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Everything posted by IrishMum

  1. History, geography, and sometimes art get combined here.
  2. I never got involved with my boys doing it. They did it totally independently. They watched the video, did the questions. I only checked answers for them. Older two did it on 4th grade. My current 4th grader hasn't started yet.
  3. We loved these. The lecturer was full of jokes and enthusiastic presentation, along with some really out there ties! I got them at the 70% off price. Great value.
  4. My eldest did PZ. He is a really, really bad speller and it has helped him a lot. He was 10ish when he started. He did it totally independently, which I loved. My younger 2 are doing AAS. It is VERY teacher intensive, but luckily my DS11 is teaching it ;)
  5. We will get the EV3 as soon as it comes out, it's already on a birthday wish list!
  6. One of our favourite books on the Greek myths was D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths. My younger boys spent weeks and weeks drawing and colouring their own versions of the beautiful illustrations. I know, doesn't sound very inspiring, but it really was.
  7. No they don't. Out of my 4 boys, only 3 liked NXT. The child who is the most interested in programmings, isn't too fused about the NEX. He has used it because it's here, but it would not have been money well spent for him alone. Funnily, he's the kind of kid I would have thought would love it...
  8. There is a new one due in the fall, but I can't imagine this one is discontinued yet. Edit to add: I just looked on Amazon, and they are crazy $$$, maybe they are discontinued? Edit again! This is the place we get out robot needs, they have the NXT.
  9. The Cartoon Introduction to Finance is good. My son, though 8th grade, has just started a Coursera course, Intro to Finance. He only started it yesterday, so I can't tell you anything about it. He might also like these short clips, by an Irish Economist, David McWilliams. They are about the Irish economy, and are very entertaining.
  10. I'm no expert but, I think something like WWE would work well for your son. You would read a passage, then do the questions. Do it together orally. I would give him chances to find the answers within the text, reread as much as he needs, set him up to succeed not fail. He is young, and will improve. Practice, practice, practice!
  11. I'm only pushing math now, with my 8 year old. He is not a fan! My son does it a lot easier if I get involved. Maybe I'll do one, you do one type thing. Or see if you can do this as fast as me....I let him win more than he loses. He likes the compitition. Also doing math first thing helps, followed by a favourite activity.
  12. Thanks, going to have a look! Edit to ask. Looks good, I wonder how much time would be involved?
  13. Rebecca VA, as a mum to kids who would be oblivious to the loan, I still think you should clarify the situation with the family. If someone had done such a lovely thing for one of my children I would want to repay them, even if the child had told me it was a gift.
  14. She might be naive enough to think it was a gift. Honestly, my kids wouldn't know it was a loan unless they were told in no uncertain terms. I would approach her yourself, and clarify the situation.
  15. My boys keep a diary for school. They write in it for 15 mins about 3 times a week. It's completely unstructured and uncorrected, just free writing, with the odd picture thrown in for good measure. I love it because they write about what's on their minds, not what I'm telling them to. I do look through them and pick out spelling mistakes to incorporate in a later lesson.
  16. My kids liked a couple of apps, Mathmateer is one. They also liked Times Attack for the computer. We helped cement the times tables by saying them to movement. So I would say 8X8, they would jump and say 64, and continue up like that. It was a fun way for them, and great exercise. I would also make them say their tables on the trampoline. Mean Mom ;)
  17. No...., I shouldn't have clicked in. Now another thing I have to have! :) Beautiful!
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