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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I was able to get in a short run this morning, but it's so cold here! (My folks live in PA) today was the "warm" day, but the wind was brutal. I ran 3 miles, then did some kettlebell. I did 3x2/ side TGU's, then 3x 10 swings, 5 squats, 10 push-ups, followed by ab work. It felt good to work out after taking almost a week off. This cold is getting into my chest, but overall I'm feeling better. Now if i could avoid the cherry almond cookies my mom made.....:)

  2. I didn't get much exericise in last week, becuase I've been sick.  I'm still not back to normal, but I believe by tomorrow I'll be able to restart.  We're leaving town, but I plan on at least getting kettlebell in, and maybe 1 or 2 short runs.  I got a new running watch for Christmas and I haven't been able to use it because of this cold.  And I really need to cut out the sweets.  All of the cookies in the house have been bad.  

  3. I finished Goldfinch. It was an amazing book.  It had everything; complex writing, intricate plot, and well drawn characters.  I could not get that book out of my head.  I dreamed about it a couple of times.  Just weird, becuase I don't normally do that.  And by the end I was thinking about getting some vodka to drink as I read it.  :lol:  (I don't drink vodka, in fact more than just a little of it makes me feel sick, but I found myself wanting to have a drink.)


    Since I finished it this year, I have to say it goes in my top five.  Not only that, but maybe in my top 10 overall.  I'm glad I bought it, because I may reread it.  Next year I may buy her past books (I think there are 2?  I'll check on that).  


    Next up, Winter's Tale.  My library had an e-book copy.  They didn't 2 months ago.  I decided to recheck, since I knew the movie was coming out I thought they might make it more easily available.  I have it for 21 days, so I'll have to read quickly, or turn off my wifi.  It will be my first read of the new year, and perfect for winter. 



  4. Here is something I saw on another forum that is an interesting theory: "I took it that the Papal Mainframe was the next evolution of the machine that Rivers consciousness is left in after her death in the library. She then finds some way to obtain a physical form and becomes Tasha Lem."



    Oh, that sounds even worse. That's very convoluted. 

  5. This is quite a stretch, but Lem spelled backward is Mel.



    Oh my goodness.  That would make sense why he kept kissing her. And why he trusted her with the key.  But honestly, I hope not.  I loved the character of River Song, but Moffat seems to be messing with that too much as well.  How would she have been there? How would she have regenerated?  Was that before she was Mel? Because we saw her go from Mel to River. And River gave up her regenerations, plus she's stuck in some computer loop in the library.   

  6. I was disappointed in the episode.  I'm tired of Moffat's obsession with the age of the doctor and circular time mess.  I liked Matt Smith, but Moffat needs help in writing something with a plot.  


    I still don't get the point of the Silence.  They want to prevent what happened, but they caused it?  They blew up the TARDIS which created the crack which created the endless war???  I was so lost. And the tons of extra commericals on BBC America didn't help either.  They dragged it out so they didn't have to cut as much, but still cut it short??  I went to bed annoyed.


    Here's hoping the Sherlock reveal is better. :) 

  7. Argh - found him! In bed. With a cold. He "figured I would call" and then he'd tell me he wasn't coming to dinner. Was too sniffly to make the call himself. Or answer emails, or....


    Would it be bad to hit your kid with a 2 x 4 on Christmas morning????? I barely slept last night!!!!


    Oh my goodness!  Yes, wack him with the 2x4.  I'm so glad he's ok. 

  8. I've been told by friends that when they first went with more "bare" shoes they cut their mileage way back to acclimate their feet and slowly worked their way up.  


    I had to look up your terms- renegade rows sounded very funny... 


    I plan on only using them for my 1 mile run warm-up on the treadmill. When you do kettlebell it's best to be in bare feet in order to keep you alignment correct.  With these shoes I can run then do kettlebell without taking my sneakers off. 


    I would have to be careful with no support shoes.  Right now I run in shoes with moderate control plus I have a pair of Superfeet (like orthodics) in them.  I hoping short runs on  the soft surface of the treadmill will be ok.  

  9. So I ran with my new shoes! It felt different, but it didn't hurt.  I'm hoping by running just a little in these shoes I will help strenghten muscles in my feet and my calves.  


    My kettlebell workout went well too.  I did my 1 mile run warmup, then swings and planks, followed by clean-squat-press combo and pull-ups, and finished off with renegade rows and Russian twists.  

  10. I did break down under stress and what helped me was running.  Running is a great hobby in that it hits many points, one being it helps your body regulate the stress. Stress builds up junk inside and running helps physically get rid of it.  Running also gave me solid alone time.  I have 5 kids and am constantly on the go.  Running was just for me and I run alone (well, sometimes with my dh).  After a while running helped me lose weight.  While that wasn't my main goal it was a nice side effect. :)  


    I know running isn't for everyone.  But I think when under extreme stress hard exercise can really help.  If not running then maybe kettlebell (I love that too!), or some sort of weightlifting, Crossfit, bodyweight or Insanity type program.  Yoga is also great, and I would recommend meditation even apart from a yoga practice.  


    It is helpful to do something for you.  Find what you like.  And I know money can be tight and I'm the frugal type so I know it's hard to spend money on yourself, but you need to take care of you.  You don't have to spend a lot, but be willing to spend something on yourself. 

  11. I'm sorry. It stinks to be that sick at Christmas.


    I was like that last year, but my oldest came home from college and took over.  She made all of the cookies and Christmas eve dinner.  Fortunately I had the shopping done or it would not have happened.  It was so hard.  I was thinking about that yesterday as I was making the fruit salad.  We didn't have it last year because I couldn't make it.  I still had some of the canned fruit. Right now I think I'm coming down with a cold, but it's nothing like having the flu. 


    I know it's hard.  :grouphug: Try and rest and not let it get to you. There will be next year.  

  12. I've been fighting illness for the last week.  First some stomach thing, now I'm getting a cold.  I did manage a kettlebell workout on Sunday, and I'm planning on one today.  I got new sneakers for my workouts, and I'm excited!  I finally bought a pair of NB minimus shoes.  I've been wanting them for a couple of years, but when I saw them last week on SierraTradingPost, and they were going to cost me less than $50, I ordered them.  They came yesterday and I plan on trying them out today.  Early Christmas present for me! :D   


    • Most thrilling unputdownable book? 

    Thrilling only in some parts, but definitely unputdownable: The Goldfinch





    I'm halfway through Goldfinch, and you are right. I can't put it down.  I'm even dreaming about that book.  I didn't include it in my list because I'm not finished.  But so far it's a 5 star book.

  14. My dh likes to run.  He also enjoys swimming and cycling, but mostly he runs.  He also enjoys his garden.  The garden is his baby and he loves to be outside working it.


    My dh is also introverted (so am I).  Running is great for people who need alone time. 



    1. How many books did you read and did you meet or beat your own personal goal? 

    I read 30 books.  I didn't have a number goal, I just love to read and read as much as I am able.

    1. What are your top 5 (or more) favorite stories?  Top 5 least favorites?    

    This is always hard.  I don't know if I can just pick stories.  My favorite was definitely Murakami.  I think Wind-Up Bird edged out Kafka on the Shore, but it's a hard choice.  Both were amazing and I can't stop thinking about them.  Number 2 would be everything I read by Ursala Le Guin.  Maybe I can stick the EarthSea cycle together, and then Left Hand of Darkness.  Her writing is like poetry.  She has the most beautiful prose, and when I read her books they convey a sense of peace.  Then number 3 would be Neil Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane.  Very enjoyable and well written.  

    1. One book you thought you would never read and was pleasantly surprised you liked it?   

    I listened to it, I didn't read it, but Childhood's End, by Arthur C Clarke.  I thought it would be boring and dry, but it was really good.  I'm so glad we listened to it.

    1. Most thrilling unputdownable book?   Snow Crash, by Stephenson
    2. Did you come across a story that you enjoyed it so much, you turned around and read it again or plan on  rereading it again in 2014?   

    I may reread one of Murakami's books.  But I don't know.  So many books, so little time...... 

    1. One book you thought you would love, but didn't? 

    That's a toss up between Cloud Atlas and A Thousand Splendid Suns.  I thought I would enjoy both of them, but I really disliked them both.  Cloud Atlas got on my nerves.  It started well, but then just fell apart.  I was very disappointed in the writing in A Thousand Splendid Suns. I thought it was awful.  I don't say that often about a book.

    1. Which book or books had the greatest impact on you this year?  

    Again a toss up between Murakami's books or Le Guin's.  

    1. Do you have a favorite cover or quote from a story you'd like to share?  (Share a shelfie)  

    “Most things are forgotten over time. Even the war itself, the life-and-death struggle people went through is now like something from the distant past. We’re so caught up in our everyday lives that events of the past are no longer in orbit around our minds. There are just too many things we have to think about everyday, too many new things we have to learn. But still, no matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away. They remain with us forever, like a touchstone.†   


    from Kafka on the Shore

    1. What book would you recommend everyone read?   

    Everyone should read Murakami. I would say Wind-Up Bird is more accessible.  I will also say everyone should read Le Guin.  Dispossessed is amazing (I started that one in 2012 so I didn't include it in this list)

    1. What was your most favorite part of the challenge? Did you do any of the mini challenges?   

    I don't challenge myself, except to make sure I make time for reading.  


    To round out the rest of the year, we'll be having a winter read-along,  reading all those books with winter in the title or set in the season of winter.  Which works quite well if you are still reading books set in the Antarctic for the Continental Challenge.  Join me in reading Mark Helprin's Winter's Tale.    


    I'm going to have to read that book.  I've put it off, thinking I wouldn't really enjoy it.  Hopefully I find it at the used book store. 


    Thank you everyone for joining in on our reading journey once again. I'm happy to have shared the experience with all of you and feel richer for it.  :grouphug:   So happy we'll be doing it all again next year.  :cheers2:










    Link to week 51


  16. Our paper person gave us a Christmas card with his address on it.  We've never done a Christmas tip (we do tip every time we pay the bill), but I did this year.  Getting the card gave me his address.  But I'll admit I just got it out today.  Maybe people on your route are as late as I was.  

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