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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. My dd, who is in college, just got one, through Old Navy.  Did your dd try there?  My dd owns her own car, but doesn't have a loan on it.  Also, when my dd was in highschool she had a card with her name on it, but it was my account.  I got that so she could get gas going to and from school (she was taking classes at a college), and so she could pick stuff up for me at Walmart.  I wonder if having her name on my account helped her credit??  I don't know.  



  2. Sunday I ran 7 miles.  It felt so good. I also did some Yin yoga Sunday night.   Monday I did a 60 minute easy yoga practice.  Today was a 3 mile run followed by kettlebell.  I was pleased that my single-leg deadlifts felt stable.  I've been trying use two 26lb bells, and I was a bit shakey last time I tried this routine.  Today I felt strong. 

  3. Elianna, Thanks for your review of Walton's book.  I looked at it, but I was unsure about wanting to read it.  Now I'll have to get a hold of it. :)


    Laura, I haven't read Joy Luck Club either, or seen the movie.  I have read The Kitchen God's Wife, which I enjoyed.  




    I finished Ken Follett's Winter of the Worlds.  It was ok.  I enjoy the history, but I wish he didn't oversimplify it.  The characters are 2 dimentional, but still when the 3rd book comes out I will get on the wait list at the library to read it. :)  It's like a soap opera, and I can't seem to get the characters' story lines out of my head.  


    The Dog Stars, by Peter Heller, just came available to me from my library.  I also bought Natchez Burning, by Greg Iles.  I haven't read him before, and I don't normally buy books like that, but it looked like a good mystery/thriller and I was in the mood.  


    Last Friday, I was supposed to go for a 6 mile run then go out for the day.  A thunderstorm prevented me from running, so I spent 30 minutes on the computer looking at books. :D  I put at least 8 books on hold at the library and bought 1 book.  That's what happens when I can't get out to run. 



  4. I'm not saying it would be easy. I'm just thinking 6 layers of old wallpaper... who knows when that was put there and what has grown on it/between it, if it off gases toxic glue. I don't know much about that kind of stuff. Just thoughts that crossed my mind. The OP did mention mold and coal dust earlier. I'd want to remove the moldy stuff.



    I had pain in my chest for a week because of that junk, and it left a black greasy film on everything.  That is part of the reason we didn't remove the paper in the hall or living room.  There would be no way to contain the fall out.  It's better to leave it undisturbed.  


    There is so much mold and coal dust in this house, the stuff in the wallpaper doesn't add that much.  There is much more inside of the walls. I can't do anything about it.  

  5. Okay, but...  have all you people who are recommending pulling this wallpaper off lived in houses that are well over a century old?  Because, let me tell you, as someone who has the original walls in her century+ old house...  there's no way in h-e-hockey sticks that you could make me pull off decades worth of old wallpaper as an exploratory measure.  There is a good chance that you will not end up with uneven walls.  You will end up with NO walls.


    Unless I'm misunderstanding you...  there is original wall possibly under this wallpaper?  Because there was no such thing as drywall in 1902.  That's plaster.  And plaster gets crumbly after a century.  Basically...  that might be what we call "load bearing wallpaper."  When you pull the wallpaper off, the wall may not be able to take the strain and you may lose big chunks of it.  Unless you know for sure that it was properly replastered or drywalled in the last thirty years or so, I wouldn't touch it.  Not unless you plan to do a major wall renovation, which it sounds like you do not.


    ETA: Okay, I reread...  there may be drywall over the plaster and then wallpaper on that.  Ugh.  Still, no way.  If they slapped drywall over the plaster, the plaster must be a hot mess.  And it's possible that you're still going to strain the wall and discover nastier secrets under that stuff.  I mean, if you knew you were going to live there long term, that fixing it up would pay off, etc. that would be one thing, but this is just not something I would mess with other than with a thick coat of paint.



    Yes, you get it.  When I did the boys room, the plaster was decent.  We did do a bit of sanding, and the problem is my dh does not want to do that this time.  The extra problem is that it may be a combo of plaster and drywall.  Drywall stuck inside where the window was/is.  


    I really am torn.  The wall paper is in good shape, but I can see bad buldges coming through.  It could be cracked.  That side of the house is where the water damage had been, and it could be a real mess under there.  But still.............I would like to do it right.  I don't know.  


    I think I will pull it off the other 2 walls.  They don't seem as bad.  It's just the one wall.  The fourth wall is a fake.  They put a wall up over the fireplace.  I have no intention of pulling that down, but thankfully, it will be easy to paint. 


    This is my summer project.  We can't do the carpet, just the walls.  We may tackle the downstairs floor.  But for that, we will have someone come in and do it.  I believe there is decent hardwood under the carpet.  I want to rip the carpet out. We will be keeping carpet upstairs, to reduce sound, but we can't get new carpet this year.  I'm temped to just rip up the stuff anyway and live with what's underneath, but it may be painted wood floor, and if it is painted, it's lead paint.  

  6. When we moved in here the upstairs bathroom was so odd.  They put a bathroom in what was a covered porch.  They didn't do the floor, just put carpet over it (did that everywhere in the house.  There is broken floor boards under the carpets, you can feel it).  Actually, they didn't put the bathroom there, the original owner did.  She had just put a toilet in there, nothing else.  So the last owners made it a bathroom, but didn't do any real work.  They put in a cheap shower stall, an expensive claw foot tub, ugly green carpet and a cheap sink.  They wife wanted the tub, and she had it redone pink.  I can't tell you how much I hate pink.............Anyway, we fixed the room, by having a floor put down, as well as drywall.  We couldn't afford to replace the stuff, so it's still pink.


    In the entrance area, they covered the wall and fireplace with paneling, they even closed off a room. We didn't realize it was there until my dh was putting insulation in the soffits.  He looked down and saw this extra space, wallpapered and everything.  


    The previous owners covered 7 windows in the house.  2 are no longer there, because we added a room; we uncovered 3.  The other 2 are still covered.  One is behind our bed.  I reget that we didn't uncover and replace it when we did the others.  But it was $800 a window at the time, and we had so many windows (we replaced a total 10, the last owners had replaced 8).  There is one more that could not be uncovered. The last owner put the furnace in the nursery (a small room attached to the master).  They put the furnace right in front of the window.  They ruined the room.  We made it into a closet.  


    The house sat empty for 10 years, so there was water damage, which is why there is a place where the old paper is keeping the wall from crumbling down.  


    We've replaced windows, fixed up some of the wiring (found an issue in the kitchen after it caught fire!), and fixed the plumbing. We also turned the rest of the upstairs porch into another bedroom.   I would like a space junk to fall on my kitchen so insurance would pay to redo it.  :lol: .  


    The house looks beautiful from the outside and it has lovely wood trim, high ceilings, and tiny unusable fireplaces.


    One good thing about the inside being all wallpaper is that there was no lead paint.  There is lead paint on the outside, but the original owner, who died in 1972, only ever wallpapered.  The house sat empty throughout the 70's, was rented for a bit, and then bought by the last owners in the 90's.  We haven't had to deal with lead inside.  


    I have to say that I hate old houses.  We bought this one because there was nothing else available when we moved here that was big enough for our family or had any flat land (my dh likes to garden).  My current believe is that the government should pay everyone is this town to burn down their houses and then rebuild energy efficient ones, free from lead and asbestos.  :tongue_smilie:  :rofl:


    I should have pictures.  Maybe tomorrow I will at least try to get a picture of the outside of the house.  It is a pretty house. 



  7. For me, it would depend on how long we were going to be there. We have glued down seams and painted over wallpaper because we weren't going g to be there forever. However, if it was a home I intended to be in for many years, then I would remove the wallpaper and deal with any issues.



    We could be here a year, or it could be 10 (or more).  Every decision is hard because we don't know how long we will be here and there is no added value for the house.  Anything we put into it, we lose. 

  8. Tough question.  Our 'new' house has painted wallpaper in most rooms.  We have had to remove it because the seams of the wallpaper were peeling up.  So far, we've had to go the expense and mess of having 3 rooms skim coated ($600) because the walls peeled away as we took off the wallpaper (we tried EVERYTHING to remove it better--nothing worked).


    Painting over it is kind of just delaying dealing with it, IMO.  At some point, the edges will peel up.  But, removing it might make it worse.


    Helpful, ain't I?!?


    :laugh:  That's where I am.  My dh does not want me to remove it.  He's afraid they just stuck a piece of drywall, or even wood, over the window, so that then he will have to tape and sand.  And he does not have time for that.  


    Most of the house is paint over paper.  The place is so old.  It's what most people in town seem to do.  But I was very happy with the results in the boys bedroom.  It came out good, but it was an enormous amount of work.  There was mold and coal dust inbetween the layers of paper (there were at least 6 layers!). 

  9. If you move them after all this time. Will they leave imprints from where they were? It might look worse with them off unless you plan on refinishing it.



    I don't know.  They are not thick or bumpy.  They almost look painted on. I may leave them.  I'm nervous about what the wood would look like.  If I figure out what to use, I may try it on one piece and see what happens. 

  10. I'm trying my first poll. :)  


    I live in an old house.  It was built in 1902.  The walls have lots of layers of wall paper.  All of them do, except where the previous owners put wall board over the old walls.  One of the walls in my bedroom is a particular problem. I'm unsure if it's the original wall, plus extra drywall (they covered a window), or if they slapped drywall over the entire wall (over 9 ft high, 15 or 16ft long).  I can see, through the wallpaper, that there are "cracks".  Those cracks could be where he piecemealed the drywall, or it could be the plaster.  If it's the plaster, then there is also some sort of drywall in the window that they covered.


    Do I attempt to take down the paper and deal with what's underneath, or do I paint over the paper?


    We have done both in this house.  I took paper down in the boys room, but I knew it was solid wall underneath.  We left the paper up in the living room, because the paper was all that was holding up part of the plaster.  We don't have tons of money for a remodel.  I just want it to look nicer.  I'm sick of the red striped paper.   



  11. When we bought our bedroom set, 22 years ago, it came with flower decals on it.  The guy at the furniture store asked us if we wanted them removed. We foolishly said no.  I hate them.  Yes, my tastes have changed. :)


    How do I get them off?  What do you use to safely remove them without damaging the wood? I tried googling it, but I was confused by the different types of things listed.  Anyone have any ideas? 

  12. A wise man.   ;)  I told my small class to do the same when we studied Shakespeare two years ago.


    It was certainly fun!  Which books did you pick up?  I think the other one I have is Aunt Dimity and the Family Tree.


    HUGE Dr. Who fans here!!  Dh is a fan of Tom Baker and his jelly babies.  He even ordered jelly babies for our Dr. Who party a couple years ago. He was very disappointed that the jelly babies were not included in the 50th Anniversary special.  Big miss that.  Me, well, I'm having a hard time getting over Matt Smith.  When we watched The Unicorn and the Wasp younger dd, who was 11 at the time, wanted to read Agatha Christie.  She was a little young  :D   She is now tackling H.G. Wells because of her obsession with Warehouse 13.  I love it that her favorite fantasy/sci fi shows inspire her reading!



    Those shows have also had that affect on my kids.  We often listen to Agatha Christie on long car rides, and the kids even went through a Shakespeare stage thanks to Dr Who.  They've read some HG Wells, and also have looked up or read about stuff they saw on Warehouse 13.  I love that the shows have inspired the kids to read and learn more.  

  13. You need to learn to let it go.  Your dd is trying to "find herself". She is not her sister, she is not you. She is her own person with her own likes and dislikes.  Appearance is very personal.  When you criticize her make-up, you are criticizing her.  I know you are trying to help.  It's only natural that you want her to look her best, but for now she has to learn that for herself.  The more you attack her the more defensive she will become, and it will spill over to other areas of your relationship with her.  


    I hope I don't come off as harsh.  I get what you are saying and what your concerns are, but you do need to let this go.  You need to let it go both for your relationship with your dd, and for your dd.  She needs to figure out this little kind of stuff on her own.  

  14. The first book was fun. It was a fast read and I enjoyed it, but now I'm getting annoyed with how over-simplified everything and everybody is.  I'm also feeling like this book is even more preachy than the first.  I lean left myself, but this guy wants to make sure that the reader knows that everybody on the left is a saint and everyone center or on the right is evil.  It's getting boring. 


    :lol: of course, I just over-simplified it myself............The guy does think Stalin is bad..........

  15. I have a Ken Follet book on my shelf. I've never read him before so I'm not sure what to expect.



    The first book was fun. It was a fast read and I enjoyed it, but now I'm getting annoyed with how over-simplified everything and everybody is.  I'm also feeling like this book is even more preachy than the first.  I lean left myself, but this guy wants to make sure that the reader knows that everybody on the left is a saint and everyone center or on the right is evil.  It's getting boring. 

  16. I just got back from a trip.  My dad was admitted to the hospital last week for PE and I drove up.  It's a bit over an 8 hour drive, so I downloaded a audio book for the trip.  I listened to, A Tale for Time Being, by Ruth Ozeki.  The book was amazing, just amazing. It's the kind of book that sucks you in and you lose yourself completely in it.  The characters were so well developed, and the story just carries you along.  I've been reading, Winter of the World, by Ken Follett, and I have less than 200 pages to go.  The difference between these books is stark.  His characters are 2 dementional, the plot is forced, and history reduced and simplified.  It's still a fun soap opera read, but I will have no trouble waiting for the next book in the series to make it to the library.  


    And here's a picture and me and my dh while hiking. I can't figure out how to make it smaller.



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