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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. :001_smile:. This is my one with osteoporosis. SHe has only been diving a month and she did four dives at the meet. Her back dive was scored better than a number of the kids in the older division that have been diving much longer.
  2. I honestly don't think this birthmother thought of herself as the mother of this adopted child. She did not bond with it and it was probably all she could muster to keep[ herself relatively healthy when she had been raped. To the other pster who said their bio-mom had been raped by 3 and she had tried to contact them. Why? I would never want any such aqaintance with such a person. THere are actually plenty of people who can't get good health or history information. Maybe their parents don't know. Maybe their parents are deceased. Maybe there mom lied about the dad. Whatever. My parents were both dead by the time I was 23. Any info I had came from childhood memories since I was at college from 18-22. My mother couldn't talk well by the time I was 22 and died when I was 23. My grandparents were also deceased and my relatives were behind the Iron Curtain. So? I moved on. I have a great family now and we are happy. That is what counts. Not whether I have all the most accurate info about family health history.
  3. WE normally use Firefox but have IE for those times we get a picky site that won't allow it. I like Firefox much better. Now my two olders don't have WIndows operating systems. THey both have linux so I am thinking they don't have IE but don't know for sure. (Ds thinks linux is much better, dd15 can't get wireless internet is her far away room unless she uses linux.)
  4. Now I wonder how it is done at other swim leagues. We have two levels of meets. A meets have winners and the procedure is somewhat different. B meets are about improving time and not races against anyone else. I was a timer at a B meet. Now tonight I am going to an A meet in diving but of course, then there will be no time issues but simply judging issues. I am supposed to go tomorrow night to learn how to be a diving judge. In both sports you have to qualify to be in an A meet but all swimmers or divers get to participate in a B meet. At least in swimming, you cannot participate in the same event at both A and B meets.
  5. My daughter is swimming in a summer league and this is her first time in competitive swimming. Yesterday was her first meet other than her time trial and I was talked into being a timer. It was my first time. As it was, I was almost always the one with the fastest time. (we use three timers in a lane). Why- because I was younger than at least one of the other timers, unknown about second; and because I have very fast reflexes. I am only one of the timers. Each lane is timed separately. We aren't responsible for any part of the judging like whether it was a proper stroke or touvh or anything else. We are concentrating on the end to click the timer at the exact time any part of the body touches the wall. That can be hard with splashing.
  6. The Boy Scout Troop were my son earned his Eagle was meeting at a Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints. We are conservative Christians and had no problem with that. Then the one he finished up in had members of various Christians, LDS, and possibly other religions, since we were overseas and it was sponsored by the military. I also believe that maybe some Hindus and others were in one of his cub scout troops. In Florida, there was an active scouting program at the Unitarian Universalist church and I am certain that they were comfortable with non-Christians.
  7. I never regretted not having more structure. We were relaxed and still are to some extent. AS they got older, there was more structure. However, I certainly don't regret delaying grammar a bit or not fretting over calculations. I tried drill for a short while and they utterly frustrated my children. They are all at least cometent in math and none dread it. The youngest is most likely gifted in math and has a unique way of using her fingers for certain calculations if she is doing them manually. I recognized that she was a mathy kid and didn't stress. Occasionally I worried about things like geography but I have realized that DD15 has been on 4 continents, seen one more, travelled to most states and both Canada and Mexico and we watch lots of geography shows. She knows her geography. I also learned that while you need to address some skills like reading and math by a certain time, proficiency in writing and for some, in spelling, takes longer. My middle had spelling down in the 20% on standardized tests for years, then around puberty, they started inching up. This year, she scored 80%. Is she a wonderful speller- no- but she has improved tremendously.
  8. I know my older brother used one in high school but he was six years older than me and eight years ahead in school. (He was accelerated one grade and was before the cutoff in the school district he started in.) I remembered seeing one but have no idea how they worked. I think I will look it up.
  9. I am a chameleon and I tend to pick up accents and colloquisms very easily and without thinking. WIth this thread, I remembered that I sometimes spell English and sometimes American depending where I am living and what I have been reading. I actually think that many of the British spellings are easier but either one is right. It doesn't matter. For that matter, my children always cross their 7s. That is so we don't have the same problem as the really funny commercial now for some clothing store. Notice that I don't remember which store but do remember the plot.
  10. I don't understand what her problem is. She is saying she doens't understand it and doesn't want to use it unless she does. I tried to read the wikipedia answer to her and she got very angry. She is a perfectionist. Please give me a good web site to explain this.
  11. My dd went to Cc for the first time when she had just turned 15. It was free (FL) and she took honors psychology. Now we are in VA, it costs money (beyond the textbook), but she is still interested. SHe has applied but hasn't taken the test here yet. SHe will do that next week. I am really not sure what she will end up taking although I was interested in one day field geology classes for 1 credit. She needs a 1/2 credit (HS) in science and that may work by taking 2 of those. (They have readings to do before and some type of paper to do after). I am not having her do CC for a AA degree. Currently she is thinking about pursuing careers that take a very long time but also require rigorous educations. I might have had her do it if we were staying in VA and she would be transferring to UVA or W+M but since we will probably be moving either the summer before she graduates or right after she graduates, I don't think that would work. IF she remains serious in her ideas for a career, I don't want to make it harder by relengating her to a AA degree. I just have a feeling that it would make it harder to get into a top notch grad school and I think socially she needs to go away to college. My youngest is only 12 but is currently considering careers like enginnering or accident investigation. I have no idea where we will be living when she is in high school so I won't decide that now.
  12. I am looking for recommendations for Economics text or book for high schoolers. Currently I am leaning towards Economics for Dummies but also am considering the BJU Economics text and am willing to think about any others. I will be facilitating a course at a co-op and some kids will not be doing it for credit and others will be. I already have various additional articles or books to assign to help complete a 1/2 credit but I am an econ major and want to make sure I don't choose anything to advanced. ANy recommendations about what worked for you?
  13. Can you all tell me what texts, books or materials you used for government 1/2 credit course? I don't need online options since I will be facilitating this course in a co-op but am looking for good material. I am considering The Complete Idiot's Guide to American Government with plenty of current events and maybe field trips since we are 9 miles from the US Congress, Supreme Court and WH.
  14. It completely depends on the type of property they are trying to rent and the neighborhood. It seems like a strange way to put it because it is not socially acceptable to phrase it that way, but that is what it comes down to. I am so sure that none of my landlords would have ever rented to us without good credit. I know when I was a landlord, I had a rental management company doing the leasing. That was best for us since we were overseas and because I would have been more picky about my tenants. I think with their credit problems, they need to be looking for either other desperate owners who would rent to them or look for places in less upscale neighborhoods or apartment complexes. I think that most landlords are fairly picky about credit histories and problems and while they won't say they don't trust you, they will reject you anyway.
  15. Be very careful and make sure the redness and swelling aren't increasing to nearby areas. If so, you may very well have cellulitis which is serious. If it was an insect sting like a wasp, it is very likely to get cellulitis since they inject bacteria into you along with the venom. My dd got cellulitis two out of three times she had a wasp sting. (SHe also developed an allergy and had a delayed anaphalactic reaction of about 27 hours later the last time).
  16. MOst days I get up and walk the dog. That means I put on shorts or skort and tshirt and walk him in my neighborhood. When I am sick, I either let him out in my very large backyard or have someone else walk him or let him out. THen I don't get out of my nightgown or pjs. If I am going to an appointment of some kind, I get dressed more formally like skirt and tshirt or pants and tshirt. The type of tshirt I wear is dependent on the formalness level. For walking the dog, I wear casual type. For going out, I wear embellished or better quality tshirts.
  17. Thanks all, I am glad I have a little while to work on this. I am busy planning a Govt/Econ class for a co-op and need to choose material and write a description by June 30th. I will get that done and then work on the re=notification.
  18. It is really weird. I have three at home. I can't even say that there emotion level is the same in each area. For example, my 15 yo is much more mature in many areas than most others her age. By these areas, I mean planning her future, getting along with adults, having viewpoints about life and responsibility and purposefulness much more common in adults. However, in terms of boy/girl issues she is certainly not as advanced. A good part of that is that she is very serious and then also I have found that most gifted children tend to be later in those issues. Now she is an introvert but even her younger sister who is an extrovert is not there with the boy/girl issues that many others her age are already having.
  19. I just used the Iowa and Cogat this year. My mathematically gifted child, usually scoring 99 percentile on conceptual math and very scientifically inclined, scored very low (47) on her quantitative and lower than her not mathematically gifted but older and faster on computation sister. I agree that the test doesn't measure IQ or giftedness. This kid solves math puzzles for fun and the test says she is below average???? I don't think so.
  20. I moved here in late Dec. and put in my intent of homeschooling and a description of our school subjects and resources in early Jan. It was approved. I have tested the girls. Now I am wondering what do I exactly have to do and when. I think the deadline is sometime in Aug but I do I send in the test results first and the description later? What if I am not sure what they will do in all areas? For example, my older daughter will take some classes at home, some in co-op with home supplementation, some at CC, and maybe some online. The CC choices for SPring won't be made yet, and neither will second semester online. In fact, although we are in VA now and have to file VA paperwork, we are, in fact, Floridians and so we can use Florida Virtual for school without cost. If I use this with either, I won't start them until September at the earliest and maybe nor till later. How vague can I be and get away with it? I know math for both girls and English for one and social science for the other. I have some ideas about science but haven;t chosen books yet and won't know for sure until later.
  21. If you are hired to work a 7-3 shift at a store, is your boss not responsible for making sure you can leave at 3? (By whatever means - having another worker arrive, doing the work him/herself, whatever. YOU are done at 3.) I don't think she expects the client to be home because of her "perceived needs" of her daughter. I think she wants the client home at the time she SAID she would be there. So would I - as a Mum of a 12 year old and as frequent babysitter myself. I really don't think this is a case of 'can the daughter babysit or not' -- I think it's a case of 'lady needs to get her butt home when she said she would.' :) :iagree: and I also agree with the statement that with a 12yo, you need to know or meet the parents. I babysat once I was around 12. I never had to deal with overly late parents and I just wouldn't have sat for them even when I was in college. Because even when I was in college, I had a life to live including going to classes, going to a second job, etc, etc. I soon will be going through all this myself since I am going to have my youngest take the Red cross babysitting course and then she can sit. SInce she likes kids, I think it will work well.
  22. GIven how our stock market and other investments are in bad shape now, I don't think the advice holds true. I think it all depends on what you want from life, though. What I wanted was more knowledge. I don't work and probably won't work full time ever again. I have a BA, MS, and the great all but dissertation. On the other hand, my husband has his PhD and it certainly has helped him in his military career and will be helping him make very good money when he retires. So he went from being the son of a milk man and bus driver and now we live in a fabulous neighborhood where everyone is succesful and I suspect we have a extraordinary percentage of advanced degreed people here. But that is just one of the advantages. Really what he wants and what I want is learning. WE are both lifetime learners and that was our goal initially. (I didn't do my graduate degrees with thinking I wouldn't work, but it turned out that way when I got chronic illness and we kept moving).
  23. My dh went to public school and he did 5 credits of science. He did Biology, Physics, and Chemistry and then ap chem, and Physics.
  24. WE listen to a wide variety but none of mine have ever liked any teeny bopper music like Miley, Jonas Brothers, etc. I know that my middle took cds of Johnny Cash, ABBA, Mozart, and some compilation of techno with her to her mission trip. Youngest listens to Euro techno, disco, trumpet heavy pieces, Christian music from AUstralia and England. Both loved going to see Pirates of the Penzance and are looking forward to NSO concerts soon but also to the B52s.
  25. In some classes, mainly math, what consists of a credit is mastering a certain skill and knowledge level. What are enough problems for one child are not enough problems for another. Nobody, except pedantic bureaucrats, cares whether you need 10 problems to learn how to use the quadratic formula or whether you needed 100. (that is ALgebra I but just an example). My youngest gets the point in math very quickly. My middle works through it and needs many more problems. As someone indicated the Companion text provides lots more problems, if needed.
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