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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I'm just getting the chance to drop in and catch up.  I enjoy reading what everyone else is doing.  I was out of town last week due to a family emergency.  My dad was having issues breathing and ended up in the hospital when they realized his lungs were full of blood clots.  He's doing better. He spent 3 days in the hospital, and now he's home taking it easy.  He's used to golfing almost everyday, so he's going out of his mine just sitting around.  He can take short walks, but he is suppsed to ease back into normal activity.  His Kindle is loaded, and he should get lots of reading done. 


    I decided to take just my running gear up to my folks.  I also was able to practice yoga.  I left my kettlebells home, and I decided to take the rest of this week off from them.  My body feels tired and running and yoga is all I can handle.  My folks live in a very hilly area, even more than my town, so I ran lots of hills.  It felt good to run and try and work the stress out.  All of the stress has given me an ulcer :( , which is another reason I'm just sticking to runs; I feel a bit off.  


    This morning I ran 4 miles, I made it back before the rain.  It was 63 out, but there was a nice breeze, so it didn't feel too hot.  


    I will also get a good workout in this afternoon as I attempt to clean my house.  A week of me not present, but the rest of the family here, means there is a lot of housework to be done. 

  2. I have been focusing more on my yoga so I did the first half of the Ashtanga Primary Series everyday this week. On Monday I added in some butt work, Tuesday and today some core, and each day I have been practicing crow pose, my handstands, and head stands for a few minutes each (and only had one unfortunate incident involving falling over in a laundry basket) ;)



    I love Primary.  Someday I would love to focus on just that.  Maybe in another life........the one after the kids.....:)



    Today was a 2 mile run then kettlebell.  

  3. What do you mean, "immersion reading"?


    My ds12 is dyslexic.  Neither the iPad or the Kindle helped with his tracking.  He hates reading so it could have just been that.  I did read that reading on a smaller device, such as a phone or iPod can help, since the person only sees a small amount of print at a time, their eyes can't jump around as much.  For that reason, we got our son an iPod, but he still doesn't like reading. :P  He just got his first book for summer, but it's a hardcopy.  He says he prefers that.  When he is done that book, I may get him a book or two from Amazon for his iPod. 


    It would be a bit pricey to buy the audio version with the ebook, but if I thought that my son would read more with that, I would do it.  My son loves listening to books, in the van, during long rides, but otherwise he doesn't want to take the time.



  4. Can you go back to your old ones until you heal?  Try some steroid cream to cut the itch and rash (over the counter hydrocortisone cream is cheap and easy to find). 


    You could be having a reaction to the thread used to attach the tag.  If there are any threads left, take a thread ripper to them to get them out of there.  


    I agree about returning them.  If I have an unusual return, I sometimes call ahead to ask what the return policy is before going in.  Sometimes, it is also posted on the stores website.


    Good luck!  Itchy bras are not something you should have to live with.  



    My old ones were done.  I did save 1, but they slip up over my girls.  :o (I lost a few pounds, and guess where it all came from).  The one bra still has some threads left from the tag.  I'll try and get it out.  I'm going to try one more time, then maybe I'll have to return them.  It's 2 hours of driving to return them, which is another reason I'm not keen on doing that.  I spent an entire afternoon trying on bras, and I found 2 different kinds that fit well.  The one I didn't buy was because they only had purple in my size.  The ones I got fit so well, and she found 4 in my size.  I'm really bummed that they are not working.  I will wear my sports bra maybe 2 more days, then try to wear one again and see what happens.  I'll put some cream on too.  I know we have some somewhere in this house. 

  5. :grouphug:  I understand how you feel.  No, you don't have to wait, leaving a note is fine.  I would probably hold off on calling your insurance until you hear from the other person.


    I think those rear warning systems should be standard on large vehicles.  Even though my mini-van is lower to the ground than a SUV, I would like something to see out the back, because you can't see low.  


    I'm sorry your day has been this way.  It is nerve racking.

  6. It's not the metal.


    Originally it was the tag.  I've cut off the tag, so I'm unsure what it is.  Maybe the loop where the strap attaches to?  There are 2 loops per side because the bra is changable to a criss-cross pattern.


    My dh suggested duck tape. :D  I thought about putting something there.  

  7. So 2 weeks ago I went bra shopping.  I was in need all all new bras.  I decided to not go with what I had (which were Assets, by Spanx) because I'm tired of the thick padding.  I was unable to find a bra in my size, carried in store, without any padding, but I did fine a nice bra by Wacoal that had very thin padding.


    Anyway, I bought 4 Wacoal bras.  I did get them on sale, but still they were pricey.  I had tried them on (and I was fitted to make sure the size was correct), and they felt great.


    I washed them and on the first day I wore one it caused irritation on my back, a large amount of irritation.  It was in the spot of the tag, so I cut the tag off.  I also rewashed it and put it in the dryer (which I normally do not do).  It is still causing irritation.  I still have marks from the first time I wore it, so I'm thinking maybe, just maybe, when my back clears the bra will no longer irritate?


    I've been wearing my sports bras whenever I can, but I'm starting to wonder if these bras will never work out.


    I'm looking for any tips to help my back get used to them. I even rewashed them with fabric softner, but still, the bra is causing a bad itch and a rash, just in that one spot.  


    Is it hopeless? Any tricks I've missed?  I'm made because I spent quite a bit on these bras.  I normally don't spend that much, but I wanted a better fit and less padding.  

  8. I'm loving the warm weather!  Our schedule is already in full summer swing with baseball and swimming, which is keeping me busy. 


    Yesterday was a 3 mile run, which was difficult for some reason.  I also did 20 minutes of kettlebell. Today, Wednesday, was a 5 mile run which included 3, 1000 repeats.  It was a hard workout, and I felt a bit ill by the last repeat, but when it was all done I felt great. :)  I also did a bit of core work on the balance ball.  I working on those planks.



  9. Tearing the wallpaper all my bedroom walls and painting the room.  One of the walls may have to stay papered and I'll have to paint over it.  This house is very old, there are lots of layers of paper underneath (some over 100 years old!) and they are very difficult to get off (I have done it before).  The real issue is that the paper on the one wall may be keeping the plaster on that wall intact. :tongue_smilie:  We don't want to rebuild any walls.  


    We have painted over the paper in the living room and halls because tearing the paper down would have done too much damage.  I hate wallpaper......but on the upside, when we had it tested, there was no lead paint on the walls because the owner only ever wallpapered. 

  10. Yeah, but it's Emma's son's dad, so Neil can't be that bad to her.


    My kids like this show.  I watch it sometimes because I love Regina and Rumple, and last night Rumple was excellent, so was Regina. I did feel badly for Regina, but something had to turn her back, keeping her good would be boring.  What kind of evil queen is good?


      My son made a loud moan when he realized it was Elsa (he's heard his sister play and sing that song too much. :D ).  But I think it will be fun.  

  11. I got Ken Follett's Winter of the World from the library this week.  I've been waiting a bit over 2 months for it, so I'm thrilled it finally came.  I've put Sanderson's The Way of the Kings aside so I can read Follett's book.  I'm 200 pages into The Way of the King, but that's only 20% of the book.  Follett's book is also long, over 800 pages.  I can't seem to get away from these long books. :)  Follett's book is like popcorn.  The pages go fast, much faster than Sanderson.  I'm enjoying both books. 

  12. There isn't a wrong answer to your question.  


    A regular piano should last 50 years (according to the man who tunes ours).  Our piano is older, and the action is not as great as it should be (but it still sounds good!).  It doens't matter to my 9 year old son, my oldest, who is taking piano in college, does mind the slower action a bit.  


    If you get the piano, you should have someone who knows how to play it check it out, or even better, would be to have someone who tunes them check it out.  You don't want something that is "off".


    Digitals can be nice.  Most teachers don't like them.  No matter what they claim, they are not the same.  That being said, it doesn't make much difference to a young child learning to play.


    Digial pianos do not have the life of a regular piano, therefore they do not hold the same value.  Digial pianos break.  Once they go, they are done.  


    It is wonderful to be able to have the student wear headphones.  Hours of practice every day can be a lot to hear.:)


    Nothing to do with digial vs acoustic, but I would not want payments for a piano, but I guess it's not too different than renting ( I have 3 violinists, and we rented for years).


    I prefer the acoustic, but at the same time, a good digital is better than a bad acoustic.  You should go with what fits your home and budget.  


    Sorry that I can't give you an answer one way or the other.  Just know that whatever decision that you make, it will be the right one for your family for this time.  It's more important that you have something for your children and that they have lessons. 

  13. At the start of the year I started measuring my wine.  It turns out I had be pouring close to 5oz, probably closer to 6oz.  


    My favorite reds are Pinot Noir and Shiraz.  I like Yellow Tail and Twisted brands.  Merlots are so sweet to me.  I like them for cooking.  

  14. Yesterday was a 4 mile run with hill repeats.  Today was a 2 mile run followed by kettlebell, doing single-leg deadlifts, clean and presses, push-ups, pull-ups, and swings.  


    I would love to get some yoga in tonight.  I will have to see if I can fit it in. 

  15. I wear the single strap z/2 with unaweep sole.  I also have a pair with the toe piece that I wore successfully for years. After developing an unrelated skin issue with one of my feet, I find it to be more comfortable not to wear the toe piece.  I reserve those for the beach.


    Due to my moderate climate, I wear sandals for much of the year.  Chacos survive much longer than other brands. Also, you can toss them in the washer.



    I did not realise that!  That's a great idea.  Thanks.

  16. I'm not that suprised, though broadcasting it over the school's speakers seems especially dumb.  I know people in our area who will not help proctor tests anymore because of the cheating, which, according to them, has been going on for years.


    And now, with the pressure the schools and teachers are under I would assume the cheating will get worse.  


    In TN they almost passed a law (it managed to be defeated) that teachers could lose their teaching license if their students did poorly on the tests.  Can you imagine the pressure?  To me, that's begging for people to try and cheat the system.  

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