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  1. Here's a bigger map. Some of the colors are close. http://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/1357755
  2. That is the scent/brand of my dh's deodorant and I really like it. I don't know about the body wash. It's gotta be better than stinky boy scent. Good luck.
  3. We also have the Excaliber 9 tray and love it. Our family loves dried pineapple from it, tastes like candy. The cons are that it is large and takes up space but beyond that I think the pros far outweigh the con. It is quiet and fast. I like having 9 trays for large amounts but still run small loads (just leave out some trays). The trays don't fit in my dishwasher, but they are easy to sink-wash. Unlike other brands with the fan at the bottom, the Excaliber has the fan at the back so food doesn't drip or fall into it. The adjustable temperature and timer are great too.
  4. http://www.stilltasty.com/fooditems/index/18843 My go-to site for questions like this says 6-9 months but only for quality not for safety. That's shorter than I was expecting. I'm sure we have some that are a year old. Too many varieties and don't get used up.
  5. http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/speed-reading-technology-read-90-minutes/story?id=22819573 You can get an idea of the Spritz app on their homepage. http://www.spritzinc.com/
  6. 2 hours of electronics are available from 3pm to 5pm only if all schoolwork is completed by that time. I have a 14 and 10 year old boys. Media time includes wii, computer games, etc. Some educational items may be used outside of this time with permission/encouragement (flashmaster, etc.).
  7. My oldest just started VT after using CLE for the last 3 years. He completed up to lightunit 707 and moved into Videotext without any problem. I felt like the 700's of CLE brought some greater depth into several areas (percent, fractions, & geometry come to mind). I appreciated the amount of "consumer math" that was included in the 600's and 700's CLE (sales tax, discounts, etc.) I thought it was an appropriate amount. I am glad that we didn't continue with CLE 800's just to switch into VT later since I think he had already achieved a solid foundation for algebra. We are finding the beginning of VT to be a very nice review of concepts already taught by CLE and the transition has been smooth. Take into account that we are still only on Unit 1 of Videotext. Would he have been able to jump from CLE 6 to VT? Honestly I think it could be done but I'd definitely be involved daily. Watch the videos together, have your student then take the course notes and narrate the lesson back to you before they start on the problems. Work a few problems then check the answer key to see that they are on track before doing all the problems. (this is all mentioned in the introductory video anyway)
  8. Yes, we memorized the first 20 elements and I still remember them. My chemistry teacher was great and she had a cool mnemonic that has stuck with me. H HeLiBeB CNOF NeNaMgAlSi P S ClArKCa We would pronounce this phrase. I did minor in chemistry and this did help me.
  9. KITS to raise butterflies, praying mantis, frogs, etc... even if you order it now, you can have the critters sent to you closer to springtime. http://rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=11&category=3205
  10. I would probably go with the Wii. You can use your gamecube games and controllers with the Wii to play your old games. I have no info on the Kinect. We enjoy our Wii very much.
  11. I would add....and I don't have to buy the teacher a present (unless I want to;))
  12. I would eliminate these. They aren't what I considered novels when we read them. The Explorer's News - Johnstone SL2 (good for what it is; not a novel) Sir Small and the Dragonfly (reader; only topical because there is a knight character) I would include these (we have read these and enjoyed them) Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess by Richard Platt (enjoyable description of daily life for a young boy in a castle) Castle Diary - Platt SL2 (in your list twice) The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman- Amazon (short story; interesting plot) Eric the Red & Leif the Lucky - Schiller SL2 (Vikings) The Viking Adventure - Bulla SL2 Pedro's Journal - Conrad SL3 (Columbus)
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