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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Today was a kettlebell day.  It was a tough workout.  I did TGU's, heavy squats (for me, just 35lbs), and presses.  I ended with 3 rounds of swings, push-ups, and pull-ups.  I was short on time, so no 1 mile run warm up.  I'm heading to my room for some yoga in just a bit.  

  2. Ugh! Today was supposed to be a run day. This morning was 5* outside, so headed to the gym...was supposed to meet my trainer and brf. ....found out later they both overslept....got to the gym and not a single treadmill was available. I ended up doing a barbell lift class, then did a yoga class which was packed wall to wall I left still wanting my run....but had to grocery shop....



    How frustrating.  It's still January, by the end of next month the gym should empty out. :)

  3. Do you do full on or assisted pull ups?? I really want to start doing these, but don't know how to start. Any tips??



    Assisted!  I use the green band to help me.  Even with that 5 is my max.  I highly recommend the bands.  They make it possible for you to do the pull up the correct way, engaging the muscles you want to strengthen.   

  4. Today was my long run day.  I felt bad when I got up, so I waited till after lunch and a nap to run.  I ran 7 miles, and I got to run outside.  It was 50 out so it felt great.  I also did 5 x5 pull ups with 1 minute planks inbetween, followed by 30 minutes of yoga.  

  5. I'm 70% through Fall of Giants, by Ken Follett.  It's a huge book, but it's an easy read.  The story is very engaging.  It's funny, because I do not care for Downton Abby, but I'm loving this book.  :D


    I should finish it this week, then I'll have to see if the library has the next one. 

  6. What's strange is that even if the school doesn't want to accept the dual credit classes as college credit, they should not discount them for high school classes, KWIM?  


    They should not be unfamiliar with the concept.  It's not right that they won't accept them as a part of her high school transcript.  But I totally get about not wanting to rock the boat.  If she gets in, and has free tuition, then it's not a hill to even bother to climb. 

  7. My dd's college accepted all of her dual credit classes without question.  And in TN, if you take those credits at a State College (which is like a community college in NJ), the Universities (State ones), have to take them.


    I also know that KY also takes the dual credit classes without any issues (at least at the State schools).


    So I'm guessing it's a thing with Villianova.  If schools accept the credits they are losing money, in theory.  

  8. :grouphug: I'll give you a BTDT, or rather, I'm there.  It is an age thing, but if it does go on for too long see another doctor.  


    I will add that I've started taking Vit D, I'm more careful with my diet, and I changed up my exercise routine.  I still get tired more easily, but it's getting better.  


    Last year I went through the same thing with my periods.  They were so close together.  I think that went on for 2 years, but not every month.  It's annoying, and yes, exhausting.  


    Welcome to your 40's.......

  9. Kettlebell today.  I think my body is tired, and hungry  :laugh: .  I had a hard time getting through my workout.  I took a little longer breaks, and didn't add on the extra push up or pull ups like I've been doing.  And plank was impossible today.  I end up doing a series of shorter planks with 15 sec breaks inbetween.  Tomorrow is yoga day, and I need it. 

  10. My dd is the same age as the OP's and sounds a bit similar. She reads well and has great communication skills, but her writing is very, very poor. She's different in that was an early reader and doesn't have much problem with math facts or spelling, so I will not be doing anything like an OG program. Like the OP, we are doing low output on writing via WWE, in addition to some writing with math (don't ask about her number formation!) and spelling on a white board.


    I just found an OT to consult about the handwriting, which may prove helpful, because our previous OT place did not impress me. If insurance would cover it, though, I might go back and try again. The OP can think about seeing an OT for the writing. They will do an eval and insurance may cover the therapy if there are issues like muscle weakness.


    My 13 yo needs vision therapy and we need to put our resources into that for now, but I think once we take care of our 13 yo and have her in high school next year, things will ease up and I will get my 7 yo an evaluation by a developmental optometrist. I feel like I see something very subtle in her eye control that may be worth getting checked out.


    In the meanwhile, I plan to start working on things like supplements and metronome to try to increase her attention span and EF, because those are issues for us.


    Our insurance doens't cover it, so it didn't occur to me that others might.  Yes, if your insurance would cover some OT, then it could be worth having an evaluation done.

  11. I have a son who has both issues, but we've never done a fromal evaluation.  He is 11, soon to to be 12, and still has the same issues that you mentioned.  His words run together, he can't tell when to use caps or lower case, punctuation is almost impossible.  I used to a WRTR based program with him for years, but now we are using R&S spelling and Easy Grammar as well as Daily Grams.  


    So I would say, no what you're describing isn't normal, but probably does show that she has some issues.  


    My approach has been to keep working at it but try not to frustrate my son.  We do a lot of spelling on the white board (which engages gross motor instead of fine motor skills).  I keep his actual writing down to a sentence or two a day, focusing on details.  He just copies what I write.  We take the sentence exercises in Daily Grams, he tells me the answer, I write it, and then he copies it.  


    We are using Writing with Skill for writing, but he does the work on the computer and I work with him on each edit.


    Anyway, all this is to say, don't get discouraged.  And if you can't afford testing, I would put it off.  You can tell she has an issue, just keep working with her.  Be patient and try not to put too much pressure on her.  Let her progress at her own rate.  


    Testing is expensive, and unless you live in a state that will cover the results (like pay for an OT), it will not be extra helpful at this time.  It can be good when she's older and has to do testing (like the ACT), because then the evaluation can get you extra time.  But, at least in our state, evalutations are only good for 3 years, and it's expensive to keep redoing it every 3 years.  Worse for me, my state doesn't have a "code" for dyslexia so unless my son is way behind in reading I might not get much out of a formal evalution (I have been able to consult with someone in charge of Special Ed locally, and with the counselor at our umbrella school, which has been helpful). 

  12. Just curious, why did you order clothes from Kohl's instead of shopping there?  Are the prices that high?  


    I would think it would be fun to shop in Italy for clothes (and I'm not a shopper, or someone who likes to get new clothes, I just think the experience would be fun).


    Glad you found a place and that you are adjusting.

  13. 3 minute plank this morning, then 4.5 mile interval run.  I did 4 x 6 400's.  It felt hard, but good.  Yoga later.  I'm still doing a 40 day kriya challenge, doing the same 30 minute kriya everyday.  It's challenging, not because the 30 minutes are phyiscally demanding, but doing the same routine everyday is challenging my ability to stay in the moment.  I find my mind wandering more, I can't seem to stay focused, but I'm going to keep going. 

  14. Kettlebell yesterday, plus yoga.  Today I'm going to run. I'm unsure if I'll do 4 or 5 miles.  Yesterday I did make the 2.5 minute plank.  Today I'm supposed to make 3 minutes.  I need to find some funny videos on YouTube to distract me. I did that yesterday and it helped.  

  15. I'm not sure how this thread works but I wanted to chime in. I'm trying to read more this year and so far I have read The Story of the Trapp Family Singers, and Call The Midwife: A Memoir of Birth, Joy, and Hard Times. Both of which I really enjoyed(well except for about one page in the Call the Midwife book that was too graphic for me, so I skipped a couple paragraphs). The next book I have on hold at the Library is about Beatrix Potter. Do any of you have suggestions for Non fiction, Bios, Auto Biography, and/or Memoirs? That is what I am interested in right now. I'm trying to make a list of books available at my library. :)


    The Secret Piano was an enjoyable auto biography/memoir about a woman in China during the Cultural Revolution.  

  16. My brain has been having a hard time focusing on reading.  Right now I'm trying to read Fall of the Giants.  I put aside Hard Boiled Wonderland and I am focusing on the library book.  Fall of the Giants is an easier read than Murakami, which right now I think is good.  The story is engaging, but still, I just can't seem to focus.  Today is a big reading day for me.  I get almost 2 hrs time while my kids are doing violin lessons.  I'll see how much progress I make.

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