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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. The lists given are great! But I want to add, be ready for your children not to like your favorites.  My kids did not like Never Ending Story at all, and it made me sad, and while they watched most of Goonies, they were just confused.  


    They did love Ghostbusters, Star Wars (of course!), Indiana Jones, and Ferris Bueller's Day off.

  2. It is so hard to take time and exercise when you have little ones.  Don't put too much pressure on yourself.  There have been great ideas given on the thread about some things you can do.  I'll add a few thoughts.


    Aim for short bursts, like just 5 minutes.  You can jump rope (I think one of the most under appreciated exercise tools!), hoola hoop (I can't do this, no matter how hard I try), do jumping jacks, run up and down stairs.  If you have stairs, I highly recommend that one.  You can even buy a weighted vest to wear while you do it.  


    Do push-ups, tricep dips, squats and lunges.  Make a goal each day, say two 5 minute slots of cardio, then some strength at a later time, some push-up and squats, then next day tricep dip and lunges.  If you can get anything in, it's more than nothing.  You have to think that way.  Don't get discouraged, just do what you can.  


    And yes, if you are able, take the kids for walks and hikes and get outside as much as possible.  I know that can be difficult in some areas, but if you have any parks near by, or good sidewalks, make use of them.  


    If you need a plan, the website. www.breakingmuscle.com has lots of free workout plans, including a beginner's workout plan.  


    Even doing just a bit each day will add up to help with your overall fitness and health.  You'll feel better once you get used to doing it, which can take some time.  Don't give up trying.

  3. Faithe, I drove 7 hrs yesterday! It must have been the day for long drives.  But I opted for yoga instead of a run. :)  Today I ran 6 miles.  The weather was perfect.  I'm hoping for a whole summer of mid 50 mornings and no humity,  I know that it's unlikely, but I'm hoping. (I can remember 1 summer like that in the 12 years that we've lived here). 

  4. I was able to get in 8 minutes of meditation time. I also bought a book by Jon Kabat-Zin, Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfullness Meditation in Everyday Life. 


     I've been trying to get more meditation time, and be consistent with it.  


    For those interested, I have a meditation timer app on my phone called Insight Timer.  It's free, but if you get the paid version you have access to guided meditations.  I've liked having the timer.  


    As for yoga this week, I've only had time for one Yin practice.  I plan on 30 minutes tomorrow morning, and Yin tomorrow night.  

  5. I hate going to stores.  I can't stand the lights, the noise, the overwhelming amount of stuff! And I swear, they put some drug in the air to cause you to be confused. :D   I tend to go only to get what I need, but that exhausts me too.  


    I love being able to get stuff online, but there are times you just have to go to the stores.  


    Enjoy your sandwiches, and I recommend a glass of wine. :)

  6. You are all doing great!


    I still have an owie back and...as of yesterday we have lice. Or, actually as of yesterday I was made aware that we have had lice for a while.


    So...yeah.... not really exercising. Does laundry count? I have to do it carefully due to my back.


    DH and I spent the evening nit combing each others hair and washing towels instead of working out. So romantic.


    I'm so sorry.  Lice is awful.  I hope you are able to get rid of it soon.  

  7. :grouphug:


    I don't know whether or not you should go back to work.  That is a difficult decision.  But I do have a few thoughts based on what you wrote. 


    Your kids are in are soon heading into the middle school/high school years.  It get busier with older kids.  Schooling also becomes, in some ways more demanding.  Yes, the kids become more independent, but the subject matter becomes more complex.


    It would also be hard because your dh would not really be supportive.  


    On the flip side, I think your dh is being unrealistic.  Is he looking for a better paying job?  Is his plan to always exist on overtime?  You need to be able to replace your vehicles at some point and be able to meet emergency expensives.


    Your skill would allow you do make decent money with controlled hours, maybe even something part time.  I know I would be very tempted to go back to work in your shoes.  


    Could you find something part time?  


    I think I would probably take a chance and work, and see how it worked out at home.  Maybe give it a year, and see how the kids and your dh are handling it.  You don't have to see it as a permanent thing, just see how it works.  If you start something over the summer it could give everyone time to adjust to the schedule.


    Good luck with your decision.  I hope it all works out. :grouphug:  

  8. Gap.  But you have to order online. They have Tall Small, and maybe even XS, but I'm unsure.  Old Navy also has some Tall Small's online, but it varies.  It can be a pain to get clothes for long torsos.  I hate it when my tops look short.  I almost only buy online and but talls.  Gap was a great discovery.  They put stuff on sale and I get points with my card, so they have become my go to place to shop for tops.  If you need a Medium Tall you can also shop at Eddie Bauer's and Land's End, but they are not as trendy for a teenager. ;)  

  9. Tuesday- nothing, nada, lumpy day:)


    Wednesday- 3.64 miles with dd running 9 min.  walking 1 minute,  times 3. I couldn't figure out why run/walking with my dd is so much harder than running w/o walking on my own.  On my own I only run.  Then I realized that on my own my average pace is 11 1/2 minutes per mile.  With my dd we averaged 9.64 minutes per mile with the walking included in equation.  Suddenly I don't feel so geriatric.



    Oh my.  You were running sprints.  Nice workout. :)

  10. I was away again last week.  I did manage to be able to run most days.  My folks live in a very hilly area, so I was feeling it. I also was able to practice Yin yoga most nights.  My cute little nephew (he's 3) has a yoga for kids Youtube routine saved on his tablet.  He was using his tablet to do yoga in his room like his Aunt Kimmy  :001_smile: He melts my heart. 


    Now I'm home and trying to decide how my summer schedule will work. I take the kids swimming 3x's a week.  I normally run while I'm there, but last year I swam a bit too.  I don't want to swim, but I was thinking of making use of their weight room.  I could do most of the exercises I do with kettlbell but with dumbells.  I'll have to see how I feel. 


    Yesterday I ran 3 miles in the heat, today was 4 miles in the rain.  

  11. I was away last week.  We listened to 2 books during our car ride.  I had also finished Peter Heller's, The Dog Stars, right before I left, but I can't remember if I came here and posted about it or not. I enjoyed The Dog Stars.  I think he did a good job making me feel like the situation could really happen.  As a dystopia it didn't feel too far fetched or too far removed from reality, which made it a bit more chilling.  I want to read Peter Heller's newest book, but I may wait for the library to get it.  


    During our van ride, we listened to Seraphina by Rachel Hartman and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (it was a collection of 4 stories). 


    Seraphina was good.  I had heard of the book, but I only knew it contained dragons so I thought my boys would enjoy it.  The boys did enjoy it, but it was more of a "girl" book (I know, I don't like the term, but it's the best way to describe it).  It was long on description and interpersonal relationships, short on action.  The writing was beautiful. It was so well written, especially for a YA book.  It was great to listen to it, and it kept all of our attentions the entire trip (It was around 14 hrs long I think).  My boys are 9, 12, and 14, and all 3 enjoyed it.  



  12. Does the rest of the shoe fit ok?  I would be concerned that the heel would be too loose.  I would not worry about room in the toe box, but I would worry if the rest of the shoe didn't feel secure.


    I normally wear a size 8, but in running sneakers I wear an 8 1/2.  Did you try going up a half size?  That can help, as well as trying different brands of shoes.  Each one fits differently.

  13. It's my yoga day. I was tempted to run, since I have to drive all day tomorrow and won't be able to get my long run done, but I think it would be unwise.  I've run and done kettlebell 4 days in a row.  If I push too hard I may regret it.  So I'm about to go practice an hour of yoga.


    My sister was out running this morning and got attacked by a dog!  It was a pitbull.  The owners came and got it off her.  She was so shaken up that she had to abandon the rest of her run. I can't believe she had that problem.  I live in an area where there are a lot of strays and people let their dogs wander, but she lives in a very populated town, in a state with tons of regulations.  That dog could have done serious injury.  She was not running on back roads.  Her area has nothing but apartments, condos, and closely spaced houses. No one should have a loose dog, but especially in an area where there are lots of kids around.  Her husband told her to blow it off, I told her to report it.  I hope she does.    

  14. We're expecting baby #10. I'm 24 wks but haven't told anyone yet because I don't want to hear the nasty responses and comments I've heard the past 6 times I've shared baby news. Guess I need to spill the beans soon, it's too hot to hide under a sweatshirt anymore ;)




  15. My son got bumped up into the history class I wanted for him in co-op.  He was on the wait list.  My dd got all the paperwork done and approved to take 2 classes at a community college.  My dad did not die 2 weeks ago.  Instead, when he had trouble breathing he went to the ER where they found his lungs full of blood clots.  They were able to treat him and now he is home and doing well. And my sister's husband is doing well after being in the hospital for pancreatitis.



  16. Sounds like my daughter... she has own car too with no loan, and has a Master Card card with her name on it (but my account) so that she could help me at the grocery store  :)  and for emergencies.  I guess it didn't seem to help in her case.  She hasn't applied at Old Navy.  I'll suggest that to her.  I think Old Navy even doubles as a Visa card, though I'm not sure.



    The Old Navy card is a Visa, so good everywhere.

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