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Everything posted by LMD

  1. A 3rd edition from the library was my first reading of WTM and it blew my mind. I was really angry at my pathetic education for a long while after reading it. Reading WTM and For the Children's Sake turned me into a philosophical homeschooler. I have since bought a 2nd edition and a 4th edition. I have read it through once but I refer to sections regularly. I have also read through most of the Well Educated Mind. I have also listened to most of SWB's lectures (WELL worth it) and read The Complete Writer instructor text. We have used some of SOTW, WWE/WWS & FLL. And these forums are a wealth of information. I am forever thankful to Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise and the posters here.
  2. Thank you Hammfried! I'm pretty terrified that I can't do it and will ruin things for dd. It's kind of put up or shut up time though, and I plan to do my best to put up...
  3. Thank you so much! Some great ideas. I'll be playing for my daughter so we'll be able to rehearse as much as possible. I'm really not an accomplished accompanist so I'm struggling with nerves!
  4. Yes, thanks WoolySocks, I remember reading about speed drills. I try to use it as a general principle in learning a new piece. Slow and accurate. I can pretty well do one piece this way, just have to smooth over some of the joining passages etc. Thanks for your reply!
  5. Thank you, the accompaniment is quite different to the piece so this is part of the difficulty. I will put in some good listening time. Thanks!
  6. Thank you! I had thought about simplifying some of it, I may try that. We'll have plenty of opportunity to practice together. Once I actually learn the pieces and get over my imposter syndrome fears...
  7. Thank you very much Guinevere! It helps so much to be heard and to know I'm on the right track. I have been trying to sit down and practice many times throughout the day, I'm averaging about 2 hours total in 3 bursts. I'm checking YouTube because there is some complicated fingering but not many people post videos detailing the accompaniment!
  8. For reasons that I would rather not get into, I need to learn 2 pieces in 2 weeks to accompany a violinist. I'm a fairly rusty intermediate level pianist. I can, in theory, learn them. It's getting them smooth and up to tempo and to a level of proficiency to provide accompaniment that is giving me a panic attack! I have learned the easier of the two and am working on getting it smooth. Hopefully I'll have it to tempo by the weekend. The harder one... well I've learned 1 of 4 pages and it's still quite stilted. So, do you have any tips for me? What is the most efficient way to learn these pieces well and quickly? I'll also thankfully take any prayers and good thoughts! There are other high stress events happening and I am not exactly a picture of grace right now!
  9. I second this recommendation! It was fantastic and really cemented the things I only vaguely understood from my university music student days.
  10. Mozart sounds exactly like how a child prodigy would sound. Chopin sounds just like a tortured artist lol. I adore Chopin. He's my favourite.
  11. Who has said that "men never suffer the consequences of a rape accusation"? Your last sentence is breathtakingly nasty.
  12. Because the false accusations line is trotted out every.single.time to distract from the issue of who, statistically, is doing the raping. It undermines and harms actual individual victims because it adds to the culture that firstly doesn't believe them and secondly, assigns the victim responsibility for their own oppression.
  13. You are the one bringing up the false accusations trope every time we try to discuss rape culture.
  14. I will consider the double standard even when we can go one day without a woman being raped by a man, one week without a woman being killed by her partner/former partner, one single case in the media where people DON'T wonder what she was wearing/drinking/doing out that late ad infinitum.
  15. Males as a class are by far the ones doing the majority of the raping and assaulting. It's not anywhere near close. That doesn't mean that women are all pure and virtuous, of course they are human, but statistically they are simply not - as a class - violent, especially sexually, like men. Females also aren't lying about rape at anywhere near the rates that males actually rape. So, culturally, the 'double standard' is still vastly in the favour of the male class.
  16. This is pretty rude. I can lose the extra weight I'm currently carrying. It's just not a priority for me right now. I don't care enough. Because being conventionally attractive is not my top priority, not even top 10. Thankfully I married someone who respects me and loves me and enjoys TeA with me because I am a person - not just a body. I find him attractive because I see the man that stood by me and held me and fathered my children and built a life with me. That has nothing to do with his size.
  17. I would expect my spouse to get over it in the same way that he would get over it if I was disfigured in an accident. What other option is there? Dwell in resentment? Divorce? If I suddenly became so self destructive I would expect my spouse to be worried about me and trying to love and support me. I was 15 when we met. I sure don't look the same now, as a mid 30s mum of 4. Sometimes I sacrifice taking care of myself for things like sleep and de-stressing and plain old enjoyment. For me, it's part of for better or worse.
  18. Adding - I've had this book in my cart for a while, looks good! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0825434335/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1508800249&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=amazing+grace+osbeck&dpPl=1&dpID=51SHgWHRDjL&ref=plSrch
  19. Yes I agree, I have Then Sings and it's juuuuuust okay with my 4th &6th graders. I think in most cases you'd be better off with a nice biography of the author to read slowly while you take a couple of months to learn the hymn... we tend to do one composer for a while for this reason - Handel for example.
  20. As a culture, it is demonstrably clear that we don't actually believe this.
  21. Maybe the guys should be more careful. Obviously their clothes give off an 'accuse me' vibe... *see how silly it sounds reversed? Rape/sexual assault/harassment happen TO women. Regardless of what they wear/do/say. What are the riskiest risk factors for women? Being in the vicinity of a male - family/friend/coworker/stranger. For my country, the stats show that the biggest group of victims are girls aged 10-14 & 15-19, the most common place is in private dwellings, and the large majority know their attacker. The stats also show that only about 19% of women report their sexual assault. Of that 19%, less than 25% are ever even charged. There's just not a slew of poor falsely accused boys arrested who were just having fun until a girl got a case of the regrets the morning after. One or two cases ever (and was he arrested? Charged?) is miniscule next to the horrifying numbers of sexual assaults women and children suffer from - primarily by a vast margin - males! Every.single.day.
  22. We have a lot of ex-teachers in our home school world, so there's always someone to ask. My bestie taught high school, I asked her opinion on a grade 4 piece of writing once and my standards convinced her to homeschool lol. I have had my kids enter competitions and we've done some very casual tests at home. I'm comfortable with where they are. In the general home ed community, I do think it's important to contribute to a culture of high educational standards - no matter the method. So for example, discussions like 'we don't really do math because they don't like it' just don't happen, but 'he's struggling with traditional math, any suggestions for incorporating living math' do, and we loan books and get together to brainstorm. We take it seriously. We're a community of educators.
  23. *sees Sadie's photo* *is immediately intimidated* I agree with the others, you're gorgeous! I also pictured you fairer for some reason.
  24. I know exactly what you mean, it happens to me too. I've had people tell me about abusive history and crazy struggles on our first casual meeting. I have bluntly told people at park days that yes they need to teach to algebra and beyond! I also ended up as 'the person to ask' - largely thanks to wtm/the boards - because I have a reputation for high standards and lending books lol. So I know that the 12 year old is working on grade 3 maths because they told me the grade 4/5 books were too hard. I was in a leadership position for a while, have organised many clubs/excursions, so I've been asked for advice many many times.
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