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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I didn't get to watch the whole thing, I saw close to 20 minutes.  It seemed well done.  I'm a big fan of Neil Tyson Degrasse, so I've been trying to catch the show, but lately I haven't had much time for any tv. 


    I did watch an hour of the live show of the men in the space station.  Did anyone else see that?  I enjoyed it.  It was fasinating to watch them in space!  

  2. Sometimes it is just the season of life you are in.  My kids have done swimming for years.  When they first started my youngest was an infant.  I could not volunteer in anyway.  I couldn't time or even line kids up.  But now my youngest is 9.  3 years ago I started stroke judging.  Once I knew he would be ok on his own at the meets, I felt free to help out.  And I do help out.  A lot.  Last year my boys did baseball for the first time.  It ran the same time as swimming.  I didn 't not help out with baseball, because I was worn out from the swim meets (usually 3 days, 2 sessions a day, and I did it all. :) )  So people at baseball may have thought I didn't want to help out, but didn't know how much I did at other events.  You just never know.


     If the family in question has 8 kids they really may not have the time right now to help, but that doesn't mean they never will or haven't in the past.  Then again, some people never feel the need to contribute.  I know lots of people like that.  But it's not good for me to get upset about it.  Really, when someone doesn't step in to help, they miss out. 

  3. Kettlebell day.  I did 300 swings total, as well as deadlifts, cleans, presses, and squats.  I tried a new routine that had me do 2 cleans, a press, then 3 in-the-rack squats.  I did that 5x's a side.  I actually pressed my 16kg bell (35lbs)!  I also did my pull-ups and push-ups.  When I was done I ran a mile.  I tried it after to instead of before.  I wanted to be able to do those 30 squats with the 16kg bell.  


    I think the entire workout was a bit much, but it did feel great to press that heavy (for me) bell. :)


    Hope everyone is feeling better.  I think my ds12 and I had a little stomach thing yesterday.   

  4. My ds12 has dysgraphia.  We've never used an OT, because it's not an option.  I have read up on it, and even with an OT not much progress is always made.  


    I do have my son write a bit each day.  I also let him do whatever he wants on the computer.  Fortunately, more and more work is being done on tablets and computers.  Even testing is heading that way.  


    I got him an iPod for his birthday, and right now I am having him write a short paragraph on his day on his iPod.  It can be about what he ate that day, just as long as he works on forming complete sentences.  


    I know you said she struggles with the computer, but I would keep working that way.  Writing is just too painful.

  5. I'm still reading The Son, by Phillip Meyer and The Return of the Prodigal, by Henri Nouwen.  


    I don't have anything on deck for spring.  Around here spring means rain and flies.  There were so many flies out yesterday, the buzzing was loud.  I'm unsure what I'll read when I finish The Son, but I have probably 2 weeks on it, especially since I've been reading Nouwen a bit each day.  But nothing on my future book  list says spring.  

  6. Lunch today was lentil soup.  Dinner is pasta with asparagus, butter beans, and caramilized onions.


    No plans this weekend, except to clean the house and relax.


    Funny this week----it didn't feel funny at the time but the look on my oldest ds's face, my face, and my ds12's face when I asked my older son how his online class went, and he replied, "What class?"  I had woke him up in the morning, he had breakfast, then he went up to his room.  He came down at 11:20, like normal, for lunch.  He competely forgot about his class.  I was so angry.  My younger son had pure joy on his face as he knew his brother was in trouble. 


    We have testing next week, and the boys are not looking forward to that.



  7. Most of the online yoga sites have free trials, so you can see if you like it.  MyYogaOnline.com is popular, but I haven't tried them.  My favorite, for beginners, used to be YogaToday.com.  Those women are the best teachers.  They do an excellent job of explaining how to feel or be in each pose.  But recently they changed the sites format and I don't know how useful the new format is.  They still do have a free trial, so you could check it out.  They are the best teachers I've used online.


    I'm currently using YogaGlo.com, which is the most expensive.  It has lots to choose from, which I like.  While there are some excellent beginner videos on the site, and I love using it, I still don't think they are quite as good as YogaToday.  I don't know why that is.  But I do like YogaGlo.  They also do a free trial, so you could check it out.  And while it is pricey, it is still a lot cheaper than going to a yoga studio.  

  8. Sorry about your mom.  :grouphug:  

    And good for you, reaching 20lbs lost. 



    This morning I was going to run, but because of the yucky snow/rain/ice mix we got last night, my dh needed to run inside.  I plan on getting my run in later.  Since I couldn't run I did some yoga.  It was a nice routine followed by a 10 min guided meditiation.  


    On a sad note, I think a stray cat attacked and possibly hurt our barn cat last night.  :(  We've grown quite attached to our little kitty, but this monring she is nowhere to be found.That stupid stray.  I'll be tempted to hit it next time I see it on the road. 

  9. Yesterday was kettlebell.  I ran, did lots of swings, push-presses, lunges, squats, and dead lifts.  Also, my push-ups and pull-ups.  


    I hate the time change. I can't seem to wake up in the morning.  I was going to run this morning, I should get it in later, but I really wanted to be done and showered by now.  

  10. I finished The Long Road Home, by Alesa Teague.  I enjoyed it.  The writing was not the greatest, but she was still able to convey her jouney and her healing (She walked 800km on the Camino Trail).  I'm on my own journey (albeit, an inward one) this Lent, so it was a great kick-off for me. I may watch The Way, starring Martin Sheen, this afternoon.  It's also about a pilgramage on the Camino Trail.  


    I'm still reading Henry Nouwen's, The Return of the Prodigal Son.  I'm enjoying it as well.  There are several aspects to this little book that speak to me, but probably the biggest draw for me, when a friend recommended it, was the profound impact the painting had on the author.  I love art, and I've found myself lost in paintings, never to the same degree as the author to that painting, but still, I can relate.  


    I'll get back to Meyer's, The Son between my Lenten readings.  I was completely sucked into that novel, and it was a bit hard to put it aside.  It will be easy to jump back into it.


    I want to go check out Amazon's sale, and then I don't.  I just bought Brandon Sanderson's, The Way of the Kings.  His new novel for that series just came out, so they had the first one down to 2.99.  I've wanted to read him so I bought it yesterday.  I may need to stay away from Amzaon for a bit.  The books on my Kindle are starting to pile up. :D

  11. I'm so glad your mud run went well! 


    I'm finally starting to feel a bit better.  I was able to run this morning.  I did 6 miles (cutting down my planned run of 9).  The 6 were tough but doable. It's also a push-up/pull-up day so I'm working on those too.  


    I've been out of it for the last week, so today I also need to catch up laudry and my poor, neglected house. I should burn some more calories doing that. :)

  12. It is a sprint triathlon- I suck the worse at swimming though. Perhaps I'm feeling delusional. I did look some at training plans. I found a 20 week plan, which would be about right. 

    Event Details: 400 meter swim, 16 mi bike ride, 3.1 mi run

    I see another event that is a few weeks before that is:

    300 yard swim, 12.2 bike ride, 3.1 mi run


    Hmm, that second one would be a fair amount less, although I'd have 2 less weeks to train. 



    Did 2 Fitness Blender workouts- 17 Upper Body/Cardio and 13  min Pilates/lower body


    Not sure what I think about them. Actual moves were great, the first kicked my butt! I don't like the white background with no music though.



    The difference between 400 meter and 300 yard isn't that great, even at a slow crawl it's less than 5 minutes.  I'm not good at swimming but if I took my time I could do 400 meters in a decent time.  Can you go somewhere for a lesson on swimming?  That could make a huge difference.


    I think you should be able to do the sprint tri with the time you have.  Go for it!  My dh loves doing the sprint tri. He tries to do one a summer.  

  13. It seems I can do at some FB workouts on my tv. I tried to start one but the baby woke up, getting ready to try again. I looked it up and I'd have 24 weeks to train for a triathlon, perhaps foolhardy or not?



    Is it a full Tri, a half or a sprint?  


    If you are doing a full or half you need to invest in some sort of plan.  A full can keep you going for well over 12 hrs.  Even a half is pretty tough.  I'm not saying don't do it, just know it will take solid planning.


    If it's a sprint, focus on the run and bike parts, and learning how to transition.  The swims for those are short, just make sure you can do a decent crawl.

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