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Jackie in AR

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Everything posted by Jackie in AR

  1. We did when the dc were younger. Now that they're older, my in-laws will keep them for a couple of hours if we want to go out to eat. Sometimes all 4 dc go to my parents' home and spend a couple of nights and we'll try to do something then. I can't remember the last time we hired a sitter.
  2. Cathy, I'm glad today was a better day. I'll pray that it carries through the weekend. ((hugs))
  3. Jean, I hope you continue to feel well. But, you know you should probably talk to your doctor and think about getting it taken out. My mom had it done several years ago and felt like a new person. ((hugs))
  4. Thanks so much for all your prayers the other night. They are holding up OK, although they are both fatigued right now. Their insurance company had checks in their hands the morning after the tornado hit; I couldn't believe they had such quick service. They had called their agent the night before and the adjustor was there the next morning with his checkbook. (Farm Bureau, BTW.) They'll continue staying with my parents for a little longer and then go about the business of rebuilding. They physically built most of their home themselves (my BIL does home building as his business), and that's what they plan to do again. Although they plan to pick a different spot on their farm. I would appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers as they go through these next few days. They both have jobs they'll be returning to next week and that will be hard to do with all they'll face when they get off each night.
  5. Mary, I have family who lives within 25 or 30 miles of there. I'll inquire of them to see if they know of anyone who might be able to help, then I'll send you a private message. Bless your heart! It is so difficult when our parents are aging and ill. Jackie
  6. Congratulations! I'll assume you received Redesigned. Just remember to pick and choose. Pick and choose. Pick and choose. :D Do not, under any circumstances, try to do it all. ;)
  7. I really like the division the way it is now. I look at the grades as high school and everything that comes before, LOL. I do sneak over and read the high school board every once in a while because of what you said, Colleen: "Teachers and parents with upper logic stage students benefit most from mixing with those who are farther ahead in the journey." Maybe I feel the way I do because all of my dc now fit on the one board (K-8).
  8. I'm glad to hear she's doing well. I know she will be glad to get back to her own home. Make sure she takes it easy when she gets home. Probably easier said than done. :) Stay warm and dry!
  9. Hey, I've never thought of it that way. You're right! We had twins the first time around so I wanted to find out. Then we went ahead and found out with the next two as well. I just like to know ASAP. :D
  10. Thanks everyone for your prayers and kind offers. Their children are both grown, so they don't have little ones at home any more. They had already called their insurance man last night when I last talked to my sister. They have a place to stay and were going to go about buying underwear and toothbrushes this morning. :) If they have any specific needs over the next few days I will let everyone know. Thank you again!! I can't tell you how much your kind words mean to me.
  11. I just talked to my sister again and they're holding up pretty well. We'll go up and try to help out some in the next few days. They'll assess things in the morning in the daylight and then we'll make a plan. Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers; I'll pass on to them all your kind words.
  12. They live out from town and can see several miles off their back porch in the winter time. They were under a tornado warning, and saw it coming by the light of the lightning. They jumped in my BIL's pickup and headed to their nearest neighbor's home which is the neighborhood gathering spot during bad weather since they have a basement. My sister said there were about 12 people in the basement bathroom. The tornado took the house above them, as well as the house right down the road. All of the vehicles at the neighbor's home (including my BIL's pickup) were undriveable since they were covered in fallen trees and parts of the house. My sister and her family had to walk to their home down the dark road, and found that they no longer have a home. BUT, they are all safe, thank the Lord. As my sister said, "It was just stuff. We're all OK." They'll be staying with my parents for a while. They all live a couple of hours from us. The tornado that hit them was a supercell and stayed on the ground for maybe a couple of hours tonight through Arkansas.
  13. Daughter of Destiny (the autobiography of Benazir Bhutto)
  14. Robin, I haven't read through all of this thread, but I'm wondering if you've seen the sample chapters of Writing With Ease (SWB's first book in her new series). Chapter 4 gives an overview of writing for each level that might be helpful to you. Off to our Super Bowl party . . .
  15. I'm writing my blog mostly for me and my family. I thought it would be fun to have a little documentation of our daily lives. But it is fun to get comments, and I have enjoyed getting to know a few ladies a little better through their blogs and exchanging comments with them. As others have mentioned, Wordless Wednesday and Weekly Reporter give me reminders to look at other blogs. If it weren't for those, I know I would get caught up in day-to-day life around here and forget to keep in touch with others via blogging. (Not to mention the fact that Weekly Reporter gives me a little accountability. Ahem.) I've been blogging only for a month, so I'm really pretty new at all of it. It has taken me most of that month to figure out how to post different things. :D I'll check out your blog, Rachel!
  16. You don't have to be committed to using it for more than one year if you purchase it. I'm saying that if, after you look at it, you don't like what you see for the high school years then I don't think I would use it for the younger grades and then try to find something else for later. The high school years in TOG are superb and are what the first years of the curriculum are preparing you for. Of course, you could go ahead and use it for the younger grades, but you'll see how great it is and then you'll want to use it for high school. :D
  17. We'll take deviled eggs and cheese dip. I don't care a bit about who wins the game but I always love a good Super Bowl party. :D
  18. There hasn't been one released, but I don't know if one is in production.
  19. What about some of the I Can Read books? Daniel's Duck The Big Balloon Race Wagon Wheels Greg's Microscope Hill of Fire
  20. Our bookshelves are in our dining room, and we use our dining room table as our school table when we want a table to sit at. Normally, you'll find us scattered about the living room: in chairs, on the couch, sitting in the floor using the coffee table, or lying on the carpet. When we first began hsing, my parents bought each of the dc a school desk. They have been sitting back in our playroom for a couple of years now. After Christmas, my dds decided it was time to use them again, and dragged them to the living room where they've now taken up residence in a corner and are used by dds almost daily. I don't envision us ever having a room that is used exclusively for school.
  21. If you're considering TOG, what I would do is figure out if it is a program you'll be comfortable with through high school. I suggest you order the Multi-Media packet they have available here: http://www.lampstandbookshelf.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=TOG&Product_Code=MPacket And pore over the 3-week samples they have available on their website for years 1 and 2. Year 1: Go To Egypt http://www.lampstandpress.com/egypt/index.htm Year 2: Sail to the New World http://www.tapestryofgrace.com/newworld/index.htm Doing those two things will really help you get a feel for the curriculum. Happy reading, Daisy!
  22. For Christmas one year my sister bought me some of the dimpled Norpro bread pans, and I really love them. She ordered them from http://www.breadbeckers.com. I'm not sure there's a photo of them on the Breadbeckers site; you may have to google Norpro bread pans to see them.
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