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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Yep. Dh’s earphones got washed this morning.
  2. Is the laundry washer supposed to check pockets or the pants wearer? Or both?
  3. Happy Mother’s Day to you all! Hope you have a lovely day!
  4. The saddest zoo I was ever at was the Natural Bridge Zoo in VA. So so sad. Look up on YouTube if you can stand it. Terrible.
  5. Ok. They finally called in 14 days of amoxicillin.
  6. I think that’s what I’ll do when the urgent care opens at 10.
  7. I wanted to make a new post to get seen. They didn’t have liquid doxycycline yesterday so they had me crush tablets and give with applesauce. We managed to get yesterday’s dose, but every bite she took, she gagged this morning. I can’t get the whole dose in her. I’m calling urge urgent care at 10 when they open. None of the pharmacies around had liquid. They can all have it by Monday, but it what until then? What can I do?
  8. Yes tomorrow I’m going to try to sit down and see what legitimate medical sites are saying. I’m too exhausted and overwhelmed tonight.
  9. Thank you. I truly appreciate you all. You all are so calming and encouraging! I am seeing it split between amoxicillin mad doxycycline. I don’t know which to push for.
  10. Right. I was just reading on a Lyme Facebook group that it is hard to find a dr that will be willing to prescribe antibiotics for long enough. I’m stressed.
  11. Idk I’ll look into it. I’m just worried I’ll have a fight getting her dr to prescribe what she needs
  12. Thanks. I feel like a nervous wreck right now. I feel so guilty my baby is sick. I’m afraid she won’t be ok.
  13. Yeah my dd is 4. I’m reading doxycycline isn’t usually recommended fir younger kids. I feel like screaming!!
  14. Even stranger there was an article about SWB’s farm and B&B (I think b&b, right?) I think the magazine was called Virginia Living.
  15. I literally was reading this in a Virginia magazine at the dentist yesterday!
  16. I don’t think. My boys were train crazy at the time and they knew the difference between Norfolk Southern and CSX and always pointed out which engine they saw.
  17. I’m not much on supernatural and don’t really have any stories quite like these, but when my second ds was 2ish or 3ish he had super vivid dreams. One morning he woke up screaming and crying about his legs. When I calmed him down a bit he informed me he was playing on the train track and a CSX engine ran over his legs and he couldn’t walk. He was so little that for the next year or so he’d occasionally bring up the time that a CSX engine ran over his legs. 😅I’d bet anything his legs fell asleep .
  18. Ugh. Just now seeing this. She was prescribed doxycycline 50mg/5ml. They only prescribed it for 5 days. I can schedule a follow up Monday with her pediatrician.
  19. We are leaving for urgent care. I’ll keep you posted.
  20. I just called ped. and they told me they close early so I will be taking her to urgent care.
  21. I’m emailing my dh and he is trying to say that is not what a Lyme disease rash looks like. 😩
  22. I see it too. I think it looks even more so I’m this pic.
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