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Everything posted by JennyW

  1. I'm still trying to decide whether to do general grammar for 4th and 5th (found some amazing resources online) and then do AG in 6th, 7th, and 8th, or do JAG and the JAG Mechanics in 4th and 5th, then AG after that. Is there a huge benefit to doing JAG and then AG over just doing AG?
  2. We're using CPO Life Science for Logic Stage Biology, and it's secular to boot!
  3. I'm not big on scripted material, but I had no idea how to go about teaching my kids to read, the the Ordinary Parent's Guide was perfect for us. My daughter really needed hand holding for learning to read, and we made it through the book in Kindergarten and first grade. My son is a natural reader and taught himself to read. I still went through the book with him in the first 1/2 or 3/5 of the school year, just to fill in any holes he had. I highly recommend it. I have no experience with the other book.
  4. I don't know which will work for your child, but I have a 4th grader and 1st grader, and we're going to be new to WWE. I'm starting my 1st grader in level 1 (duh), and my 4th grader in level 2. We'll skip the copywork and a little bit of the narration since she's done some of that already. I plan to move her ahead quickly so that we're done with level 3 by the end of the year. So I guess it depends on what kind of copywork/narration/dictation experience your son has had already.
  5. The thing that has been the best for me to keep in mind is to pay close attention to my kids as I'm teaching or they're doing schoolwork. If their eyes glaze over, go back a step or two. If their attention wavers, take a break, perhaps some mild exercise. If they just can't get a concept, put it away for a while. They'll get it more easily later.
  6. We're using CPO science for the middle grades, and it looks incredible. Definitely secular.
  7. I, too, am interested in how people like this. I had tried to order the K-2 and 3-5 from Amazon, but they became unavailable.
  8. We're using CPO Life Science for logic stage Biology. If we like it, we'll do other CPO science texts for the other sciences.
  9. We use Editor in Chief from The Critical Thinking Company, but we haven't tried any others. Would love to hear what other people are using.
  10. I hate not being able to flip through books. But from what I've learned (not having tried either), MCT and JAG/AG are very different approaches to grammar. So I'd decide what your teaching goals are, and how your kids learn, and match it up to the program.
  11. Just yesterday I was comparing my second edition to the library's third edition. The second edition did have some guidance and examples on how to do each level of outlining. In addition, the third edition had about 4 1/2 pages of extra material on outlining instruction.
  12. I realize that creative writing is a separate one, but there are still other kinds of writing such as reports, creative nonfiction, also expository writing about different kinds of things from what she recommends. I don't have a lot of examples, partly because it's first thing in the morning, but I more mean using those same skills for writing in different areas from the ones she suggests.
  13. I have no doubt that following SWB's advice gives you kids that can write well, especially with persuasive writing. But there are many other kinds of writing out there that she hasn't addressed. Skill will spill over some, but I'm still very strongly considering adding another writing program from 4th grade on that teaches other kinds of writing skills, too.
  14. I just got k12 Human Odyssey for next year, and plan to use it in a WTM kind of way. It looks excellent, and is highly recommended by many here. I got it used off of Amazon for about $25.
  15. We mostly went in order, but skipped around occasionally to mix up the variety.
  16. We got a 6" Dobsonian reflector telescope from Orion telescopes. They have a good selection of telescopes in many price ranges. Quality products, too.
  17. We started in K, and got most of the way through the Orange book. There is enough in there that is easy, if you just start slowly, they'll be ahead for first grade.
  18. As much as I love the look of JAG and AG, funds are tight and I was thinking of doing some free online grammar (like Macmillan/McGraw-Hill's free pages) for 4th grade, and either starting AG early in 5th, or doing more supplement and starting AG in 6th. Is there really a huge benefit to doing JAG in 4th or 5th and then turning around and doing AG in 6th through 8th? Other than getting the kids started earlier, what is the benefit? Thanks.
  19. I have two kids, three years apart. What I did was to start my daughter in on the cycle in kindergarten, and then I'll start my son in on it this coming year in first grade. They'll be in different stages, but the same time period. We're doing this for science as well. It means my daughter starts the logic stage a year early in history and science, but that's no biggie for her.
  20. I'm very interested in this, too. I find most of the copywork stuff out there is filled with Bible quotes or other religious material. So what remains after I remove that is very little.
  21. Check this site out for binary number activities for kids. It's part of a larger computer science education that doesn't require computers. What I'd love is a lesson on hexadecimals for kids! http://csunplugged.org/activities
  22. Thanks! I'll skip getting the extras then.
  23. What is in the student and teacher pages, exactly? I hadn't been planning to use them (because I didn't know they existed), but I'm curious. Thanks.
  24. I'm looking into map skills, too, so I'm interested to hear what people have to say.
  25. I bought it for next year but haven't started yet, obviously. =)
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