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Jackie in AR

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Everything posted by Jackie in AR

  1. Well, I used to. Now my sons (both 13) are working ahead of me in Henle. I'm thinking of finding an online Henle class for them in the fall. Dd 10 has just begun Latin Prep I so I'll keep up to speed on what she is learning. There are just so many hours in the day, kwim?
  2. Ohhh, I like the idea of specialization. And parents/children deciding what they would like to concentrate on in their studies. Not the one-size-fits-all education that is mandated today. And in a perfect world, schools would be privitized and all the parents would be intimately involved. Great ideas, Regena.
  3. If you're not comfortable with it, then an absolute NO. But, I would let one (or more) of my dc do this if I (and they) were comfortable with it. So, it would just depend on the situation.
  4. I had never noticed we could rate threads. It would never occur to me to do that, LOL!
  5. Great article and wonderful pictures, Colleen! You should be very proud. :)
  6. I'm another one who prefers homes to be empty when I look at them. I can more easily imagine what my stuff is going to look like inside them. If you do some staging, make it very simple as others have mentioned. I do want them to be sparkling clean.
  7. I would probably just bundle her up and take her with me. I would want to get it over and done with ASAP. :)
  8. I'm thinking of having my dss take Henle online next fall. They will be 8th graders, and they have been working through some of Henle already. I know about Memoria Press's online classes. What are some other options? Just trying to see what is available. EDITED: Oh, and opinions on any of the options would be very welcome. :)
  9. Here's a link. http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml Same here about having dreams of being a runner. It really looks fun to me! Now just to get my behind out the door.
  10. I have found that my just-turned-13-yo boys have the same trouble. But you know what? So does their mom. I can't tell you the memory lapses I've begun to have. (Really, I literally can't tell you since I can't remember the specifics about them. :D) Even my 6yo dd said to me recently, "Mom, I think you suffer from short term memory loss. You know, like Dorie." (from Finding Nemo) Those nasty hormones get us on both ends of the age spectrum, don't they? :D
  11. I've wanted to start running for some time now, but something always comes up, kwim? :o I've never ran a day in my life and I'm a little older than most of you. I could stand to lose a few pounds and I just want to be healthy. I am tentatively raising my hand. I actually have the Couch to 5K program printed out. And I own a pair of running shoes. Don't you think that's a good start? :D OK, seriously, I'll pledge to do the first week of CT5K by next week at this time.
  12. We've got two of each here, and I think they were all about the same.
  13. Kelli, perhaps you can benefit from my stupidity. :D I ordered the Latin Prep 1 books from Book Depository in December. I mistakenly thought that the monetary unit used by Book Depository was Euros; however, I found out (the hard way) that the unit used is Pounds Sterling. BIG difference in American dollars. Shipping is free (as Laura said) and I think the books all arrived in less than a week. Just so you know. :)
  14. What a wonderful example of church discipline, Kelli. I can tell the leadership of your church is filled with love and grace. How fortunate you are to have found this congregation!
  15. Oh, I am so very sorry. You have had so very much on your plate. You must feel like you're on a merry-go-round and can't get off. I will be praying for safe travels for all your family, and for peace and comfort during this time. (((Kidshappen)))
  16. My dh asked me this today. They certainly don't make any money off my blog, and I know there are thousands of other bloggers out there who use their site for free. How do they do it?
  17. Hi, Ria! It is good to see you again! It sounds like things are really changing around your house. Take care, and come back to visit often. We need your voice of experience.:)
  18. Thank you all so much. Your thoughts, prayers, and kind words mean so much to me. I've also shared them with my sister, and they moved her to tears. They're pretty much wiped out in every way today: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Their faith, your (and others') prayers, and many, many acts of kindness are sustaining them.
  19. Shelli, So glad your daughter is OK. Give her a big hug. :D
  20. I remember a couple of anniversaries when we took trips, but since our 4th dc has arrived, we mostly just go out to eat. We've talked about a trip again for our 20th, but we've got some time before then.
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