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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. It's so hard to pick a favorite!  I'm going to go with Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, by Murakami, it just edges out his Kafka on the Shore :)


    If I was picking favorite new release, it would be Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane (but I haven't finished Goldfinch).  And favorite series would be the EarthSea Cycle,  by Le Guin. :)


    I didn't read much non-fiction this year, just Kettlebell for Women. 

  2. Technically, no, but I so know what you mean. 


    I have a 14 year old, and it still rears it's ugly head, but less than it did last year.  I'm dreading my ds11 hitting that stage.  He's more of an angry kind of guy, so it will be different that it was with my ds14.  I think my oldest son was worse than both of my girls. 


    Hang in there.  And keep lots of chocolate, tea, and wine in the house. :)

  3. You're looking at the motor.  You want something with a decent motor, at least a 3.0 hp, but 3.5 would be better.  You're looking at the width and length of the belt.  It needs to be long enough for your dh's stride.  And you want something that will last.  We always buy and keep the extended warranty on our treadmills.  


    I've never been impressed by the extras on the treadmills.  I don't care if it plugs into my phone, if it has a fan (ours does, but the angle is wrong and it's useless), or it it has preprogrammed workouts.  I don't need any of that.  I think most of the treadmills have inclines. You will want that.


    Sole is a solid brand.  Nordic Track's can be good, but watch that you're not just paying for the bells and whistles.  Sear's own brand, ProForm, is good.  Again, watch the HP, that's the most important thing. 


    We do have a space saver, but we have to have it.  If you never need to put it up, then I would not get a folding one.


    Do go to the store and run on it.  Happy shopping. 

  4. I love Ursula Le Guin.  I've read 5 books by her this year.  Left Hand of Darkness was one of them.  Excellent book, but I liked Dispossessed even more.  



    Winter's Tale has caught my eye before.  I may need to try it out.  I need to look for it at the used book store next trip.


    I'm 200 pages into Goldfinch.  It's living up to the hype.  Great writing and a well paced story. I've lost my mind to it's world, which is so much fun. 

  5. I've finished re-reading Dandelion Wine (Ray Bradbury) and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (L. Frank Baum).  I read and enjoyed Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson). Snow Crash was great fun and all I've come to expect from Stephenson, but had to think about the ending for awhile before deciding it was both deliciously funny and appropriate.






    I enjoyed Snow Crash.  It was well written and fun. And I thought the ending was great.  I know some of it would now seem out of date, but I would love to see it made into a movie.  


     I tried to start Anthem, but I had trouble getting into it.  I'll try again another time.  So far Snow Crash is the only Stephenson book I've read.  

  6. I'm currently reading Inferno by Dan Brown and thoroughly enjoying it.  Since never read Dante's Inferno, it's been quite interesting and perhaps I'll try reading, or better yet, listening to it this coming year.  Audible has it available from Great Courses and would be perfect for listening to in the car.  Captive audience, don't you know.  :)



    I'm not a Dan Brown fan, but I love Dante's Inferno.  I discovered it in 8th grade.  I must of read it through 3 times.  It beat all those Stephen King books I was reading. :D  A course on it would be fun to listen to, accept if I disagreed or had questions I couldn't argue or ask. 

  7. This week I finished Darkness, My Old Friend, by Lisa Unger.  It was decent; an enjoyable mystery with good writing. I gave it 3 stars on Goodreads.   It was nice and light, perfect before starting Goldfinch, which I started last night. 


    The weird thing about Lisa Unger's book was that I felt like it was in my voice.  I mean, if I were to write a book, my sentences would look and sound like that.  It was a bit strange.  


    I counted up the number of books I've read this year, and Goldfinch will make 30.  

  8. We live in a rural area.  The closet movie theater, which is fairly nice and modern, has matinee for $5.50.  I forget what normal price tickets cost.  We never go at night.  


    We don't go to the movies often, only if it's a movie worth the big screen price.  We will be seeing the Hobbit next week, and I did take 2 kids to Catching Fire.  


    My dh and I almost never go to the movies together alone (no kids).  

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