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UnboundED Academy

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Everything posted by UnboundED Academy

  1. It will be for a rising third-grader who loves science. I would just like to hear what people who have used Elevate Science think of the curriculum, as I haven’t had much luck finding reviews. It’s rarely mentioned in any Facebook groups I’m in and I wasn’t able to find any posts using the search function on this forum.
  2. So far ,the plan is: ELA: MCT Poodle Series and Megawords 1 Math: Singapore Dimensions 3A/B History: Curiosity Chronicles: Medieval History Science: Considering Elevate Science or Science Fusion, but still undecided. If anyone has experience with either curriculum and wants to share your likes and dislikes, please do!
  3. While I adore BFSU, I'm finding we aren't doing science as much as we should this year because of the extensive amount of planning it requires on my part. I'm hoping to switch to a secular science program that is a little more open and go for third grade (2022-23). We are still in Volume 1 and Scientific Connections Through Inquiry isn't releasing the level we need until Spring 2023, which is too late or that would be my choice. Initially, I was interested in Science Fusion, but the homeschool packages are no longer available, and it looks like all the components I would need to purchase will add up to a very costly curriculum. Someone on FB mentioned Elevate Science, and it looks perfect and costs only $68, but I can't find any reviews. Has anyone used this program? What are your thoughts? Could you give me the good, the bad, and the ugly?
  4. Logic of English Foundations. I can't praise this program enough.
  5. We’ve had an Epson EcoTank for 2 years and I’ve finally just had to add more black ink recently. I’ve printed a couple thousand color pages and maybe 1000 b&w pages. And the ink is so cheap compared to cartridges, maybe $15 per bottle. It’s also the only printer that has worked consistently for me. I swear my past printers have made my want to go Office Space on them.
  6. We are in Foundations C with Logic of English and I think it's plenty for first grade. It has reading, handwriting, copywork, dictation and reading comprehension. At this point, "writing" is my son dictating to me as I write it and then he copies it in his blank book with pictures- I find his creativity is much better when he can concentrate on the story and not spelling, handwriting, etc.
  7. The protocol doesn't work. There have been multiple studies that show hydroxychloroquine alone and in combination with azithromycin does not work. There was no benefit, it didn't speed recovery and may have some risks.
  8. I just found that and was so mad I planned a whole semesters worth of lesson plans for BFSU. Fortunately my work was not for nothing, as the level I need isn't available yet. Hopefully it will be before next semester.
  9. We bought ours off their website as well. https://www.singaporemathshop.com/Dimensions_Math_s/219.htm
  10. In my opinion, yes. We are halfway through B and I feel that it is giving my son a solid foundation in phonics. He enjoys the activities, is fluently reading Bob and Now I’m Reading Level 1 books. I like that he is being taught to decode words and not just guess based on pictures and first letters.
  11. We are doing pieces of it (I have a kindergartner, so some parts are too advanced for him). I think being open with him about this pandemic and giving him facts has actually helped keep him from being anxious. We made a plaque mask on Friday and he loved it.
  12. We haven’t used it yet, but plan on using Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding for 2020-21. It interweaves all the threads of science together.
  13. We desperately need a new mattress- or I'm getting old. Or both. So probably a new mattress and then savings towards our back yard reno.
  14. Language Arts: Logic of English Foundation C Math: Singapore Dimensions 1A/B and Miquon Math Labs History/Geography: History Quest Science: BFSU supplemented with Science in a Nutshell experiments Art: ARTistic Pursuits Extracurricular: parkour and coding (code.org)
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