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Everything posted by Luanne

  1. I was wondering if anyone has tried to combine A Thomas Jefferson Education with Latin Centered Curriculum. I know that A Thomas Jefferson Education is just a method, but I'm having a bit of difficulty pulling these two together and making sense of it. I really like the concept of both ideas and I guess I wonder if this is even doable.
  2. I don't see how the people with multiple children do it all... I mean fit everything in and still hopefully have time to breathe sometimes. I am trying to balance educating myself, spending time with my daughter, taking care of our house, and working. I have to work. I am single and it isn't optional. I usually only work about 30 hours a week too. I'm one of those people who has to get 8 hours of sleep every night too or I just can't function during the day. How do you all find time to do what you need to do and still have time to relax at least a little bit? Maybe I am asking too much or just need better organization. I don't know.
  3. I remember coming across this title recently while reading Latin Centered Curriculum and I completely forgot about it.
  4. How important is this anyway? I mean how important is science when it come to self education. I didn't have much science in school and quite honestly (even though I do find it interesting some) I don't seem to be very good at it. I can't figure out what to use for science. Money is a big factor, but just using the library ... well, I just can't seem to pull it together.
  5. I read the first three a couple of months ago and really enjoyed them. Now I have added the other two to the list of books I'm going to get at the library the next time we go ... probably on Sunday. Thanks. :D
  6. basically taught herself to read at the age of 4 1/2. By the time she started Kindergarten (she was older .. a late Sept. birthday), she was already reading on a third grade level.
  7. Sometimes it is easy to lose focus and forget that the Lord is here with me in all I do. Thanks, Luanne
  8. I am cutting and pasting this so I can read it again later. Thanks again! :)
  9. to be able to do upper level work. I don't know why I am so discouraged today. Maybe it is because I have a headache or because I feel like I am at a dead-end job. *sigh* :( There are SO many lists of books that I think I would like to read, but don't see how I could possibly read them all or even pick which one to use. How do you choose?
  10. I know it suggests you have children do this. I was curious as to the benefits of doing this. Some of you who are following my posts will hopefully understand why I am asking this (or thinking about doing this myself). Thanks, Luanne
  11. to start with that and see how it goes. I've never been real good at learning foreign languages so... if I decide it is too easy or whatever then I will reevaluate. Thanks for asking. ... now to just get doing it. LOL
  12. My only child is my 19 year old daughter. I am trying to educate myself though so maybe that counts?
  13. But she also likes dill, but does not like sweet and I like sweet, but do not like dill that much.
  14. Memoria Press Guides. Can you either tell me the difference or at least link me to where I can find the answer? Thank you!
  15. What can I do to help prevent this awful thing from attacking my body once again? I have a sore throat and am all congested this morning. (or this afternoon ... however you want to look at the time ... that is). :mad:
  16. This is really cool! :cool: I didn't know there were that many sites like that either. Thanks everyone!
  17. Would you recommend Introduction to Classical Studies from Memoria Press?
  18. I don't wear enough that most people can even tell I am wearing any and it tends to make my face break out worse (pimples, you know). I don't think I will ever outgrow pimples. :(
  19. It messes me up. It messes my daughter up (and she is 19). I don't know why they can't just leave the time alone.
  20. I just keep procrastinating. I also have a pre-algebra book which should be here Monday. I just have to get myself motivated to do this.
  21. Can someone post the link to this again? (where I can find out what is used in year 3)? I've searched the boards and come up empty. :(
  22. ... and he acted all polite and everything (with his yes, Ma'am and such), but then he turned it right back up and later I heard him laughing. That's when I called the police on him the first time. Since then I have called the police and complained to management. Since I am a single, I don't really feel comfortable confronting him again. I've also heard other neighbors complain about him, so I know it isn't just us.
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