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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. We do have separate boxes, but some stuff is mixed up.  When my kids are in their Playmobil building stage, I try to leave it alone.  I've had sets left up for months.  Right now everything is in boxes.  They've not touched them in almost a year. They seem to be more into their Legos at the moment.  

  2. Yeah, I've had 5 kids, I'm not getting a bikini body. :D  I workout for my health.  I want to be stronger as I get older.  I don't want to be bent over when I'm old. I want to be able to hike when I'm 65.  I want the strength and energy to keep up with grandkids (my youngest will be 9 tomorrow, I'll be 44 this year.  By the time he has kids I'll be old. :laugh: )


    I had a good workout today.  It was a kettlebell day.  1 mile run warm up, then 2 x  5 per side TGU's; and I did them.  All.  5 in a row on each side with my 26lb bell.  It felt good. (I'm very pleased with this.  I haven't felt like I was making any strength gains with my upper body, but now I can see that I have).  I also did lunges, chin-ups, swings, squats, push-ups, and crunches.    

  3. I'm 5'9" and I've been working on doing them.  I bought the bands to use with my bar at home. I'm also focusing on strengthing my core, mostly with planks, because, yes, you use a lot more than your arms/shoulders.


     I read the article about the marines too, and I thought it was sad.  Mostly because it seems like the women are not given the proper training to meet the goal.  Men naturally have greater upper body strength, but they are also able to develop the upper body more easily too.  If the women are following the same training protocol as the men, they are going to have a hard time succeeding.  They need to develop at seperate regimine if they want the women to reach that goal.  

  4. Last night I did some yin yoga before bed. A nice routine that focused on hamstrings.  I ran this morning. I'm starting to get back to normal.  I ran 4 miles and my heart rate stayed within the proper range.   I'll be doing yoga later.  I'm trying a 40 day challange.  It's with Kundalini yoga.  You do the same kriya for 40 days.  I'm doing a short, easier one which is supposed to help with emotional well being.  The teacher is Kia Miller, and the practice is on YogaGlo.  Yesterday was day 1.  

  5. My first class was kundalini yoga and my second one was iyengar. I know virtually nothing about yoga but those were the names of the two classes. I liked them both though they were very different. The kundalini made me feel better than a full body massage! The iyengar was more challenging physically but made me feel strong.


    I am going to check out that site. Can I ask a few questions?


    How often can/should I do yoga each week? Those are the only two classes I can go to but if I could follow the others online, how often should I do it? And there are a million different ones to choose from. Where should I start? I saw one called morning yoga and was 20 minutes long. Is that daily?


    I don't want to overdo it but twice a week doesn't seem like enough.


    Yoga can be practiced everyday.  Even if I'm running or doing kettlebell, I end with about 10 to 15 minutes of yoga stretches (Sage Rountree has some great online resources for that).  I would love to do a 90 min practice everyday, but I don't have that sort of time.  And you will make the most gains in yoga with daily practice, even if that practice is short.  There are a few online services.  Right now I'm using YogaGlo.  There is also YogaVibes as well as YogaToday.


    If you can go to a class once or twice a week, you can then add some home videos.  Giam always made nice ones, and I loved Shiva Rae's DVDs.  I saw some Kundalini ones on Amazon, but I haven't tried them.   

  6. Yes!  I love yoga.  I've been practicing yoga for 5 years.  I've never been able to take classes anywhere, they are too far away.  But I have made use of online services as well as home videos.  I love vinyasa, Hatha, and I'm starting to enjoy Kundalini.  I run and do kettlebell, but I always come back to yoga.  Right now I'm trying to do a short Kundalini Kryia everyday.  Yoga has a way of helping my mind to stop (as in all of it's pointless running around it does), and I have gained so much from the asanas as well.  


    To me, yoga is therapy (running is too, but yoga even more).  



  7. We stayed at a condo, and ate breakfast there.  We then ate a big lunch at the park and just a snack for dinner.  It worked well for us.  I think saving money there is very hard to do.  If you try too hard you will end up being frustrated.  We go knowing we'll have to spend and ignore the prices of the food. (at the park). 

  8. We just did that, and my youngest is 8.  We did 2 days at the Magic Kingdom, 1 at Hollywood Studios and 1 at Epcot.  There isn't much at the Animal Kingdom, unless you like the shows (which my young sons had no interest in seeing).  But if you do the park hopper, you might be able to do Hollywood studios and the Animal Kingdom in a day.  


    Epcot does have some good rides, but it's also a lot of walking, so you could drop Epcot if you wanted the Animal Kingdom, unless you wanted to see the World Showcase.  My ds8 enjoyed Epcot, more than I thought he would.  


    I would do 2 days at the Magic Kingdom.  That is where your 7 year old will have the most fun.  And if you can, get there before the opening, it's a nice little show that adds to the "magic" feeling.  

  9. The hip flexor thing for abs is that if they are stretched out, none to the ab exercises work as well as they could because you're abs aren't engaged as well when your hip flexors are tight. I was skeptical when this was first explained to me. Yet I noticed more of a difference after a week or two or following that advice than I did after a month or more of doing much more intense core workouts in the past. Now I notice how much more work my abs are doing when I work out.


    I would say my abs are back- I have a very strong core. But for me, the skin fold will not go away without surgery I am unwilling to have and I have some mega scars and faded stretch marks. That's why I say that I will never have my stomach back or wear a teensy bikini and that is more a function of genetics and circumstance than any thing else.


    I remember hearing about that when I was first doing Pilates.  I think if your hip flexors are tight you don't engage the psoas muscle as well and you pull more from your lower back.  

  10. I hear you. My abs are my weakness. They are sort of like the overused elastic on an old pair of panties . If you find this amazing workout let me know.


    :smilielol5:  :rofl:


    Mine are the same, but they are slowly, very slowly improving.  Planks are the best exercise I've found for my core.  

  11. A few thoughts.


    You don't have to answer these questions, but how old are you?  What is your height and weight?  How long ago since you had your last child?  How long did you try sticking to a "diet"?


    As we age it gets harder to lose weight.  Exercise is helpful, but it is only one part of the equation.  You have to exercise at a med-high intensity for about 45 mins a day, 6 days a week, or high intensity for close to 30 mins a day.  You have to watch what you eat.  I'm not a calorie counting fan.  I like portion control.  I also think not every calorie is equal, what you eat matters.  You need the correct balance of food for you.  Some people do need a lower carb diet, others do not.  I've also found it helpful to watch when I eat certain foods.  When I lost the most weight I was eating my largest meal at mid-day.  So I had a decent breakfast, large "dinner", small snack and a light supper (soup or salad).  I also took B vitamins, but I don't know if they helped.


    You have to not give up.  Scales are evil, really, they are.  It took me a year, A YEAR, of watching what I ate and running before I even lost a pound.  My focus was my overall health, so I didn't get discouraged.


    I've had 5 kids, by the time I was trying to lose that baby weight I was 37.  My body did not want to let go of any of it.  But more of an issue for me was my need for energy and my mental health.


    I understand that it's frustrating.  I really do.  As I said, I was running and watching my diet for a year before I saw any results, and honestly, even then it wasn't until after I had the flu for 2 weeks and then started running again that I lost any weight. (It was the swine flu. Nasty bug). I don't recommend getting the flu as a diet aid, but you use whatever you're given.:)  Overall I lost 28 lbs, and I've kept it off (I'll soon be 44).  


    As far as what exercise works, again I think it depends.  Running was best for me.  But now I run and do kettlebell (plus yoga, always yoga).  Weight lifting is great, and I think everyone should do some, but depending on your body type, you might not see a big reduction of weight from it.  Even combing it with cardio (like Crossfit)  doesn't seem to be as effective for some as straight out cardio (running, spin class, etc...).  But it doesn't matter, any exercise will help and you should do something you enjoy (and I do know people who have lost weight with Crossfit, again, it takes time).


    Focus on your health, not on the scale, or even on inches.  


  12. Last night I did an hour of restorative yoga.  It was a great routine on YogaGlo that gave long stretches and a chance to wind down.


    This morning I wanted to run.  I ran 3 easy miles on my treadmill then spent time stretching.  I'm still not recovered and I felt weak during the run.  I haven't eaten much over the last few days, so I think that was the main issue.  My heart rate was a bit high for such an easy, short run, but still, it felt good to run.  


  13. No exercise for now.  I have some stomach bug. I'm pretending that I'm on a low calorie diet.:D   I am hoping that when I feel better I stay away from sugar, and I think I need to cut down on my wine (very sad, but it's a lot of calories). 


    When I dizziness is gone I plan to run.  I also want to add some short bouts of yoga into my day, maybe just some breathe work. 

  14. I'm still reading Winter's Tale.  I finally got to the plot.  I enjoy steampunk, so I've wanted to stick it out.  The writing is a bit flowery, but the story is ok.  I did finish 2 books during our van ride (on vacation).  They were audio books, both were Agatha Christie.  We listened to Hercule Poirot's Christmas and 4:50 from Paddington.  My kids prefer Poirot to MIss Marple, but they were both enjoyable.  I can't seem to figure out the murderer.  I was sure I had it right in the MIss Marple one, but I didn't. :)  Always fun to listen to a good mystery in the car. 


    Right now I'm sick again.  I have some stomach thing, plus this cold is holding on.  I can't read much when I'm dizzy, but If I feel better later I plan to sit by the fire and read. 

  15. Kettlebell today. Warm up followed by 4rounds of 1 armed swings, halos, and squats @26lbs, then 3 rounds of deadlifts, clean and presses, lunges, and snatches also at 26lbs (except deadlifts). Then 3 rounds of half get up and push ups. It was a tough work out. My heart rate stayed up and i was soaked with sweat.


    I would love to do yoga tomorrow but my sister is coming to visit. Maybe I'll get a short practice in.

  16. I'm slowly reading Winter's Tale. It feels slow and I'm having trouble getting into it. The writing feels like it's a bit over the top, and i just finished the first big romantic scene but i couldn't "feel" the romance. I don't want to ditch it yet, so I'll keep going.


    I would love to join the Murakami book read, but it will have to wait. I read Wind-up Bird, and I think it is his most approachable (out of what I've read so far).

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