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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia



    We have been constantly hearing from her teachers that she does give her work her best shot - that she is capable of much more work than she is doing.    The class has multiple book clubs going on and DD's group is reading the Amber Brown series.  According to her teacher, DD is a surface reader and her comments on the chapters that she is reading are "retellings" and "predictions".  She does not have any insightful comments.  What insightful comments would a seven and half year old have??  The other kids in her group are doing better than DD according to the teacher.  I read the book and I feel DD does not have the maturity to grasp what the main character is going through (parents divorce, friend moves away, mother seeing someone new, father and mother bitter about each other..).  I mentioned it to the teacher in an email and the teacher's response was that they have talked in class multiple times about Amber's feeling.  Can a child write about feelings that she can't get???  Help me out here, please.


    I know at that age, my children would not be able to grasp, "feelings", even if I told them what to say first (which is what it sounds like the teacher is doing).  Personally, trying to get a 7 year old to go beyond retelling or predictions seems strange, but that is what the teacher's curriculum is calling for, I would assume.



    In math, DD does great on the numeric portions but initially was totally lost on the logic portion of the tests.  The teacher allows the students to read books quietly if they finished their work earlier than the others and I believe that DD gave it a few minutes and then moved on to reading a book.  She is called back and asked to work on the test but DD does not show any interest - she'd rather read.  After the last episode, I told DD that she can no longer read in class unless specifically told to by the teacher.


    I did this all the time in class, but it's not a good idea.  If I was told I could read when I was done, then I rushed so that I could read.  I would not let your dd read in class.


    DD will not follow directions at times - according to the teacher, she wants to do her own thing if she does not feel like doing what the teacher wants the class to do.  I don't see this at home - DD might take her time getting things done but there is no willful disobedience on her part. 


    DD is very chatty in class - can't stop talking.  She will be well behaved and all of a sudden one day do something that she shouldn't do.  Two weeks ago she painted her palm and made impressions on the paper table cover in Art class.  This was termed as "inappropriate usage of art materials" in her report card.  When I asked her why she did it, her answer was that she just did it.


    If your child is in a classroom, then she is going to have to learn to follow directions and listen, not talk or do whatever she wants.


    The teacher allows the students to borrow as many books as they want from the class library.  DD was bringing in about four to five books a day and she stayed up late reading them.  Starting last week, we implemented a rule that she can bring only two - one non-fiction and one fiction.  And since she has to read the Amber Brown for book club, that counts towards the fiction.  Yesterday, DD did not bring Amber Brown and instead picked up another book that she was "desperate" to read.  This was the first time that she has done something this wilful - she says that she knew that she was supposed to bring the Amber Brown book but she decided against it - knowing that I would not be too pleased.  And she left her folder (with the latest test results) at school on purpose because she doesn't want me to see it.


    You should make sure your dd follows the teachers directions.  Take her to the library to get her own books.


    Is this normal behaviour for a seven year old???  Or is there something else going on???  I don't hear anything good about her from her teachers - I see a lot of good things in her but seems like the teacher's are missing it.


    This is normal behavior and the teacher is trying to help and teach your dd.  


    Your thoughts on this please!





    A few more thoughts.  Yes, your dd is normal, but you are sending her to school, a school you say you like.  So your dd has to learn how to function in that enviroment.  She needs to learn to listen and follow directions.


    She should bring the Amber books home, so she can read them to you, and you can ask her about "feeling" or what they are going through.  You should be helping her learn this skill that the school is expecting her to learn.  I do think it's silly for a child that age to do that, but I'm homeschooling.  I have all sorts of opinions how to school my dc, but they don't always line up with the school systems. 


    I think you shouldn't worry about you dd.  Encourage her to do her work well, to pay attention in class, and to follow directions.  

  2. For all of you who do kettleball- can you recommend a how-to video?  My gym has them available but I only occassionally see people using them.  Those that I do see- I see once and then never again; I am pretty darn sure they are tearing up their lower backs.



    I've used only one person's DVDs, and that's Lauren Brooks.  I have her first and second volume, and I've heard good things about her newest, which is Kettlebell Body.  She has tutorials on them.  She also has tutorials on YouTube.  I also have her book and her program called Be Slam.  Be Slam comes with a private link to some tutorials, but the swing, which is basic, she has available on YouTube.


    Last year I found someone who was certified in kettlebells and got private lessons.  If you do any weightlifting stuff wrong, you will tear up your back.  The swing will really do that if you do it wrong.  The thing with the swing is to realize that you are in plank.  Your arms "float" up with the hip snap, and at the top your body should be like it's in plank.  You always keep a solid core, bending at the hips, keeping your core solid and straight.  It's really plank with a weight.  I've never had it hurt my back, or even bother it a little.  But if you bend at the waist, or don't keep your core solid you could damage your lower back.  

    Here's the link to the swing

  3. Yes, Rieshy, at least it should.:)


    It was kettlebell morning.  Ran 10 minutes, then 3 x : 6 single leg deadlifts, 5 one arm presses, 8 one arm rows.  Rest, then the HIT part: 3 x : 10 one arm swings, 10 high-pull and squats, 20 swings.  Rest, then pull-ups and ab work.  


    I plan on 30 minutes of yoga later. 

  4. Rest day today, but my legs felt so stiff and heavy that I decided to do 30 minutes of yoga. I didn't do anything rough, breath work, sun salutes, a few standing poses, and a modified closing series.  It felt good. My legs feel much better, which is good.  I spend most of today in the car, so starting off stiff is bad.  I'm hoping for some Yin or restorative yoga tonight. 

  5. Tub push ups?? Share!




    I just use my tub as a way to raise myself higher.  That way I can maintain plank position and do "regular' (not on my knees), push-ups.  To fit them into my day without adding to my workouts, I'm doing them when I go to the bathroom, aiming for at least 50 a day.  I'm doing them Tue, Fri (which are my kettlebell days) and Sunday.  Sunday's are my long run day, but I know that if I want to get anywhere with my push-ups I need at least 3x's a week.  Next Sunday I plan on adding pull-ups too. I already do those on Tues and Friday. 

  6. I finished Murakami's Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World.   Amazing book.  It was a bit harder to get into than his other books, but so many good thoughts in it.  


    One of the hardest things about reading Murakami is all of the writers and books he mentions.  I find myself wanting to read them, and some of them are quite heady.  


    I'm unsure what I'll read next.  I have several books on hold at the library (probably all come at once!), and I have a few here I can read.  I'll figure it out tomorrow. 

  7. You should be able to find a half in June.  Great present!:)


    I had a nice 7 mile run with my dh this morning.  My legs still felt a bit tired from Friday's kettlebell workout, but I was ok until the last 3/4 of a mile.  At 6.25 my legs suddenly felt like lead weights.  I slowed down and made it home. I've also already gotten 25 tub push-ups done.  Only 25 more to go. 

  8. Sounds like a yummy cake. Enjoy.


    Munchkin is a game that I don't like playing. I bride my kids to play just about any other game with me.



    I'm getting used to it.  I prefer Catan or Ticket to Ride.  My kids don't like Ticket to Ride, so we haven't played it for a long time. Maybe I could talk them into Catan. :)  The kids are in love with Munchkin. 

  9. Yoga day!  I did a lovely 90 minute yoga practice with Jason Crandell on YogaGlo.com.  It was a Hatha practice that left me feeling like I had gone to a yoga retreat day.  :)  The rest of me day is going to be spent relaxing. I finished my Murakami book last night, and my head is not ready for a new book, so I'm going to drink my tea and watch the Olympics.  My dh is making me a chocolate and almond ganache cake (which is more calories then I should consume in a day). I think then we'll play Munchkin.

  10. Thanks for your help so far, everyone. I guess after reading your responses, realizing that I don't want to just have a history of the sites she has visited. For instance, I don't think I mind that she goes to, let's say, Instagram. But I want to know what she is looking at while she is at Instagram. I can look at the history on my computer and see that she has been to Instagram, but since I don't have an Instagram account, I can't see what she is viewing. Do you know what I mean? 


    You should be able to click on her link.  But then you may have to sign in. Use her account.  I'm assuming the kids know you check, and that she'll hand over her info.  With my kids, that is the condition of them being online.  I have full access. 

  11. Love the tub pushups. The couch is good too.


    Do you wear wrist guards when you kettlebell? I need some because I get bruised on my wrists.



    I have wrist guards, but I mostly need them when I do cleans.  Those old wrist sweat bands would work just fine.  I also have gloves, because I hate ripping up my hands.  You're not supposed to use them with kettlebell, but my form is good, and they make a huge difference for my snatch and 1 handed swings.  I have BioGloves??? or maybe BioBody???  You can get them at Dick's. I love them.  

  12. Today was kettlebell.  I ran 10 minutes, then did 3 rounds of sumo squats, windmills, and squats.  Short break, then 3 rounds of heavy swings, presses, and planks. Finished with 3 rounds of half TGUs and pull-ups.  I'm also trying something new.  I want to improve my push-ups.  I've always done them on my knees, since I can't keep good form straight.  But now I'm going up on an angle to do them.  I'm using my tub.  So every time I go to the bathroom I do 5 push-ups. :D  I figure I'll get a good number in and it won't take much time.  I plan on doing this 3x's a week; my kettlebell days and Sunday.  I'll see if it helps. 

  13. My first thought would be Pokemon, then Speed Racer.  :D  My dd watches anime, I forget the name of the one she likes, but I've watched some of it.  There is a huge range in anime. I think if you're unfamiliar with it you might not realize that.


      Annoying, the book store in our area keeps them all grouped together.  It makes it hard to look at stuff.

  14. We currently have just over 3,000 sq ft, but it's an old victorian, not very efficient.  I think 2,700 sq ft would be good if it's cut up well.  Must have: master bathroom, laundry room/mud room, a total of 3 full bathrooms, closets, large kitchen, dining room, living room and a family room.  I used to think that I only needed a great room, but now that I have teenagers and younger ones, having 2 rooms is better.


    Something else I would love would be all hardwood throughout the house (except the kitchen and bathrooms).  Also, an attached garage. I miss having one of those.  A Mother-in-law suite would also be nice, meaning a guest room with an attached bathroom.  

  15. Rieshy, did you get your iron levels checked? Is that how you know?  It would slow down recovery time, so hopefully you will start to feel better soon.


    Today was a 4 mile run.  I was hoping to run outside, it was almost 50 out this morning!  But with it was a thunder storm, so I ran on my treadmill again.  I followed it up with some crunches and planks.  I'm aiming for 30 minutes of yoga later today.  I did get in a bit of yin last night, just 25 minutes, but it did feel good. 

  16. :grouphug:


    Yes, I've had that happen.  I hate it.  Just the other day I felt like I could have ran 10 miles when I went to bed (I felt anxious, like I could climb the walls), and then the next morning I woke up angry.  I hate that feeling that I've snapped and I can't handle anything.  


    Things I do that help a little; hot bath, yoga breath work (good slow breathing, slower on the exhale), some yoga, and if it's during the day and I can, I go outside for a walk, run, or just go out


    I also cope by telling myself it's normal, that in a day or two it will pass.  I also avoid my kids.  When I feel like that I get angry easily and I don't want to take it out on them.  


    :grouphug: again.  It will pass. 

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