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Jackie in AR

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Everything posted by Jackie in AR

  1. Could it be eczema? I had a rash/itching that constantly reappeared for about a year. I can't tell you the Dr. visits and creams/ointments I used. Then one day I read on this board that dairy products can cause a flare-up of eczema. I had never had eczema a day in my life, or so I thought. :) I was desperate, and gave up my morning and evening nice, tall glasses of cold chocolate milk. And cheese. And ice cream. And all those other things that make life worth living. ;) Within 4 or 5 days, my rash and itching had completely disappeared. And they only reappear when I'm not being careful. Maybe it is something to do with his diet. Start eliminating some things and see if it helps. Good luck!!
  2. Dd has asked to go, and I was planning to take her until yesterday when I saw that price. But the ladies here make a good point about it being much cheaper than the concert, which we also tried to get tickets for. Now that I've typed that out, it seems silly not to pay $15 for the movie when I was willing to spend $$$ for the concert. We'll probably try to attend. It is in theaters for just a week, right?
  3. My Mom has had some stents put in so I know what you're going through. I'll keep praying. Try to get some rest. ((Jean))
  4. ((Stephanie)) I know you are so glad to see him! I'll keep praying for your family.
  5. The way I read that, Colleen, is that by "rebook" they mean find someone else to take the night(s) that you are cancelling. It doesn't make sense that they would send your deposit back if you booked another date; wouldn't they just keep it as deposit for the new date?
  6. (((Jean))) I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll pray for a full recovery for your mom.
  7. (((Stephanie))) Just prayed for all your family. Let us know what happens.
  8. LOL! Oh, 4 inches is big, big news here as you can see! We are right on the forecasted snow line and might get an inch or two. My dc are beside themselves with joy at that prospect! I just hope we miss any sleet and freezing rain. Dh just left for work which is about 30 miles away. Have a Happy Snow Day! :D
  9. I purchase 25# bags of sugar from Sam's, and I store what will fit in my big Tupperware container and the rest (in the big brown bag) goes in one of my bottom cabinets. The Tupperware container gets replenished as needed. I purchase wheat berries for my flour and store them in those big tubs with the twirly lids. :)
  10. Yes, that is my method, too. We stay with something until they learn it. Schools need grades to keep parents informed of how their child(ren) is doing in the classroom. And to keep the teacher informed, because it would be impossible for every teacher to know how each of her students is doing on a certain topic. And to keep the school administration informed on how the teacher is doing in her classroom, because that's all about the test scores, right? ;) Anyway, it seems silly to me to assign grades in an elementary homeschool.
  11. I thought what she said was that they needed to be updated, but she didn't have time to do it. But that may be wrong.
  12. The index? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/index.php You can get to it at the top of each page. See the area where there are folders? Click on the top one: The Well-Trained Mind Forums (aka Hive Mind).
  13. My twins turned 13 earlier this month; however, they are my oldest. It seems odd to think of them as teenagers. It really is amazing how quickly it goes by!
  14. Thanks for all the responses. I've posted a WTB on the Sale/Swap Board.
  15. Anyone have experience using the audio CD to go along with First Language Lessons? Is it well-done? Has your child enjoyed listening to it? If I decide to purchase it, I would like to find it used. Thanks!
  16. If you're lurking and not posting, and you living in Arkansas, would you please post on the Arkansas thread on the networking board? Here's the link: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1747 Pretty please?? I would love to know if there are others in AR who come to these boards frequently. Thanks!!
  17. Hi, Jessica! I want a Weekly Reporter button for my blog but I can no longer find how to do that. I can't find it on your blog any longer. Can you link me to how to do that? Thank you!! :D
  18. Yep, that is exactly how it works. You're not accountable for any reps you leave, positive or negative.
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