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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I'm fond of dogs, but I can't stand other people's dogs in our yard, the strays are bad enough.  Our neighbors' (2 different ones) dogs come and dig in our garden.  So far this year, they've torn up our sweet peas.  


    We live in an area with no animal control, or regulations regarding pets.  Everything roams free.  

  2. Yesterday was  a 2 mile run, then kettlebell, then I took my 2 youngest to the zoo for the day. I got in an hour of Yin last night.  I needed it, and it felt so good. Today I ran 5 miles, with 2 mile tempo, then some core work with the kettlebells.  

  3. So lifting weights is okay for young teen boys? I thought younger teens shouldn't life weights, but is that just kids or is it the actual amount of weight that matters?


    Would it hurt to go ahead and increase the protein intake now? He likes eggs, peanut butter, cheese, etc., but he doesn't eat large amounts of any of those. We tend to eat small amounts of meat at our meals because of cost. He loves popcorn, fruit, and any kind of cracker, so there's not much protein there. 



    In the past, weights were discouraged for teens.  The thinking is changing, but there is not much science behind any of it.  I think weights for teens is not the greates idea.  Poor form can lead to injury, especially in growing kids.


    But a teen can do body weight exercises.  Push-ups and pull-ups, squats, lunges, planks, etc....  There are programs online (like at BreakingMuscle.com) that help with progression.  You can gain a lot of muscle using just body weight. 


    I have skinny boys, my oldest doesn't seem to care, my 2nd son cares more.:) The church we attend has lots of beefy college guys, so the boys see that a lot and I'm sure it influences them.  I know it did our friend's son.  He works out daily.

  4. I'm going to post one more response, because I'm in tears for you, mostly because it hits so close to home.


    So for Lent this year (which I didn't manage to stick with) I gave up what I called "extras" wine, chocolate, desserts, things that represent pleasures in life.  And you know why?  Because I have been so angry and unthankful for what I have.


    I hate where we live.  I'm tired of homeschooling.  I'm tired of doing everything for the kids myself.  We live in an isolated place.  While we are attending a church, it's not my preference (style, type, teaching, etc...) and I mostly hate it..  I miss my folks, my sister.  I miss living where I feel normal.  


    But I have a good life.  I have a beautiful home, a loving dh, 5 healthy children.  School has gone and is going well.  I'm not worried about my dh's job or employment. My dh and I are healthy.  We enjoy a good lifestyle.  We have friends.  


    But I've been so burned out that I've only been able to focus on the negatives, and that's been true for a while.  I'm just starting to get to a place where I don't constantly feel like I'm drowning.  I'm starting to see a light.  


    I wrote all that just to say, you are not alone.  


    Please go get help.  

  5. I'm glad I caught your post before you deleted it.  Please get help.  And please find someone IRL to talk to.   :grouphug: Really, I understand.  Really, it's not you.  Don't be ashamed, own it and get help. 

  6. :grouphug:


    It is depression and you don't suck.  And how to get the nerve up to go to the doctor? Just go.  Just do what you need to do.  I understand everything you're saying; I've been there, always angry, always discontent, always sad or even worse, numb.   Something needs to give you a boost.  For you, this has been going on for too long to continue to go untreated.  You deserve to feel normal.  You deserve to feel happy.  You deserve not to feel like you are drowning in quick sand, or feel too overwhelmed to even attend your children's events.  You have to do this for you.  


    For extra motivation (maybe, as long as it doesn't make you feel worse) think about how your children will remember these years.  You don't want them looking back and only remembering you depressed, because no matter how good a face you put on it, they know, even if they can't name it now, they know.  


    Just go get help.  If you don't know where to look, make an appointment with your doctor and see who he/she recommends.  


    And  :grouphug: again.  

  7. 6 mile run today, with half mile repeats.  It felt great.  It was much cooler out than I thought it was, so I was cold the first mile, but then felt ok.  It's beautiful sunny out.


    And I have to share.  Today, my 2 youngest boys went to a private school in town to participate in the Presidental Physical Fitness challenge.  Someone picked them up at 9:15, and I'm about to go get them.  What a nice day!  I fed the boys, ate my breakfast, cleaned up, then went for my run.  Came back and had a hot shower and a quiet lunch.  Oh, and my bathrooms got cleaned.  I could get used to this.  I've been homeschooling for 15 years; right now I'm having a bit of envy for those who can pack their kids off to school. :D  What I could do with all of this free time!  

  8. Ok, after some googling (love how that's a verb) I'm pretty sure I have either quadricep tendonitis or a tear in my lower quad muscle. Rest and ice.


    Any suggestions for low impact workouts I can do that don't involve my leg?


    Blech. I wish I knew what I did that caused this injury. I'm careful with form. Did I not land correctly? Did I twist it somehow? I don't know. I'm annoyed.


    :grouphug:    I hate being injured. I hate trying to figure out what's wrong and how long it's going to take to recover.  


    Low impact, no legs??  Hmmm, maybe kettlebell swings.  the legs don't bend much, and no additonal weight is put on them.  


    Do take it easy.  I know it's hard, but in the long run it's better to take extra rest and recover fully.  

  9. Ran 5 miles yesterday, which included a hill workout.  Because it was so cold in the morning, I waited and ran before lunch.  The hill I used is a big one, on the main street of our town.  Apparently, lots of people took notice, because it my running up and down was reported several times to my dh at work. :)  I did some yoga in the afternoon.  


    Up for today is a short run and kettlebell, which includes lots of lunges.  My right knee is feeling "off" but I'll see how it goes.  

  10. Athleta has current, youthful, athletic styles that offer the level of coverage I think you're looking for. They have bra-sized tops (including tanking) and even swim tights and swim dresses if that's what you're into. http://athleta.gap.com/browse/category.do?cid=93635#size=88-1%3A1260


    Title 9 is also really good in this area: http://www.titlenine.com/category/swim/shop+all.do?intcmp=home:S34:A:nav:1:allswim



    I was also going to mention Athleta.  My oldest dd, who wears 36DD, has worn Athleta's Run Tankini for years.  She's had 2 of them; she outgrew the first one, but it's still in good shape.  They are high quality and very supportive.  She got the Tankini top with boy short bottoms.  Very cute.

  11. 30 minute run this morning, then kettlebell.  


    I'll admit I love new workout shoes!  I have Asics for running, and I also have a pair of NB minimus.  I love those.  I wish I could run more in them.  I use those for short treadmill runs and kettlebell.  

  12. It sounded ideal until...

    1. dehumidifier in the crawl space... not normal

    2. Mossy roof


    the spongy yard could have been from the rain, but when you add in the other two factors, I'm going to say dampness is a major problem. 


    I dream of a place with a creek, but I wouldn't get this one, because I would constantly be worrying about mold issues.  I had a damp, spongy yard one time, due to a too small septic tank (and there were only two of us).  It was impossible to mow, because it was always wet... and the grass would get high.  I had to cut it all w/ a weed eater.  blech



    That would be normal where I live.  This area is damp, and while not everyone with a crawl space has a dehumidifier, they should.


    A mossy roof is also not uncommon in the area I live.  Every house has mold growing on their roof on one side.  Mossy would be expected near a creek.


    I don't like being on a creek, but I know a number of people who have homes with creeks, and it's not an issue. Mold is an issue.  Of course, it's probably an issue for that whole area where you are looking, whether the house is on the creek or not. 


    I would want someone to do a good check of the foundation; making sure there are no cracks or settlement issues.


    Propane is what we have.  I'll just say propane has gone up in cost in the last few years, but there are no other issues with using it.  


    Do research on flooding.  Does the creek flood? How much? How close could it get to the house?  Anything downstream that could affect your portion (like development).  


    Do make sure the septic tank is good.  That is very expensive to fix.


    Adding a room is pricey, even a small room is at least $10,000 to $20,000 depending on how much you do yourselves. Adding a basement would be cost prohibitive and unwise.   A basement, in an area with a creek would be very prone to flooding/leaking.  I would not do it. 

  13. Today was my long run day.  I ran 6 lovely miles.  The weather was perfect; I love spring. :)  I also did kettlebell in the afternoon.  I did my own program of 10 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, then 5x20 swings with T-holds (or waiter walks) inbetween and rack hold walk at the end.  I did that routine 3 times.  It wiped me out a bit.  I may have pushed a bit too hard, but tomorrow is rest day.


    Mandy, have fun watching your dh squat. :D

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