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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Christmas Wishes from Bing Crosby and the Roger Wagner Chorale

    A Merry Mancini Christmas by Henry Mancini His Orchestra and Chorus

    Gene Autry Sings Santa Claus is Coming to Town (the whole cd has more than just this song.  Up on the Housetop, Ten Little Reindeer, Rudolph...)


    Question:  Is the Charlie Brown Christmas just instrumentals?  I really prefer voices too.



  2. Did you specifically ask people if they followed NFP.  I know people who would never talk about following NFP because when they have in the past have either been laughed at for doing such silly things or had people angry at them because they didn't believe them.  I sure know that no one in my parish knows I follow it because I don't talk to them about my sex life.


    Also, a priest does not have to tell you are in bad standing with the Church teaching in order to make it true.  Even if a priest specifically told you that you were not in bad standing with the Church if you used birth control that would not be true. Priests don't make that decision and them guiding you incorrectly is wrong on their part.



    My entire extended family is RC, all of our friends were too.  When I was old enough to "understand" some of the issues and talk, yes I did know.  I knew that everyone in our family, as well as our friends supported using BC.  We  attended a church with over 500 people (Obviously, I didn't know every family well.  I stated that those I knew, not everyone in our church).  I went to school with those same kids, some of the parents were my teachers.  BC was advocated.  And our priest, as well as the few (only about 6) others that we knew did talk about a "soft" stance. I local RC where I live now would never tell a couple to use BC, but he is not opposed.   


    I know it's a sensitive issue.  I don't want to debate it.  I'm only talking about my experience;  what I knew and saw while growing up.  There is variation on the issue within the church (from it's members and even teachers).  Many do not follow the teaching, but still believe and want to stay in communion with the RC.  

  3. I'm sure I'll insult some Catholics but here goes....


    Lets just say I know a lot of Catholics who just ignore some of that.



    I was raised RC, in an area that was 80% RC, and I had never even heard of the teaching until I was older.  No one we knew followed it.  I'm not saying the OP was wrong to follow it.  I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad for following the church's teaching.  I'm just saying that I've never known a priest (I'm sure there are a few) that would say you are in "bad standing" if you didn't follow that teaching.  


    To the OP:  :grouphug:  I'm sorry you are in such a tight spot. And I'm sure that when things settle in a bit you will start to feel positive about this baby.  

  4. This site has tons of workouts, including bodyweight, and yoga.  I'm currently using their kettlebell one.  I started back on the 1st cycle.  You can search the workouts.


    For yoga I use an online service called YogaGlo.com.  It's pricey, but there are tons of options.  If you're looking to purchase a DVD I second the Sadie Nardini recommendation.  


    Right now I run 3x's a week, do kettlebell 2x's a week, and yoga at least once a week.  

  5. We got back from vacation Saturday night!  I didn't do much exercise while away, just tons of walking (We went to WDW).  Sunday I ran 5 miles, Monday I did kettlebell, today I ran 3 miles.  My legs felt very tired today and my heartrate was staying high even after walk breaks, that usually means my body is too tired.  

  6. My husband thinks I should maybe just send him a letter w/o a return address and be done with it. He doesn't think my father deserves a relationship with me, but he would support whatever I wanted.


    Your father does not deserve a relationship with you.  This is about what you want.  If you are curious and have the emotional strength to have any contact, then go forward, with a lot of caution.  If you don't want to open that can of worms, then don't.  But again, your father doesn't deserve anything.   :grouphug:

  7. I get a lot of books for my Kindle from the library. I also have bought books when they drop in price on Amazon (like today, I just bought Goldfinch, which I have been wanting, and The Son, which looks like something I would enjoy :tongue_smilie: ) I buy a book for Kindle if I know it would be hard to get from the library (plus the library is far) or I can't get it for a good price at the used book store.  


    I would say that I bought 30% of the books I read this year for my Kindle.  The rest were bought used (which I then sell back later) or borrowed from the library. 


    I do spend money on books, but I love them. :D

  8. You can play music on the Kindle touch and Paperwhite.  That's built in so that you can also load audio books on the device.


    If that's all you want then a Kindle paperwhite is the best way to go.  


    If you think you'll want more than that, I would go with a tablet, but not the Fire.  I'm not impressed with the Fire.  

  9. We were on vacation last week.  I got a ebook from the library to take with me, Darkness, My Old Friend, by Lisa Unger.  So far, it's a bit slow, but not bad.  I was very disappointed in the Grisham book, and I still wanted to read a good mystery, so I started searching for something I might like that the library had for Kindle.  


    We listened to another Terry Pratchett book in the van, Making Money.  His books are fun and well written.  NIce for a long ride.  My ds11 requested another Pratchett book.  He's not into reading so I love to get whatever he's interested in.  


    I believe I may buy Goldfinch when I'm done my current book. 



    And  :grouphug: , Robin

  10. DD13 won an ipod touch from her youth group.  DS11 bought one with his own money.  We wish they didn't have them.


    DD13 is not allowed to use her ipod between the hours of 9am and 3pm and must turn it in at bedtime.  We have to specifically tell her to put down the ipod when we are doing something as a family like watching a movie together.  It's like it is the only thing that exists.  We also closely monitor every site that she spends time with because she has gotten involved with "friends" whom we don't think are a positive influence.


    DS11 has had everything disabled on his except music because he discovered pornography with his.  Fortunately, we have filters on our firewall that provide DH with reports of websites that were blocked and searches that were done.  It was one of those reports that alerted us to his pornography access.


    A friend attributes the ipod to her daughter's downward spiral...from getting involved with pedofiles to a suicide attempt to becoming the kind of kid that lies, sneaks out of the house, and generally makes their family's life hell. 


    An internet-enabled ipod makes it so much easier for kids to have access to things and people you might not want them to have access to. 


    Definitely set and keep clearly defined limits and utilize the parental controls if choose to allow your child to have an ipod.



    What Firewall do you have?  

  11. 2 of my kids have iPods, ages 15 and 14 (well, 3 of my kids, the oldest is 19. She has one too).  They got them when they were 13 (my dd upgraded hers when the newer ones came out).  I plan on getting one for my ds11 for his birthday (at 12). 


    There are no monthly fees.  They use your wifi.  You can set a passcode on it.  In fact there are 2 different ones I believe.  One code lets you turn off in-app purchases (and do that!).  I think I was also able to restrict "adult content", but that may have been on my oldest dd's anciet iPod touch.  


    We have not had issues.  My dd uses hers to chat a lot with friends, that is her main use (she doesn't have a smartphone, so this takes that place).  


    You make your limits clear.  I don't recommend threating to take it everytime you are looking for some sort of punishment or bargaining tool.  Only take it if the iPod itself is a problem.


    My kids love their iPods.  And my ds11 has been begging for one for over a year.  He just wants his own private minecraft device. :)  


    When it comes to technology, I tend to take a, "they need to learn to live with it", stance.  They know they can't use it when we are at events, or with other people (social situations).  They have learned to limit it themselves. 



  12. My husband loves Riesling.


    I haven't had a bad Riesling.  Barefoot's is good, but I prefer Yellow Tail's, Twisted is also good.  I also enjoy Yellow Tail's Shiraz (which is red).  Twisted and Yellow Tail are my favorite inexpensive brands.  

  13. Did it maintain its suitability for an 11 yr old to watch? My son has watched the first and obsessed with the books. We are hoping to take him to see it soon.



    We just saw it this afternoon.  It was great!  I took my dd15 and ds11 and they loved it.  It is intense, and emotionally rough, but if you son read the books then he'll be fine.  I did not take my ds8, because I thought it would be too much for him.  I think I was right.  There is no real relief from the sadness of everything.  


    I highly recommend the movie.  I think they did a good job of following the book, and honestly, it was even a bit better since the actors who played the other tributes were able to convey how scared and angry they were too.  I think that was a bit lost in the book.  It was touched on, but since the story was told through Katniss's eyes you sort of miss it. The acting was great, and I think Finnick was especially good.  

  14. I voted "sometimes".  Mostly, I dislike cleaning, but besides preferring a clean house, there are times that the act of cleaning feels good.  In fact, I think that it can have a cathartic effect. This seems especially true for cleaning the bathroom.  I can be in a sulky mood, and for some reason cleaning the bathroom will make me feel better.  It isn't just the physical work, because I run, do yoga, and lift weights, all of which can be helpful in lifting my mood.  But there is something about cleaning my bathroom that can "reset" me.  


    So mostly, I don't enjoy it.  It has to be done, so I do it, but there are times I enjoy doing the simple act of making everything around me nicer. :)


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