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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Negin, I hope your day goes well, and that headache goes away.  


    Laurie, good job getting to the gym.  Just going is really the hardest part, and you did it.  


    Today was a 5 mile run followed by kettlebell; 3x   5 per side lunges, 10 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, 20 swings.  Now for a good stretch, breakfast, shower, and tackle my wallpaper.  The wallpaper in the room is coming down today.  I doubt it will all get done today, but it will get a good start.  I'll try and post pictures later. :)

  2. I'm currently using Bobbie Brown's Smokey eye mascara. It doesn't give me raccoon eyes, doesn't clump, and curls my lashes nicely. I've tried many of the drugstore brands and I haven't found one I like, but I do keep trying. Right now I have a Marvelling one that I decided to try. It's in the yellow tube. It's decent, but within a couple of hours my lashes seem to droop. I think it's just heavy. I've tried all of the Loreal, but I didn't like them either.

  3. If money were no object then I'd love a small home by the shore and another in the mountains.:-) I don't like retirement communities. I don't just want to be surrounded by other old people, all of whom will have continual health issues (real or imagined) and problems with their children who never visit. My folks currently live on a golf course and winter in FL, and I get to see what it's like.


    I would love to be able to travel, keep active, and spend as much time visiting my kids as I can.

  4. Last week I worked to get my meditation time in. I think it's been going well, as I'm starting to look forward to my time or I'm missing it if I can't get it in.    I'm trying to have some time each day.  Last night I practiced an hour of Yin yoga, which is very meditative.  No yoga today, but I plan on some meditation time while my kids are at violin.  

  5. Sunday I ran my 1/2 marathon! 13.1, 2hours 19 minutes! Hilly course. Walked a few of the steeper hills. Bonked at mile 7.5...ran to a store for a Gatorade and Kind bar. Lol! I did it on my own because I wanted to get it done before I turn 50 in 2 weeks. Going to buy a sticker for my car and a new t shirt! I deserve it! ðŸ˜ðŸƒ


    :hurray:  :thumbup1:  :cheers2: You do deserve it!  

  6. I've never heard of the jumper knee bands.  I hope it helps.


    Today was a 5 mile run.  I changed my normal route because it started to thunder, so after my park loop I headed home, but when I got to the bottom of my hill it still wasn't raining, so I ran up another hill before heading home.  It turned into quite a workout.  Because of the thunder my 3rd mile was a minute faster than my normal pace, then I added a half mile long hill.  I did a quick jump in my pool (I know I shouldn't have, but it felt so good!) then did some kettlebell.  Today was single leg deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, and swings.  

  7. It does sound like her plate is quite full.  But if you want to gently try and get her to read offer a bribe.  It could be read X number of books and get X dollars, or after each book a movie, or whatever you think she might like.


    I also think you should take her to a book store and let her browse and get whatever she wants.  It doesn't have to be a "good" book, just something fun, even a graphic novel if she likes those.  


    Make it fun, but don't push. 

  8. Yesterday afternoon I was able to get in a 30 minute yoga practice.  This morning I ran 5 miles and came home and jumped in my pool!  It was the first time I was able to do that since I normally run while my kids are at swim practice and our pool was out of commission for a week because we got  a new liner. I then got in 3x5 clean and presses and 1 arm rows, followed by 10 heavy swings.  It feels good to get back to some strength work. 

  9. Terry Pratchett books.  They are funny.  He's written numerous books, some are YA, others adult.  The adult aren't bad, just some innuendo and some bad words (he's British, and they have a different take then we do on the use of some words). But they are a ton of fun.  We've listened to Making Money, Going Postal, and Unseen Academicals.  

  10. 5 mile run, then some strength training.  I haven't done any for a couple of weeks, so today it felt hard but good.  I just did 3x5 deadlifts,and then x10 push-ups, pull-ups and heavy swings. I want to increase my miles run durning the week, so I plan to do stength work but keep it short and sweet.   

  11. I run, usually outside, though I use a treadmill often in the winter.  I stream yoga classes from YogaGlo.com, and for kettlebell I have DVDs as well as a program.  I like to mix it up.  


    If I had to go to a gym I would never exercise.  I may have the opportunity to take yoga classes this fall (there is none offered for a 50 mile radius).  I don't know if I'll enjoy a class, but I may give it a try.  


    I think it's important to find the format that works for you and your motivation.  My motivation was a physical and mental breakdown about 7 years ago. 

  12. I believe my son was younger than 7 when he beat me in a 5k, and I run all of the time!  He and his friends kept doing these sprints.  They would walk and giggle and run like crazy, then walk and laugh some more.  All 3 in their group beat me.  And my oldest son, who was 11 I believe, was walking when I caught up to him.  When he saw me he sprinted for the finish.  :glare:   I remember feeling like I was dying, going all out, and these little guys walked and laughed ahead of me.


    Instead of having it discourage you, take them to the park and run sprints with them.  It's fun and great exercise.  And if you're worried about osteoporosis I recommend weights.  Do weighted squats and lunges,  do presses, one armed rows,  push-ups and pull ups.  Running will strengthen your hips, but not your upper back (well, it does a little).  

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