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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. :grouphug:


    I can relate too. I'm too conservative for some, way too liberal for others.  You can't win.  I've always been a fish out of water, but moving and living in a radically different culture then where I grew up makes it even harder.


    It's frustrating and the older I get the more I don't want to put up with it.  I know when I joined the umbrella school I was a bit dismayed by their statement of faith. I want to join a co-op next year, and I bet it's the same.  I put up with it, because that's where I'm at right now.  I keep quiet, don't get in arguments, and just smile a lot.


    When I first moved here there was a little (basically private) co-op that a few families started, because they too, didn't fit the surrounding mold.  Sadly, most of those families have moved and the little co-op is no more.  


    There may be more homeschooling moms like you in your area, but they may be keeping their heads down to avoid being noticed.   

  2. I started another non-fiction book last night.  It's called The Long Road Home, by Alesa Teague.  Our violin teacher recommend the book.  She knows that woman who wrote it.  The story is engaging, and since it's Lent, a book about a journey seemed fitting. I wanted to share the book.  The writing is not the best; the woman is not a professional writer, but still it's turing out to be a good read. 


    I'm also starting The Return of the Prodigal by Henri Nouwen for Lent.  

  3. Today is supposed to be a 4 mile run and core work, but I'm sick.  I was going to try and run for 30 minutes, but as I'm sitting here with the chills, probably a low grade fever, I think I will just take a hot shower and drink some hot tea.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. :) 

  4. I got Virginia Woolf




    You’re not daunted by women who are brilliant but emotionally fragile. On the contrary, you’re selfless and kind enough to want to really nurture someone and support their illustrious career. Yours is a truly deep love because it is a love of the mind, and it will surpass all the hours.



  5. This morning was kettlebell.  I ran, did deadlifts, swings, squats, presses, and TGU. I ended my workout with a Tabata of snatches.  I haven't done snatches in a while, so it kicked my b*tt. :)  I still need to get in my push ups and pull ups.  

  6. This afternoon I was able to finish Murakami's, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.  It was good.  I gave it 4 stars.  It was a short book, and after reading it I have the strong urge to sign up for race in the fall. :)

  7. I didn't watch the Oscars last night.  I was reading a book, and then did some yoga. :)  I figured I could check who won this morning.


    I'm reading 2 books right now, The Son, by Phillipp Meyer and What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, by Murakami, which is the first non-fiction (apart from my Bible and devotional reading) that I've read in a while.  


    I'm enjoying both books.  I was instantly drawn into The Son.  The writing is excellent and the story is so absorbing.  Murakami's book makes me think that maybe, and I mean maybe, someday I'll try a marathon (I've done half marathons, and have never felt the desire to do a whole. :D)   I'm loving his writing.  It's not his highly polished novels, but it's still his voice and perspective, which I love. 


    Wendy, in regards to Goldfinch, I would argue that the people were not really high functioning, they were a mess. I loved that book, and I will read another one of her's this year.  My dh's cousin said her first novel was better than her second. 

  8. 8 mile run this morning.  It was warm, but not too hot.  Rain, then snow, is on the way, so it was nice to get outside before that happens.  I'll work on my 50 push-ups/ 50 pull-ups after church, and I plan on a nice restorative yoga routine tonight. :) 

  9. You do not need to worry.  I'll repeat that, please do not worry about your babies weight (unless the child is UNDER weight.  That could be an issue).


    My 2nd child was very chubby.  I loved it.  She ended up off the charts both for weight and height, but by the time she was 2 she came back down to the charts.  She grew in spurts as a child.  She would gain weight, then shoot up.  She's now 5'9" and just fine.

  10. Her therapist (whom our pediatrician recommended) really wants to avoid meds (I do to).  I love her.  She is lovely, she really supports our homeschooling and dd adores her.  BUT, I don't see any progress.  DD's anxieties, insomnia, triggers, anger etc. rule our life.  I feel like our therapist is addressing it with a nerf gun.  Part of the problem is that dd is ashamed of her thoughts and behavior and doesn't share with the therapist as much as she should.  She is a delightful, charming and intelligent girl.  I think that the therapist looks at the sweet little thing in piggy tails who puts on a brave show sitting in the office and just doesn't get exactly how troubled she is.



    You are probably already doing this, but reassure your dd that she should not be ashamed of her thoughts.  If she does not tell the therapist, the therapist can not help her.  You need to be clear and firm with your dd that this is an illness, and unless the doctor knows all of the symptoms, she can't help her.  


    I can understand not wanting to use meds on such a young child.  Really, they are untested as far as long term results/affects, but if your dd continues not being able to sleep you need to do something different.  Lack of sleep will make things worse.  


    And  :grouphug: .  

  11. There was no way Russia was going let lose access to Ukraine.  Their ships are there and their gas pipelines run through there.  We've gone to war over less.  I'm not saying I back Russia, only that I understand why they won't let it go. 


    The whole situation is scary, because Russia can't afford to back down, and Europe will insist on backing Ukraine.  It's a bit of a nightmare. It will get out of hand quickly. 

  12. That was so funny.  I loved it. Yes, the screaming never bothered me anyway. :P  


    I'll admit, that by my 5th child I didn't even wake up when he cried at night.  He could be screaming (and he was in a small room attached to ours), but I just slept.  My dh would be shaking me trying to wake me up.  Or he would be standing over me holding the crying, hungry child, hoping I would wake up and feed the little guy.  

  13. Kettlebell day.  I started with my 10 minutes of running, then TGUs, followed by deadlifts, swings, halos, lunges, pull-ups, and push-presses.  I cooled down with 3 rounds of Russian twists and planks.  I still need to do my push-ups for the day.  



  14. I got this Fitbit from my kids for Christmas.  I'm up to an average of just under 11,000 steps a day...I'm short so that's a little over five miles.  Some days I do closer to 7 or even 8 miles in a day. Most evenings I take 2 mile brisk walk (around 3.5-4 miles per hour according to my phone's gps). So why can't I run for a half a mile without feeling like I'm going to puke?  Am I just getting old? I'm 45 next month.  Should I push it or just be satisfied?



    I'll agree with everyone else, slow down.  You are probably going too fast.  Run, slowly, for 1 min bursts.  Run 1 min, walk 3 (or 4).  You should not feel like you're going to puke. That could mean you are getting your heart rate too high.  Do not push it.  


    You could also be having some heartburn or indigestion issues that get aggravated when you run.  You may want to check that out. 


    When I started running, I ran at about a 13:00 min/mile pace, closer to 13.50 min/mile.  I don't go a whole lot faster now.  My slow run is about 12:00 min/mile pace.  

  15. I liked the movie, and my boys liked the movie. I thought it was creative, thoughtful, and funny.  Actually, I've seen the Lego tv shows, they seem more like giant Lego commericals.  This felt different.  It was more like a homage to Lego and how much those toys have come to mean to our culture and to the past and current generation.  


    That song does get stuck in your head, but that was the point. :)  The whole thing (movie) was a clever juxposition of ideas and ideals when it comes to culture, play (as in playing with toys), and values.  


    It was fun on the big screen.  We didn't see it in 3D, and I don't believe it will lose anything if you wait to see it at home. 

  16. Levi's, but you'll have to order online, and they are often out of that size.


    My son is currently wearing 29x34, but they are looking short on him.  Tops are even worse, at least I can order the pants, but I buy men's M shirts and they look like a tent on him, but the body and sleeves are not long enough.  Even Old Navy and AE are no help (they carry Slim tops). 

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