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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Today is supposed to be a rest day.  I did do yoga this morning, plus my plank work.  The plank challenge is good (the challenge was posted by Athleta), but there are not enough rest days, and I'm starting to lose the progress I made.  I want to keep it up.  I never thought I would make it to a 5 min plank by the end of the month, but I will work on doing plank for 5 minutes with small breaks after a minute or 90 secs.  After the month is over, I will slow down on the planks, maybe working on them every other day. 


    I have become more obsessed with having a stronger core.  :D I have never really focused on that before.  I've done core work, with kettlebell and yoga, but never focused on it.  I think I need to do that.  My core has always been very weak, and with the small gains I've made I can tell it's improving my running and my posture.  I think some focused core work will be worth it. 

  2. We have 1 houseplant.  We've had that plant for over 20 years!  It has moved with us since we got married.  We keep it in the bathroom and my dh takes care of it.  


    I would love more houseplants, but right now is not the time in my life to have them.  If I had to water and care for them, they would all be dead.  I would not be able to keep them up.  Someday, when the kids are gone, I may get plants.  I do think they are great to have in the house, but not right now.

  3. I've been reading Hard Boiled Wonderland, but I just got a notice from my library that Fall of the Giants, book 1, is available for the Kindle.  I'm only in the first part of the Murakami book, and it's weird (even for Murakami) and hard to keep straight.  I don't know if I can just put it aside and read the other book.  Maybe I'll start Fall of the Giants, and if I love it I'll buy it.  

  4. :grouphug:


    I would keep calling and keep sending emails, and print out the emails in order to have some proof.  Also, is there someone else you can contact?  Another judge? Or someone else with the program?


    It does sound like incompetence, which just stinks.  


    For future reference, have the application sent with confirmation (from the post office), and keep detailed notes of all contact.  


    I hope it all works out. 

  5. Kettlebell this morning.  Today's workout was more of a "keep moving and get your heart rate up" kind of workout.  I did planks, 1 arm swings, push presses (a lot!), jumping lunges, and snatches.  I did 2 rounds of those, then 4 rounds of push-ups, side crunches, and pull ups.  I was hungry during the entire workout, which made it a bit more difficult.  After stretching I made a big breakfast of eggs, english muffin and an orange, plus my fruit tea.  I'm feeling better now. :)  

  6. Yes, Rieshy, I've been hungry all week too!  It's driving me nuts.


    Today I ran 4 miles outside, and it was cold!  My clothes were good, but the wind was like ice hitting my face the entire time.  I did 4 x 400 intervals, and I kept on pace.  


    I also did a 2 min plank during my warm-up.  It was hard, and I'm not sure how I'll get past 2 mins.


    I'll do handstand practice and yoga later.  

  7. No, if you pay off a mortgage early you don't pay the extra interest.


    Right now you do need money down and good credit for a mortgage.  You may have a hard time getting a loan.  


    You may look into homes that are rent- to -buy, or see if you could work out that type of deal with the owner of the place.  If the house is inexpensive, then the owner may be willing to do that.  It's  a popular option in low income areas.  

  8. 2 other issues, one is that it can be hard to get a mortgage for less expensive homes. Some lenders will not lend under a certain amount.  The second issue is that you need to realize that the house could be difficult to resell. 


    I live in an area with a lot of old homes priced under $60,000.  The houses are not the best kept.  Electricity is really the biggest issue, as is water problems.  The houses are expensive to heat and there is an endless amount of small repairs.  That is something to keep in mind if you are going this alone and are not capable of handling house repairs.  


    Good luck with your decision. 

  9. I don't know if this will be an issue, but around here old style (not the new ones) steel roofs are hard/expensive to insure.


    It's an old place.  There will be lead paint, so it just depends on what kind of shape it's in.  Check the plumbing and make sure there is no leaking or water issues around the foundation.  Places on concrete block seem to have more issues (it's common where I live).


    Electrical will probably need to be updated.  You may want to get an estimate for that.  


    If you can find someone reliable, get it inspected.  I know where I live, there is no one, so it's not always an option.  

  10. 4 mile run this morning, plus 1 min 45 sec plank.  I will do yoga later, plus  some handstand practice.  I've been up against the wall for that, and I've managed to scrape and bruise both my knees when I was coming down. Even so, it's been fun, and I really want to be able to do an handstand. :)  

  11. Kettlebell day.  Run 10 mins,planks, swings and halos, then 5 mins of TGUs (did 5 per side), then push-ups, squats (used 35lb, a move up), and heavy swings.  I cooled down with handstand practice(brusied both my knees coming down the wall.:) ), pull-ups and pull-over crunches.  



    I'm laughing about the 46,000 miles.  One time my watch started recording miles every minute.  My pace was amazing.  :D

  12. I finished one book this week, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles.  I agree with everyone else.  It wasn't the greatest.  Here is my Goodreads review:




    I liked it. I don't get it, but I liked it. Having read 1Q84 first, as in my first ever Murakami book, I knew going in this wasn't going to be a hugely plot driven book, but would definitely take its time meandering around one. I was right. For me, there are still way too many unanswered questions that I just wish I knew the answers to. I guess if I had a dry well I could climb down into to ponder them, I might come up with an answer or two on my own. Since I don't, I'm just stuck with them. Such is life.




    I just have to say, I love you GIF of Dean. :)  

  13. Sigh... you all are really scaring me off WUB...


    A few years ago I too inhaled every book I could find about families wandering the world for a year -- 360 degrees was a riot -- then we read Sunburned Country while doing a road trip all the way from Sydney to Cannes.  We considered Bryson to be a passenger in the minivan!  The man is a genius.  He could give commentary on the names in the phone book and it'd be hilarious.



    I loved Wind up Bird.  I think I may have liked it more than 1Q84.  The me 1Q84 had lots of rabbit trails, and I felt like Murakami was hitting you over the head explaining things, where in WUB he just told the story.  It is a bit dark, maybe that's why l liked it so much.   And the dropped story lines can drive me nuts, but I'm getting used to it as I read more post modern literature. Maybe he'll come back to those characters in a short story. I loved the themes in WUB.  I also read Kafka on the Shore last year, and that book is a bit more straight forward (for Murakami. :lol: ) And as I think back on the books, Kafka  is more powerful.  The images stick with you.  Just remember with Murakami everything is a metaphor  (He says that a few times the book, and really it's the key to understanding all of his work).


    Anyway, this is all to say, don't be afraid of WUB.  It is a bit dark and brooding, maybe you have to be in the mood for that. 

  14. I had a great 5.5 mile run this morning.  It was cold but clear out, so I ran outside.  It was nice to not be on the treadmill.  I also added in some planks.  I'm working on a plank challenge.  It has you get to 5 mins by the end of the month.  I don't see that happening, but maybe I can make it to 3 mins.  Today, I did two 1.5 mins planks, one before my run and one after.  I also did my kriya yoga this afternoon.  

  15. Well, I'm giving up on Winter's Tale.  I'm not enjoying it.  I've been avoiding reading because of that book.  So I decided to pick up another Murakami. I'm going to read Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.


     So far, Stacia, I've enjoyed everything by him.  I'm not tired of him yet.  I'll see what happens with this book.  I really hope I like it, since I don't think I could stand 2 major disappointments in a row. I'm trying to think I've a writer I've read that I have gotten tired of reading.  Right now I can't think of any.  

  16. I read Confessions 7 years ago, because my dd was going to be reading it as a part of the Veritas Omnimbus.  It was ok.  I read a lot of books that year, since I always preread what I assign.  After 2 years of reading the Ominibus books I took a break from reading.  It burned me out.  I was a bit rough on my dd as well.  It a lot of heavy reading.


    Winter's Tale is killing me.  I just can't seem to get into it.  I was hoping it would be a bit like Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell.  I loved that book.  But I'm avoiding reading because of this book.  I may have to ditch it.  It's a library book, so it will be hard to come back to later.  


    I may have to pick up a Murakami. All this Murakami talk has we wanting to read him again. I have Hard Boiled Wonderland sitting on my shelf.  I may jump to that next. 

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