!
  12. I've just come to browse :001_smile: and am reading through this thread - thanks for the mention of the BF composers time line (off to have a look, since we really like our scientists time line from BF)... we're using a similar book to yours: Stories of the Great Composers
  13. Yes we use (have used) Miquon Math. Once *I* got my head around how to approach Miquon we were good to go. For DS we started out with Singapore & Miquon - he didn't like Singapore so we just used Miquon (up to yellow book), and lots of other math tools to change pace, (Bill Handley, Murderous Math, Mathtacular DvD's, Board Games etc..). He's a mathy. With our DD, for whom math is a stop and pause for reflection journey, Miquon is a good change from MMM, our other math curric. We're still Miquon with her. Hope you find Miquon a good fit for your family.
  14. You're welcome. And now shamelessly giving this thread a bump. Anyone else with SOTW3 notebooking pages to share :bigear:
  15. Anyone else care to add their favourite, or their own notebooking pages to go with SOTW 3. It'd be nice to have a collection of options (& links) in one spot, and sometimes it's nice to have a wider variety of pages for my DC to choose from:tongue_smilie: Here are our pages - over at Hslaunch. SOTW 3 Notebooking, Lapnote & Cut-n-Craft pages TIA
  16. When we have more time I read the text, otherwise we'll listen to the C/D in the car, at lunch or .. just because mum's voice needs a rest. When we want to go faster thru SOTW (like right now) we play the C/D while one D/C colours in and the other DC does something else (:001_huh:), we alternate the questions between them, do the mapping page = all done.
  17. We have used a mix match of things - it's worked well so far but this next year I'm wanting something more directional, so like a pp mentioned harmony arts is on our consider list. So I'm also :bigear:
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